Taking on Woke Inc.
Congratulations, graduates! Your days of leftist indoctrination are behind you. Just kidding! The glass tower of the corporate world is fast becoming as woke as the ivory tower of the college world. In PragerU’s 2021 commencement address, Ben Shapiro offers some sage advice for how to stick to your values… no matter where you go.
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Congratulations, graduates!
Your days of indoctrination in wokeism are behind you. Your worries about being graded down because you wouldn’t say America is systemically racist? Over. Your fears that you’d be socially shunned because of your failure to decry the evils of capitalism? Done. Yes, you’ve been liberated!
Next stop: the real world, where merit is rewarded, diversity of opinion is welcomed, and the free and open exchange of ideas is celebrated.
Just kidding.
The truth is, many of you are about to move from the ivory tower of the authoritarian left to…well, probably, the glass and steel tower of the authoritarian left.
Today’s business behemoths have also become bastions of woke thought. Terrified of discrimination lawsuits and all the time, money, and bad PR, they bend to every woke diktat that blows through their HR departments.
Corporations spend millions on useless “diversity compliance officers” whose sole purpose is to insulate them from an ever-expanding list of discrimination claims, but most especially, racism. That’s why, within the first few days on the job, you will likely be subjected to an orientation taught by a devotee of Ibram X. Kendi or Robin DiAngelo. During a day-long struggle session, this “anti-racist” consultant will inform you that, if you’re white, you must become “less white.” And if you’re a person of color (a P.O.C), you are a victim.
Corporations cater to their squeakiest customers—and the authoritarian left is nothing if not squeaky; it threatens boycotts and company-destroying publicity if businesses refuse to comply with its demands.
According to a study by James Bailey and Hilary Phillips as reported in the Harvard Business Review, a generic corporation identified as apolitical or liberal saw no blowback from a panel of prospective consumers; but a generic corporation identified as conservative saw a 33% drop in opinion, “entirely driven by participants who identified as Democrats.” That’s why your boss will likely send out regular company-wide emails assuring you that he or she or xe is on the Right Side of History and pledging millions of dollars in support of whatever the leftist cause du jour happens to be. And you’ll be forced to echo these messages or seek employment elsewhere.
Corporations, above all, are risk averse and controversy averse. This means that they are petrified of their own woke workers and cater to them in order to avoid media-manufactured blowback. While apolitical staffers and conservatives may constitute the majority of employees at any company, the corporate heads are driven by fear of a vocal ideological minority. Which is why if you offend one of your fellow employees on a message board by suggesting that there are non-sexist reasons why men outnumber women in STEM jobs, you’ll be summarily fired. Just ask James Damore of Google.
Conservatives used to believe that what happened in college stayed in college. This was a colossal mistake. Slowly but surely, college radicals have renormalized America’s institutions. Let’s talk about how.
Author Nassim Nicholas Taleb discusses the process of re-normalization in his book, Skin in the Game. Let’s say you have a family of four, including one daughter who only eats vegan. Mom now has a choice: she can cook two meals—one for the non-vegan family members, and one for her daughter; or she can cook one meal with only vegan ingredients. She decides to cook only one meal. This is renormalization of the family unit, which has converted from majority non-vegan to vegan.
Now, says Taleb, have the family attend a barbecue with three other families. The host has to make the same choice mom did—make one meal or make two. This process of renormalization—the “new normal”—continues until broader and broader numbers have been moved by one inflexible person.
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/taking-on-woke-inc

GOP takes on corporate America. Unbeatable hilarity/stupidity. Guess they forgot who was paying their campaign bills.
I cook my own meals when there is nothing at the table that satisfies due to my Asperger's on hypersensitivity causing me to be a picky eater. If I had a child who was vegan or vegetarian whether it is for extreme animal advocacy or allergic to animal protein, I'd teach them the same. A similar situation was done when one kid in my elementary school was found to have been allergic to peanuts causing peanut products to be banned from the cafeteria table. Although I never got in trouble for my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I had in my lunchbox.
(3:35) This process of Renormalization—the “new normal”—when broader and broader numbers have been moved by one inflexible person
I always give 5/5 on diversity survey's. If they get bad scores they push even more woke garbage to try to bring it up. If they get a high score they think their work is mostly done and don't work as hard, which is as close as we can get to them going away.
