The Antichrist Loves This New Payment System | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I discuss central bank digital currencies and how they continue to accelerate. I also explain how I believe a new Federal payment system could be just what the Antichrist needs to lead a cashless society.
Subscribers will have access to exclusive content where I answer questions such as, “Will we have the same personalities in heaven?” and “Did Jesus descend into Hell after his death?”
Visit https://endtimes.com to access this entire video.
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I am a subscriber, but I have no idea how to access the “subscriber only” section. How I can get there?
Congress should opt out of this digital currency and abolish the Fed Reserve.
Biden should be impeached for signing the bill to go to a digital currency as an act of Treason. Can President Trump reverse that digital currency plan if he becomes President again in 2025?
Maybe we will find out once we get to heaven?
I’m curious why God didn’t seal Satan into the bottomless pit,when he was cast out of Heaven and sealed away from any any access to mankind or heaven? Perhaps if Satan was not allowed access to mankind way back. He would have had no access to Adam and Eve in the Garden and would not have been able to tempt Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of good and evil and cause the fall of mankind.
watch >>> MESSIAH 2030
Feast of trumpets moves 10 days in a jubilee year.
Read Isaiah chapter 35
We need to pressure our politicians to dump and abolish the Federal Reserve Central banking system,if it’s not to late? Back in 1963 Then President John F. Kennedy attempted to gut the Fed. He signed Executive Order#11110 to transfer the printing of our U.S. Currency back to the U.S. Treasury Department interest free. He did that in June 1963 just five months before his assassination on November 22,1963 thousands of dollars in United States Note as silver certificates were circulated into our economy when VP Lyndon Johnson took office his death. LBJ reversed JFK’s order,then turned the printing of our currency back to the Fed. I think JFK saw the danger of the Fed.
🙏Hi friends of pastor Mark I have a New video on Bible Prophecy and the End Times. Please go to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless you all 🙏
🆘✝️🌎🗽🇺🇲🙏Judgment day is Coming. APOCALYPSE IS COMING. Jesus Christ is Coming
Most importantly is "Keep your eyes on Jesus" our saving Grace!
the only thing these OWL's understand (one world lovers) is an Ar 15 in their face. America, take up arms….storm D.C. and take back control of these diabolically evil government!
Pastor, I wish you wouldn’t make people pay a subscription because some of us older ones are on fixed income ( $900.00 monthly). Please understand that I am not complaining I just want to hear your teaching. Love ❤️ in Jesus
They don't have power over me! Kiss my u know what! REBUKED!!!
Thanks for the good info
Ha ha ha ha ha! GRRR! Ha ha ha ha ha ha aha aaaaaaa! Boo! Ha ha ha ha.
Thank IBM and their numbering system they created for Hitler to use on the Israelites and other people to control and murder them. Bill Gates and Elon Musk and Google and NSA and others are all using those systems to control the world and to destroy the world.
Im from the Bahamas and our government has placed a new strain on CREDIT UNIONS. To have greater control over cash.
Guess I'll either eat grass or manna
By Amir Tsarfati :
In a few days, Jews around the world will celebrate the Feast of Trumpets. Known in the Hebrew Bible as “Yom Truah”, it is traditionally referred by the Hebrew “Rosh Hashanah”, or “the head of the year”.
Too many Christians are looking at this day on the Hebrew calendar as the day of the rapture because of the reference to the trumpet of God in 1 Thessalonians 4 and in 1 Corinthians 15.
Let me make it very clear – the trumpet of the rapture is the trumpet of God, not one belonging to Jews who gather in a synagogue to blow a shofar.
Just as the four spring festivals were fulfilled in their chronological order during the first century, the last three will be fulfilled in the near future in a chronological order, as well.
Thus, the only future event that can possibly be the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is the second coming of Jesus. But that will not be FOR the church but WITH the church.
That event will be followed by the repentance of Israel, which will fulfill Yom Kippur. Then their entering into the Millennial Kingdom to fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles.
The rapture requires no specific day on the Hebrew calendar. It is imminent. No one knows the day or the hour. The rapture isn’t limited to only two days each year.
Be ready today!
I have a question. Please answer this question for me. I have been so confused. There is a verse in the Bible that Paul says until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Then I have heard that at this time is when God turns back to Israel. In revelation it says such and such judgment happened and then they refused to repent. If the word fulfilled means complete or final then isnt it dangerous to tell people or gentiles that they can repent after the rapture. The Bible says he will turn them over to a reprobate mind. So even if they did have the chance to repent what makes us think that God will not turn them over to a reprobate mind? This is a little scary for someone who may be talking to someone who is lost. They may think they have more time to repent after the rapture but what if even the idea is wrong for us to entertain? What are your thoughts?
If this is that important, why can’t you talked about it now?
Our preacher's in eastern Europe went to jail for preaching and in America you have to pay $ 7 a month to hear to hear a preacher how sad 😥
God bless you for sharing what you know
Subscriber only section, CHARGING TO HEAR THE GOSPEL, please where is your faith?
Fednow is apart of the digital ID currency and the bricks is the Ten horns in King's I believe so also
Excellent message Dr. Hitchcock, God Bless you