The 4 Pillars of Civilization Under Attack by Climate Activists
Tucker Carlson is joined by journalist and author of “Apocalypse Never” Michael Shellenberger to discuss how the global elites and so-called “climate activists” are destroying civilization.
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Without an emergency the globalists can’t crap on our human rights,although they keep trying 😢😢to
😢A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Fifth column – Wikipedia
Under attack from the V'th column.😢
Dont Blame India China For USA Crap !!! Not the same over there Michael Shell !!!!!
Don't forget about the men who invented free/clean energy that had "accidents " within 2-3 weeks after going public…….
1. I am with the fact that we people are involved in the rise of recent global warming.
2. I don't want to pass those policies anymore after seeing more of those horrible wars happening with tanks and fighter jets that don't care. Also blue politicians and rich people who fly private jets that don't care.
3. I support the placement of more energy from dirty to nuclear to clean. More energy we need.
only 67k views? this is being suppressed, means he's spot on the truth
Not even one climate elitist sets an example by conserving energy. Not even one.
Thx Tucker
Death rides a "green" horse !
We need to shut down all of soros's carbon emissions. That way him and his descendants can live in a tent with no campfire!
The climate idiots is just being used by WEF / UN and the hyper rich 0,1% parasite class to speed up "the great reset" agenda. "The Great Reset" is meant to make everyone except the 0,1% poor and powerless with no control over their own lives.
"….it is a grotesque display of anti-human power…" Michael, thank you for saying that out loud!!! Talk about hitting the nail on the head…. ; )
Have long commented that ‘Net Zero’ has the potential to claim far more lives – generally dispersed – than did ‘Final Solution’.
4 Pillars of Civilization: Cheap Energy, Meritocracy, Law and Order, and Free Speech.
So tired of Sociopathic leaders attacking our cheap and easily available energy grid! They must hate humanity!
How protected from consequences are the global elites?
It’s a scam. Plain and simple.
I have noticed that they are no longer encouraging us to make different choices, now it's bullying and cajoling us into the pens of 15 minute cities.
When natural gas can be used efficiently and effectively it should be used. It's a very clean burning fuel. It's common sense to use the cleanest fuels that are economically and efficiently possible. We should never ban fuel or energy. We should study fuel efficiency. Fuel and energy are the largest industry on Earth. If the oil industry would leave patent holders of fuel efficient engines and H20 engines we could study fuel efficiency
The climate change thing is a HUGE scam
Just another way for "other guys" to own the energy