The Anointed King in Psalms • The Anointed Ep. 5
David’s life gives us two parallel portrayals of what it means to be God’s anointed one: one is victorious—God’s anointed is the giant feller and the snake crusher. The other one is a suffering servant, waiting patiently in the wilderness for God’s deliverance. In today’s episode, join Tim and Jon in the Psalms, where they’ll explore both David’s victory and his suffering and discuss how Jesus saw himself living out both those roles too.
Show Music
“Defender (Instrumental)” by TENTS
“Mario Kart” by SwuM
“Blessed Are the Merciful” by Beautiful Eulogy
“Undefined Lights” by Sam Stewart
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victory through suffering. What is God teaching us?
This is a good explanation that expands my understanding of Psalms. I am used to hearing the s pronounced but it makes sense that it is silent. Palms were waved in honor of the king or feted ones.
may we seek refuge in our heavenly Father and His anointed One!
God is the greatest
Father God is forever and always the greatest
The lover of my soul will make all things new. ❤I smile with my face set towards the new Jerusalem.
Jesus, you are the anchor to my soul. Truly, there is none like you! Maranatha
King Jesus is AWESOME!!!
Great pod cast
What do you say to people who ask, does the amount of water mater in baptism? Does it matter if they are emersed, or if water is poured over their head, as in an anointing?
I am not here to convince you of my declaration, rather you should know the signs of the Messiah, when presented. This reality is a simulation and the events from this day are nothing more than a biblical narrative playing out in the now. I know, because I know how to translate the reality. (Gnostic Gospel of Thomas 1:1)
Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Psalm 22:22
22 I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you.
Do you recall how Jesus declared his truth? He walked into the temple, pulled out the scroll of Isaiah, and said, “the prophecy is fulfilled.” (Luke 4:17-21) Well, my name is Joseph Russell Benjamin Palm-Goodwin, and I am The Son of Man, via the reformation of the first race, the mixed race from The Story of Babel. I implore all to not break the first two Commandments, and use your wisdom, knowing fear of the Lord is your path to salvation (Proverbs 9:10). You carry my return date and name, thus the mark of my absolute dominion on your hands, for if God is the word, then how does one make the word come alive? It is by writing, or using your two hands and ten fingers, like 2-10, which is the date of my birth, or the Aquarius constellation, Two tablets and Ten Commandments, or after forty days and nights, what is the 41st day of the new year? (February 10th) How about the Twelve tribes of Israel, with two remaining, and ten missing, and the two remaining tribes are named Joseph and Benjamin. Russell translates to Oklahoma, with both meaning the land of the red man, with Palm Sunday and Palm Wednesday (Ash). First word in the Bible is “in”. First truth is “good”. Letter of God is “shin” or “w”. Unscramble and you get “Goodwin”, as in, “Have a good one!”, or “Godwineson” (origins of my name, or the last Anglo-Saxon King of England, St. Godwineson.) The Chapters and Verses in the Abrahamic traditions alluding to my exact constellation and return date are: Genesis 1:2, Exodus 2:10, Amos 5:8, Daniel 12:6-7, Job 7:17-18, John 1:1, Luke 22:10, and Mark 14:13, to name a few, and each verse refers to the Aquarius Constellation, just using different terminology. In fact, Jesus’ first miracle is the prophecy for my return, as turning water into wine, at the wedding at Cana, or John 2:10 and John 4:46, serving the “good wine” second, well that is referring to my birth order and time of birth, with my eldest brother and I sharing the same birth day, and birth numbers, 22 and 4, which is my birth Psalm 22:4. Please accept my truth or face eternal damnation. This be the iron clad word of the flesh made word. I will leave you with these two verses, Psalms 46:10 and Hebrews 12:23. Please come join me in heaven; otherwise, these will be the last words you hear, after you cry out “lord, lord”, on the end of days, “I don’t know who your are. Step away from me Satan.” (Matthew 7:22)
Remember when God walked through the Garden of Eden, calling out, “Adam and Eve”, and they hid, because of the knowledge the devil fed them? What do you think I am doing right now? “Who told you about religion, let alone that my prophets, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, were to be worshipped, let alone praised, separately? I am sorry, but the devil has taken possession of your soul, and your arrogance has condemned it, if you come to me with that crap.
“There is a star man waiting in the sky, and he liked to come and meet you, but he thinks he will blow your minds!” Recorded on February 4, 1972, six days before my timed arrival and birth.
