The Bible and Homosexuality
There are many different opinions on this divisive topic in the Church today. So what does the Bible say?
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Is it homosexuality or gay sex thats the sin???
Here are some common questions and helpful resources on biblical sexuality:
Is the Sin of Homosexuality Singled Out?
A Question to Ask Those Who Adopt Pro-Gay Theology
Marriage Doctrine Alone Disqualifies Pro-Gay Theology
How Should You Talk to a Friend Who’s Gay?
Aren’t the Apostle Paul’s Sexual Ethics Outdated?
When It Comes to Homosexuality, the Bible Addresses Behavior
Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality
I stopped taking calls from a frend becau😢se he kept telling me was judjemental i said you judge me. I gess that's ok for you. I donot like it when some try to forse there life style on me. Some do not practice it but promote it. Latter is true of my ex frend.
Galatians 5:22-24 New International Version (NIV)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
Sex is the only thing that some people — excluding their social status or social roles; only talking about gender here — can do and it be considered righteous and some people can’t do and it be considered sinful. (Where people are permitted to enact their burning passions while others cannot for it would be considered a sin to do so)
And the only way it wouldn’t be considered this way was if it was actually for procreation. So why can't homos, impotent, and infertile people who’ve tried everything but still can’t procreate have sex, but elderly married hetero couples can?
I would just feel that it would be similar to the story of Uriah the Hittite and King David. I would be and do feel dishonored if people were to have sex without the purpose of procreation bc if your married and can’t reproduce but choose to have sex, then what is the purpose of it? Bc it’s not procreation.
Also, heteros can still have sex. And, at the very least, when they get married. And, from what I am seeing, elderly married hetero couples and still do it too. So, what is the point? Homos can limit themselves to one partner too. So, I cannot understand why some can conflate heterosexual struggles with homo ones. Although, I can see one's point that even though we — as human beings — have a desire, that does not make the desire right (such as adultery), I still would like for homos to be able to at least pursue loving romantic relationships — even if it is without their genitalia — if they cannot accept celibacy. That is what I pray. I pray in Jesus's name that God gives us a window. That He leads us to green pastures and that He is good. That He will comfort us and that we will all be joyously one in Christ. Amen.
Also, love is a fruit no law stands against for God said so.
The Bible is simply wrong on this issue- it describes homosexuality only in terms of the sex act, not sexual orientation. Homosexuals who come to Jesus are not required to change their sexuality; this does happen by God's sovereign hand, at times, but overwhelmingly, gay people simply can't change this aspect of themselves.
100% of the verses addressing homosexual behavior denounce it as sin in the strongest possible terms.
100% of the verses referencing God’s ideal for marriage involve one man and one woman.
100% of the verses referencing parenting involve moms and dads with unique roles (or at least a set of male and female parents guiding the children).
0% of 31,173 Bible verses refer to homosexual behavior in a positive or even benign way or even hint at the acceptability of homosexual unions.
This isn't complicated. Those opposing these simple truths are ignorant and/or malicious wolves.
All very good points. I think we all know this. We too fight heterosexual lusts and temptations–it is the norm of our fallen existence to be tempted by sin. We must show grace and mercy to others, for we ourselves have had grace and without it we have no hope!
What this video and most don't address is that the world hates that we don't support their sin, not merely that we oppose the sin. As such, they take offense by us even being silent. As Romans states, they expect us to applaud their depravity, else we're the enemy.
I don't see "theft pride marches" (but I can see them coming) nor do I see "anger appreciation events"… I'd like to use more examples, but the reality is many are becoming normalized. 🙁
Bottom line, we should be winsome but speak the truth. They will hate us, but they first hated Him.
who cares what that book says. Look at all the people in the Bible that didn’t follow “gods way” of “biblical marriage.”
James 4:4
You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
Don't befriend satanists.
If you can just admit before God and people that it is sinful and you have no excuses, you’re in the boundaries of salvation. We can struggle with sin, for a while, even for years. It keeps us humble and crying out to God. Salvation is from sin first. But we need to recognize sin, call it as it is, express contrition and strive with help of other Christians to overcome it.
Homosexuality and other sins are on the rise and it's the right time to explain this kind of stuff. Creator God gave us life and so he knows what is best he loves his children is always watching over us, he is patient, gentle and wise. 🌹
You're not a friend if you don't warn people about sin. Coddling is not loving.
