Telling the Truth About Socialism
Conservatives may be discouraged by the latest surveys confirming that nearly one half of millennials are receptive to living under socialism and equate capitalism with greed.
But instead we should use this as an opportunity to educate all Americans about failures of socialism.
Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson revealed at a Heritage Foundation event that between 2000 and 2012, “the rate of absolute poverty in the world fell by 50 percent.”
That “the poor in the world are getting rich at a rate that is absolutely unparalleled in all of human history.”
But unfortunately, young Americans are unlikely to hear this news.
Peterson says that because of the technological revolution, in order to attract attention and make money, the media is turning to the old journalism adage, “If it bleeds, it leads.”
They obsess over the latest school shooting and bloody street riot. And yet the rates of violent crime in the U.S. have actually plummeted in the last 50 years.
This brings us to the urgent task of exposing the trending delusion that socialism is just another political system.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and their fellow socialists carefully omit any mention of the principles laid down by Karl Marx, the founding father of Socialism.
Like the abolition of private property and control over the production of goods and services, and decision-making.
Read the article: https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/these-are-the-most-telling-failures-socialism

Well if this isn't Propaganda, I don't know what is.
Bro thats like the most stupid thing i have ever heard
The capitalists want you to believe that there are no alternative options. There are. Look at the Nordic Model.
socialism if successful is amazing but its like a 0.001% it will become successful l because of human nature of always wanting power
Socialism is a fucking scam i am cuban and see the truth behind hit, socialism and capitalism BOTH are failed and flaw systems. but i will always pick capitalism for now.
Imagine the nonstop squealing if millenials were actually forced to live under the draconian socialist system they think they want?
Bernie isn't really a Socialist. He just thinks that some problems can and probably should be solved by society. For example, public education might solve a lot of problems and be of benefit to everyone, so maybe we should have public education. Similarly, Medicare for all, might solve some problems in a better way than relying upon charity …. I, for one, think that Medicare would be more honest than allowing private businesses to generate HUGE tax deductions by charging much more than any insurance system will pay, more than all of us working together can pay, and pretending that their 'loss' and also their 'charity' are more than a carefully calculated fabrications that guarantee HUGE profits. Bernie's not a Socialist. He's on our side.
Ahhh the heritage foundation, the rich spending billions to brainwash working class Americans against their best interest since 1973
Bet if you go back past you find they couldt play will with others come from broke family or only child or mental health issues or STDs
I work hard because I would like eat hi have a place to lay my head something to wear take care of my kid do I have no TV no cable I don't have a lot but what I get I would like to keep it. It pissing me off someone going to come and take what little I have that I worked hard for. Plus I'm a grown adult I have a hard time dealing with be told what to do. So do all Americans so this is going to be a fun ride. I hope it dont get to blood y
If everyone is the same and equal there won't be and racism rigth Americans are like children believe anyone that will make their world better without doing anything. nothings free
It's not socialism half Americans wnats it's the promise the racism will end and they are ready l to sale their souls . Which racism will always be around as long as everyone think differently. You just can't end hundreds year of hate from the cradle with a new government that is just as racist the new president joe is just as racist as anyone else. How is that going to work you are wanting racism to end but vote in office a racist man. Remember racism come in many form it dont always mean white and black American fail to understand by their not being able to take responsibility for their on actions and it everyone else fault shifting blame to make them self feel bigger and in the rigth.
Absolute misrepresentation of what socialism is, socialism is not communism, and what people want is a social democracy like in Europe and especially Scandinavia, this propaganda film is full of lies.
The economy right now is socialism for the rich rugged capitalism for the poor
Lolz, way to straw man socialism and completely wiff on historical facts. Socialism and communism existed long before Karl Marx.
Millennials are stupid and full of shit!
The brain-cell abortion clinics known as universities are brainwashing idiot millennials and generations y and z into supporting this garbage.
Most of that poverty reduction was in China, a communist country LMFAO. Also China has the biggest middle-class in the world, not India. What a bullshit video
Every rich capitalist hates equality, fairness, socialism and Jesus. Why? Greed.
The problem is that AOC and Bernie aren't socialists, they're social democrats.
Socialism, ideas so good they are mandatory
Socialists are often very generous with other peoples money
this is what’s happening right now to america 😳