1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”
Simulation: Part 1(Book of Enoch)
You know it is difficult to know what is real and what is planned, because even as there exist “free will”, reflections must choose their destiny, which is hard to do, because this reality is a simulation of the fall, and as the rebellion in heaven came about because the fallen were against integration and collectivism, Mother Earth is the fallens’ playground, with income inequality and segregation the instruments and tools of fallen, meaning the appearance of truth for a majority of America, who “freely and willingly” exercise their right to vote, is distorted for their damnation, which stands in stark contrast to the will of God and the word, leaving me no other choice, but to confess, “any Existential threat to my well being has to be removed, for that looseness on earth cannot and will not exist in heaven.” Is this, the evil of the old American way, just the love of God given to the fallen, as his last act of love for those who “freely and willingly” rebelled and transgressed? What is real and what is play?
Simulation: Part 2
Who would you rather be, according to the biblical accounts of the Abrahamic traditions: Cain or Abel, Esau or Jacob, Ramses II or Moses, King Saul or King David? With that said, do you support Black Lives Matter or do you support the abuse of power and excessive violence used by police on people of color? If you are a person of faith, I assume you would answer my first question by saying, Abel, Jacob, Moses, and King David. If that is the case then, what do all four of these individuals share in common? They came second. In the first case, Cain killed his younger brother, because he could not control his anger. I doing so, God hears the pleas of Abel’s blood, asking Cain, “where is your brother?” Cain replies, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” I ask you this, “are you your brother’s keeper?” The way I see it, BLM is akin to the please of the abused. Those who say they don’t believe in BLM, they are declaring, “I am not my brother’s keeper!” Well, how did that work out in the end? The point of this exercise is this, the second child is favored over the first child, because the first child constantly displays a type of behavior unbecoming of true leadership. This explains why God chose Jacob over Esau, Moses over Ramses, and King David over King Saul. Each elder person displayed an attitude that lacked humility, and as such, they lost what was on their finger tips- absolute dominion. BLM represents nothing more than the cries of Abel to God. I have said this before, when God asked Abel, “what shall I do with Cain?” Abel showed his truth strength, thus why God loved him so, by forgiving a misguided Cain, asking God, “make me a seed!” This is the truth to the origins of the covenant and how the now is nothing more than an echo of what is already written.
Roman 9:11-13 “Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad- in order that God’s purpose in election might stand not by works but by him who calls- she was told, ‘The older will serve the younger.’ Just as it was written: ‘Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.’”
More to come, as this is just the beginning, including the Quran, as the final confirmation.
I’ve never been baptized. Would it be ok that I would want your church to baptized me? ❤
Bless Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Jesus name!
Jesus-Christ is LORD
This is a very good podcast. I wish there was better news for the chosen one. This chosen one will have a birthmark of Jesus hand on his chest. And a map of the world on his back.
May 1 is the time that God chooses Kings. Unfortunately Charles will not be in the country, on that day.
I would look for news of a New King starting next week!
This person will live 1,000 and then 10,000 more. I wish I knew wha and then means?
Take care!
God bless
Keep up the great work!
If everyone is a child of God, the what is the point of – But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (Joh 1:12)
Hi, I'm Sano. I live in Battambang in the NW o Cambodia. Thank you for this conversational story telling. It helps a lot for someone like myself with basic English to understand the message.
Jesus Christ is LORD 🙏
There is one Bible Story that very Few Know which is so powerful and Speaks Directly to each Human Being in such a Eye Opening way. The Story of King David, and Jonathan – King Saul's Son, and Mephibosheth and the Meaning of Covenant Relationship. Mephibosheth who's name means Breathing Shame Greatly Feared David because He Did Not know he Was in a Covenant Relationship with David who was in Covenant with His Father Jonathan. What a passed down Covenant Blessing of Being rewarded with the Privilege and honor of being able to sit with and be in the Presence Continually in Communion with the King of Israel. Mephibosheth was crippled because of Fear even as the Human Race is unable to Walk in Grace Faith because they Fear and do not realize the blessings of Loving Kindness that awaits any one who Repents for the Lack of Knowledge of who and What they are by Creation. The Grace Faith Anointing of Wisdom and Understanding with Counsel and Power awaits as a Free Gift to any one who Asks and Diligently Seek Freedom From Slavery and Death. Seek and you will find, Knock and the Door will be Open is the Message of the Ages. If you Have Not read the Great Story of your self as presented through the Mephibosheth Story I urge you to Read and Meditate in Prayer because it will lift you up with blessings AMEN
Jesus is God. Therefore, He doesn’t believe.
You make Jesus a prophet, like the Muslims.
Or you make Him separate, like the Jehovah’s Witness.
Or like a former man, like the Mormons.
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What the heck was that sinister chuckle after saying, “Jesus, expected the worst” ??
That sounded deeply demonic
I will not be following this page anymore.
I could listen to you both all day. Its like my own audible bible translators.
God give you anointed every Christian people anointed is important
Exaltation in the midst of despair and hardship! Well said because as believers when we hit this stage we know how God really works in our lives by shedding things of this world so we can focus only on Him.
