The Benefits of Conservatism | 5 Minute Video
What makes conservatism right? If you’re a conservative, you should know why you’re right. If you’re not a conservative, why should you think about becoming one? Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of, “How To Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct”, explains.
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Why are you Right? Yes, you, conservative person. Can you answer that question?
I think it’s so important that I wrote a book about it — How to be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct. Because if you can’t be persuasive about why you are right, then we, the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands, are lost. So, here is the simple answer to why you are Right: It is a more practical, generous, and compassionate way to live. Let me explain:
There have been a bunch of academic studies on how those on the Left and Right approach problems. They pretty much all come to the same conclusion. The Right tends to be risk averse, more concerned about external threats like tyranny and terror. Conservatives — get this — tend to be conservative. They are less likely to play with fire, in just about every sense: financially, artistically, sexually. They are cautious about changing traditions (sometimes to a fault), which is why they cling to that crazy Constitution they like so much — and to their guns and their religion.
We conservatives also focus on what we can fix, and accept what we cannot — which is one of the many reasons we’re not obsessed over global warming. With Radical Islam we know what the threat is, and that it’s a lot worse than a few missing polar bears (I know that makes me sound mean — sorry polar bears).
Liberals, the research tells us, are generally more outgoing, more likely to try new stuff. They are open to new ideas (though not school choice, or flat taxes, or a market based health care reform), and are less likely to feel threatened by unfamiliar things. This is why, in general, they seem to have more fun. They are more likely to try drugs, for example (which is fine, as long as they don’t end up throwing up in my toaster). In short, liberals are pretty liberal. They feel free to take risks that the risk-averse usually end up paying for — over and over. Which explains the necessity for conservatism. We are the clean-up crew.
Liberals may seem to have more fun (and many do), but according to polls they aren’t as happy as conservatives. And with all the fun they’re having, I’ve never quite figured out why the angriest people I’ve encountered in my life have been liberals. Maybe it’s because short-term fun doesn’t translate into long-term happiness. Marriage, families and religion do that and those are the things conservatives most value. Liberals tend to live for now. Conservatives for later.
A risk-averse conservative is more likely to save money. He is more likely to protect his investments. He is more likely to protect property, and advocate for rule of law and preservation of individual protections. And he offers no excuses for looting. Instead, he empathizes with the Asian, Arab and black small businessman whose convenience store, laundry or restaurant goes up into flames during the riot that liberals reflexively endorse as an “understandable response to injustice.”
Of course, conservatives aren’t risk-averse in everything. But they take risks with their own lives, not with the society. Conservatives risk all to build businesses. That risk, however, is rooted in a fact-based belief (not faith) in the free market. If people want the product or service you’re supplying at the price you’re asking, you will succeed and the risk will pay off.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/the-benefits-of-conservatism

2:19 huh for later….when are you going to do something about that global warming…
Yep, the liberals contribute nothing but want everything
Jon Stewart minus his knowledge, charisma and humor + conservative grifting = Greg Gutfeld
If any of you had actually read or understood the Constitution, you wouldn't even be here arguing about anything.
Conservative: "We want freedom of speech!" Also Conservative: "We don't want liberals to be able to make their own choices, therefore taking away their freedom of speech/freedoms to be who they want" lol.
Total clowns, including this f&cking potato sack on screen right now.
As someone on the left I’m very risk averse, I’ve never tried drugs or smoking, I drink only on occasions. I don’t value tradition very much, tradition only holds value for sentimental purposes and should not be used as a means to stop progression. If something can be improved, do it.
Conservatives are for God—Liberals worship themselves. It’s also known as paganism… leads to the road of hell
"Conservatives make what liberals take." I need that on a coffee mug.
1:55 facts
New ideas are good but Communism has been tried before and it never ends well for those that want to give it one more try.
This is probably the worst summary of either of these two ideologies I’ve ever heard. 80% of this video (at least) is just hot garbage 😂
This video is worthless.
Stick to the right side. To do the right thing
I've been saying this since 2008
Leftists only know how to cause problems
Conservatives know how to fix problems
Trumpists believe in power unconstrained by any checks and balances as long as it is exercised by them. They are not constitutional conservatives. Trump8
Gutfield and his network which greed to settle dominions libel lawsuit for eight hundred million and the firing of tucker. Are not conservatives true conservatives believe in Christian morals the rule of law and the constitution people like Liz Cheney trump supporters on the other hand believe in power attained by any means and I constrained by any checks and balances. As long as it is exercised by them they are reactionaries not constitutional conservatives even jd vance admitted this when he called trump America’s hitler
Thank you for this video.
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
The idea that conservatives earn and liberals take is a commonly-used conservative lie. For the last 90 years, it has been blue-collar workers who have done the hardest work in America, and they were predominantly Democrats. Before labor unions were allowed, the exploitation of the working class by the rich, predominantly Republican class was even more egregious than in more recent decades. The tax cuts given to the rich and the corporations by the last three conservative presidents: Reagan, G. W. Bush and Trump, are a good example of conservatives taking from the working class and the middle class and giving to their rich and corporate masters. As a result, the gap between rich and poor has been widening for years, and the percentage of the country's wealth owned by the top 5%, 1%, and .10% has steadily increased, to the disadvantage of the vast majority of the population. That is why working-class wages have been flat for the last 43 years, while the income of the wealthy has skyrocketed. This is a perfect example of how conservatives take from the working class, who do the earning.
Democrats make up the majority of the prison polulation.
People on the right generally want to see statistics and logic before they move forward. People on the left are largely motivated by their feelings and emotions.
Most classic liberals are now Republicans. The Democrats keep throwing them out in favor of "Progressives", socialists and Leftists. My dad was a classic liberal, a Kennedy Democrat. He would be considered far-Right by today's standards.
This aged like fine wine 🤌
Why are you right wing because you haven't developed empathy simple
Amazing explanation. Now all US citizens will need to understand this and become conservative as much as possible.
Anyone who posted trashing comments under this video 8 years ago now thinks this video makes sense?
I love how conservatives love to forget that there is no wealth without exploitation. Conservatism has no universal morals, they only care about themselves. Liberals care for others
Liberalism has gone long ago. Todays American Politics is a battle between Conservatism vs Leftism
Read it and weep Libertards!
😂Gambini family
This video has aged like a single malt scotch.
Make some overgeneralized arguments and when someone criticizes it say liberals are all angry.
The difference from right and wrong. Conservatives seek out the right way to Live, the Left don`t care if their Wrong and have no problem telling you that your Wrong, even if your right!!!! Today, it`s become cool to be on the Wrong side of everything!!!!!
There's another Prager video that explains that liberals are not the same as the left – that are basically the opposite. It seems that, here, liberalist and leftism are being conflated.
Greg hit the nail on the head. Why do I say that? I was married into a Democrat family. They wanted to make and get handouts where I felt those handouts should be used to train and educate those on unemployment, put them to work and become a productive member of society. Though, I also said that there were those who really could not work due to injuries or birth defects and those were the people who should be getting handouts.
🧠Would the big brains at Prager PLEASE TELL ME👉
What have Conservatives Conserved since 1991?
the point at about 1:01 is absolutely insane to me because climate change is very much man-made and very much preventable
Ronald Reagan warned us about these liberals . What do they turn into ? Socialists. Then communists
2:00 maybe it’s because people in worse situations want more change?
There is a book that starts from the causes of all of that and gives the physical explanations : <<Are we Puppets of Energy?>>