Being woke is a shorthand for being kind, empathetic, compassionate and caring.
Now notice who is attacking the woke people. So perfectly fitting.
Who, if not the pseudo-religious, pseudo-Christian, 'god-fearing', money-worshipping narcissistic abusers to spread neighborly hate around. 😏
So, in short, what you are saying is: become woke against wokeism?
IF this was true, the entire world would be cristian.
This Wokeism monster WILL be defeated once Jesus Christ comes down from Heaven and tells these freaks and all other "goats" (i.e., Tribulation survivors who ARE NOT Tribulation saints) this: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." With that, He will drop ALL "goats" into the Lake of Fire, where they will suffer in torment for ALL ETERNITY.
I'm Ben Shapiro for PragerU telling you: Be an advocate for truth and liberty by saying the N-word.
Good chance dumb wokeist students simply had dumb Mccarthyist parents or grandparents then tormenting their kids to rebel them into today's situation.
It's just the backward narcissistic self righteousness that runs in the upbringing of families regardless of political leanings and views.
If PragerU keep pretend wokeism isn't Mccarthyism of the left.
I'd say you have still no decency after 70 years in the USA.
4:03 Sounds a lot like a labor union…
'Woke' is summed up in racism and liberalism, Democratic, leftist theology. It is primarily made-up of pro-choice and LGBTQ individuals.
This is very serious and it extends up through the highest levels of society and government. For there is no partiality, respect of persons, with God. (Romans 2:11) Thank you, Ben.
I am vegetarian, because of cultural reasons. Here in Asia, vegetarianism is part of culture and certain families, that extend into thousands of years. Whenever I go for social events, I only mention I am vegetarian if the organiser asks if anyone has any dietary restrictions. I usually have a meal before hand at home, and usually partake in the snacks and juices at the event. I do not want to complicate the food arrangements in an event, as well as make sure that I am following my cultural behaviours without breaking either of them.
I’ve got to become less white at work. My work is so woke it’s become very unpleasant
I am amazed that it took so long to wake up to Wokeism.
John Cleese and his team did a hilarious skit about 30 years or more on this subject…check it on YouTube.
Woke like BLM for whites.
Sadly, this also applies to independent schools.
Renormalization my ass , I don't scratch my head unless it itches or dance unless I hear music.
Hey Ben, if you don’t like it then just get a job somewhere else! Stop complaining! Facts don’t care about your feelings. Or are you some kind of Communist who wants to control Corporations? Why do you hate the free market? Maybe instead you should focus on the Sahara desert that is your wife’s genitals instead of crying about Capitalism. Remember “Facts don’t care about your feelings”.
If you have only one kid who is Vegan. You may oblige the child once in while, but if that child INSISTS on always eating Vegan, that child best learn to cook their own food or eat what they are given.
Similarly, if an actual, scant, few people at a company want to make accusations about racism, some kind of ism, inequality, or some such. THEY BETTER HAVE ACTIONABLE PROOF OR THEY BETTER GO FIND WORK ELSEWHERE.
0:05 oh I know that voice!
Victimhood Woke SJW Commercials;
-Budweiser: Pandering to immigrants
-Halo Top: Pandering to obese people
-Nike: Pandering to females
-Oreo: Pandering to homosexual people
-Procter & Gamble: Pandering to black people
-Swisse: Pandering to disabled people
-Tesco: Pandering to muslim people
-Twix: Pandering to transgender people
When would these whiny social justice warrior snowflakes understand that you do not insult your customers or pander to them or even push for more love because the truth about human nature is that you cannot demand love you have to earn it which is similar to respect. I am so frustrated with these cringeworthy commercials that spreads the victim mentality. I am all for equality because we are all human beings but in the same time these woke snowflakes need to stop worrying about what other people think about them and just focus on your own life period. All these woke companies are supposed to sell their products not to advocate for social justice propaganda nonsense which is so annoying and so cheesy. When would this madness ever end with these woke people like seriously they are so spoiled. In my honest opinion if any human being around the world that plays the victim card then that means they are a bunch of paranoid sad individuals.
PragerU: Capitalism good
Education is a vaccine for your disease.