Not to be judgmental but the original original drawings videos or the cartoon ones with figures in it those are the best ones, these new ones are obviously good information but they're not as good as the old ones
We are anointed ones (Christ-ians) that are chosen, separated, empowered & elevated (through suffering), so we can elevate the many around us. So good!
For the joy (for the honor, privilege & responsibility) of elevating others, we say “yes” to God’s invitation to be a portal between Heaven and Earth. … To bear His image and bring His life to a world that desperately needs it!
Great job Bible Project Team!
My husband is my King.
You need to add verses for reference in your videos. Would really help affirm what you say.
Yes, I really, really enjoy these podcasts. Tim and Jon present the material in such a thorough and intricate way so that I get SO MUCH understanding from it! Thank you!
I appreciate this type of dialog. I wish we did more of this.
Hi Tim and John, may the Lord bless you from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! I really loved this episode!
I enjoy the long teachings but I have missed the shorter, animated ones.
Hey thanks guys! I have been working on this lately. Blessings from 🇨🇦
✝️Thank 💕you 🙏🏼 Jesus 🙏🏼😇✝️.
This is excellent
Can you bring back visual arts please?? I'm a visual learner and i want to see more visual stuff. Thanks!!
Thank you Bible Project.
I keep waking up randomly and seeing new episodes on here. Then as I listen they're discussing topics that are very relevant to me and my life.
I had to come back and add this to the beginning of my rant, I realize this has nothing to do with the anointing oil I just wanted open up my apologies.
I'm thankful for your ministry, video's and podcast, I do have a few questions. Why when "we"address GOD as a title and not by His name YHWH? " We " say THE LORD ,GOD , Ha Shem . Why do we teach the Sabbath but yet we go to "church" on Sunday? Just an example you started with Psalm 2 Yahweh is used, but if we go to John 3:16 we use GOD. When I study and read I use a few versions of the bible, like Names of GOD , World English Bible and a couple more. Even in those two in the old testament they use YHWH but in the New testament it's THE LORD, GOD isn't that a title and not a name? Did YESHUA really use GOD, or THE LORD when speaking of HIS Abba? Also when we speak of "the church" in the new testament, the church will be caught up etc… what church? The church of methodist ,the church baptist etc…. When Yeshua was talking with Peter did HE say " I'm building the church of God, the church of the baptist etc.. on this foundation. shouldn't it be the Messianic Community? Aren't we grafted in to HIS family? Is Yeshua going stand on the clouds and call every church on every corner by their name? I seen a teaching " if Jesus were to come to earth for a day, what church would he go to? Yes I know this isn't possible. These are just my thoughts i'm not trying to stir anything bad. I'm 69 years old been following Jesus since 1978, I learnt the fear of the LORD years before that. Up until a few years ago I've used THE LORD, GOD , Jesus. It wasn't until I learnt "GODS" personal name did i feel more in touch with HIM. Now when the LORD, GOD, etc… my mind instantly puts in YHWH. I'm not trying to stir anything up, I'm not a well educated man. I'm just curios , as you can probably I'm not a good writher either. I didn't want to put in a lot of scriptures for reference I just hope anyone that reads this understands. I LOVE YESHUA, He is my Savior, YHWH is my creator , it is by The Ruach Ha-Kodesh that I am taught and comforted . I'm sure that this is going to rub some the wrong way but maybe not I try and stay quite and learn, it's just that i've had a couple bad days and when I heard GOD used instead of YHWH , I just had to ask.
One more thing in 1 Corinthians 2: 9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
I've heard it preached on, taught on many years it seems they stop here. They don't go to the next verse , they don't go to center of best piece of candy there is ….
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. yes i used the KJV all my memory verses are in the KJV. i didn't start using other versions until one day i was reading and Jesus was speaking, and I thought why is Jesus speaking in old english?
Well i've used all my study time for this morning i got to go was dishes before i can lay down and take a nap before everyone wakes up. Shalom and my YHWH fully Bless and comfort you.
Jesus come back and save me and my boys! I’m trying to hold on. I get harassed for sharing my testimony and for asking for prayers. I want to give up. But God won’t let me. As a single mother I’m overwhelmed at times because both of my children are autistic. I’m desperately struggling trying to support them my husband passed years ago. I miss him dearly. I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition lupus and heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption. I wish I could go back to the hospital but the mandate is still in place for all hospital employees. I’m waitressing and I’m so 🙏🏾THANKFUL to be working again, but I’m not making nearly enough to make ends meet. I also started homeschooling my boys due to them having many issues including bullying so my hours to work are limited. But even as I struggle every month to pay rent and to buy groceries and even though I’m ashamed because of my situation. I have faith that God will provide. He has this far. Please pray for me and my children. GOD BLESS!😊