Tax Day By The Numbers
Each year on April 15, Americans file their taxes which go to subsidize a government that is increasingly reckless in its spending. This video takes a look at the numbers behind the taxes. For more on reforming America’s tax policy, visit
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700 billion was doled out by the govt. to bailyout banks, investment bus., and other corp., some will be returned, but the ceo's, cfo's, etc., were still getting paid while they fired thousands. The Republicans, want to drop a portion of the Frank-Dodd bill that will allow these same banks to gamble with our money as they did the last time, that is reckless!!
@RADAREALIST The issue that "conservatives," Republicans and republican Tea people think is the problem with Obama and Democrats. And that is the National Debt. The facts: Reagan 1.9 Trillion; HW Bush: 1.5; Clinton: 1.4; GW Bush 6.4; Obama: 2.4. Last 30 years of added National Debt: Democratic Party Presidents: 3.8 Trillion Dollars. Republican Party Presidents: 9.8 Trillion Dollars
Nothing "conservative" about the nearly 10 Trillion GOP/conservative created debt problem.
It's amazing. Less than a year after this video was made the national debt is 2 trillion dollars greater. Frightening facts.
What a great use of our tax dollars. Remember almost half of the people in this country don't even pay taxes and are more dependent on the federal gov't.
You know there is something wrong with this country when you see people who work hard have most or all of their hard earn money taken away by the government pigs only to be distributed to the welfare leeches for them to buy drugs and alcohols or to finance some multi-trillion dollar wind generator project through "stimulus" package.
Morality does not exist in the government we are having right now.
@haypenny Doesn't surprise me at all… If you look at Obama's mentors and associates, they are all far left extremists. This is some scary shit we have gotten ourselves into, hes a wolf in sheep's clothing.
@haypenny I guess I would classify myself as a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian, to a degree. I think being a total libertarian would result in quite a bit of chaos. And honestly, I cant even bring my self to watch MSNBC pundits without my eyes exploding, for every one minute of olbermann or maddow I need to read the constitution 5 times just to feel clean again.
@haypenny Saul Alinsky would be proud of Obama and Pelosi if he were around today. Socialists of america unite 🙁
@haypenny Yea I know right lol. I can't wait for the up coming elections, so we can kick all of the statists and the progressive elites out and replace them with some real conservatives. I won't vote republican though, I will vote conservative. I think there is a pretty big difference.
I laugh at people who think the big evil corporations are the source of all that is wrong in the world. Liberals bitch about special interests, and lobbyists for these corporations ruining their big beautiful government. If the government had less power in the first place, lobbyists would'nt have the pull that they do. And you can always boycott a corporation, there's no getting away from the government.
@robertmike57 Dems are just at bat in the usual cycle of democrats to GOP and so on every 4-8 years thanks to Americas dislike of incumbents. Thanks to the grass roots conservative movement, wich is 10-20 million members strong, the republicans will likely take over the house and senate, and likely the whitehouse down the road. The American people are fed up with the taxes and handouts and spending. The statists and elite aristocracy in Washington thank you for being a mindless sheep.
@robertmike57 Hmmmm. Nazi Germany sure did govern a alot. So did communist Russia and china. Of course those are just 3 of the most murderous regimes in world history proving you wrong, there's a million more. Bottom line is, personal liberty and freedom to make and spend your money the way you want are key to a prosperous society.
@danwk7 Shame you've been brainwashed with that garbage : A government that governs least governs best. Guess you love murderers like Don Blankenship, he got less government, families of miners got dead husbands and fathers.
of course, that's just one example proving you wrong, there's a million more.
@haypenny Don't sweat it haypenny, they just haven't seen the "conservative light" yet lol.
@robertmike57 Many jobs are outsourced because contractors and employers cannot afford to pay union wages. Many employers also struggle to comply with the guidelines and penalties the government puts on them, so they move elsewhere. A government that governs least governs best.
@robertmike57 What he is talking about is income tax. The rich pay an insanely disproportionate amount of the taxes. It is un-democratic to have a majority of people vote on how a minority of people spend their money, or how much of it they have to pay in taxes. Not all rich people are greedy $ evil, and people who make 200k a year that own a small business, ya know, the people who create the most jobs, are struggling as it is to get by. Lower taxes for the "rich" and it will trickle down.
@haypenny Get out of my country you unamerican nazi. Live in China to get one of those outsourced jobs the rich maggots of this country have outsourced.
Oh check out welfare reform, pretty much refutes your hatred toward others directly on point as well.
@haypenny God, does it hurt to be so stupid? EVERYONE PAYS TAXES! Try buying a car without paying sales tax. Renting an apartment means you're indirectly paying property tax. You pay taxes filling up your car at a gas station.
The rich benefit in all sorts of ways for how the government provides services and goods to make them richer. They aren't paying their fair share .
@ilikenoodles1 fascist may may inaccurate, although the Republicans seem far more interested in trashing personal liberties than Democrats.
Corporatism with it's rampant corrupting of government better describes the malignant rich destroying the middle class that have arose over the last 35 years better describes who Heritage sells their services to.
Good message from the video. People just want to support themselves and their own families with their own hard work and determination but the current fiscal and entitlement policies of the federal government prevent many people from doing so.
@PatriotWatchUSA Uhh, you're wrong.
@robertmike57 Hahahahaha you are kidding. Obama will spend in 2 OVER what Bush did in 8.
Wake up fuit
America is the first nation with armed slaves lol
The wreckless spending is on the fascist right wing whack jobs being done by the undertaxed rich destroying this country
Very Nice