Its a sin, if you proud of it or you think its okay and you dont repent its bad news.
Repent from it
End of story
Scripture is against unnatural sex…or sex without deep spiritual love. Homosexuality if the men love each other is not condemned. Scripture is against fornication of all kinds
So looking forward to changing your mind. You know what they say about that.
Atheism: the belief that an infinite universe has no creator or purpose, while a 10 cents pencil has a creator and a purpose…
So this omniscient and omnipotent "god" couldn't have just NOT created homosexual humans?
Religion is a mental illness
Why is it uncomfortable the lord says it's an (abomination) that ends in death… sin is sin.
I love when people say, Jesus never said anything on…fill in the blank.
John 1:1 makes it clear that since the beginning, Jesus is the Word.
John 10:30
God and Jesus are one.
2Tim 3:16
The word is God Breathed.
Jesus had a lot to say about every sin since HE wrote about it. He is the Alpha and the Omega.
Rev 22:13
Ty for this well reasoned and succinct video. As someone who has several gay, Christian friends my heart breaks as they ask why they were created with these desires. How hard it's been for them throughout their lives enduring the pressures and guilt their sexual desire has caused them. My heart goes out to them
You don't think saying "a man needs to lead his wife and mother" is terribly insulting to independent women and minimizes a woman's ability to have her own thoughts and feelings? You don't think that that sort of mentality increases the rate of violence and sexual assault against women? Here's a "hypothetical" situation for you – when a father leaves the home, the mother is left as single mother to raise her child in poverty. When the daughter grows up and becomes an executive in New York City and must financially & emotionally support her aging single mother – should the now grown daughter go find herself a husband to lead her (& her mother)? How can you not argue that that is how they got into the situation in the first place?
Words are very powerful and this type of speech, I find extremely toxic and highly insulting.
As an ex-homosexual, if there's any Christians here who is struggling with same-sex attraction and lust. Just know God is there for you ❤, if u need any advice, feel free to ask 🥰
Can you enable auto captions on your videos? Thanks
The word homosexuality didnt even exist untill recent. So the bible does not even use the word homosexuality. He forgets that Jesus also said in Mathew: For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” A eunuch is not necessarily a castrated man. ITs a man that does not have sex with a women. And this hypocrite will NEVER quote 1 Cor 11 or 1 Cor 14 where Paul writes that women are made for men, that it is a disgrace for a woman to pray with an uveiled head. That a women is not allowed to speak in the church. Because God is head of Christ, Christ is head of man, and man is head of women. All the sudden this is not the 'word of God, and they dont take this as Gods word. Instead, he would come with all kind of interpretations, 'cultural background' etc, because not one of these 'christians' who preach against gay people, will acknowledge in public that a women should not cut her hair or only pray with a veiled head, and is not allowed to speak in church. Hypocrite
Billy Graham said homosexuality is not the ultimate sin. It is a comfort to me somehow. My daughter is transgender, it is heartbreaking, but i love my baby. Seeing her go through depression and suicide attempts because she was so disgusted with her body was hell, and that started around third grade. She is happy now, comfortable in her skin and has the kindest heart. I have nothing but love and compassion for the LGBT community.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
The bible says its an abomination for me to dress like wome.
Wait so is it sin to have sex with men whale being male or to just date them
Gay is my sexuality.
Bounced on my gay, muslim, transgender boys dick for hours to this video but I see the error in my ways now so from now on im just fucking relatives. The abortion clinic needs me so im leaving like how god left us. One love salvia. 8=========D ( 0 ) ps thats a rocket ship to the promised land.
Thank for telling us that the bible was written by "STRAIGHT" people. It was like a woman charter will always protect the woman, the straight people viewed themselves as the center of the universe. Gay people believed their orientation is not a choice. Handicapped people believed their missing a limp, sight or speech is not a choice if they were created as such (which is certainly not the image of GOD) by birth.
Religions are against another religion, the same religion was divided by different denominations and killing each other. The world is more complex than all religious books combined. Even science merely understand a small fraction of our very own planet and the universe is far beyond any human undersanding. We, a mere human, are just an insignificant bacteria in the entire creation from the big bang. The LGBT should believe in themselves instead of living under the expectation of others because that is not how the entire complexity of scheme work within the confined bondary of human mind..
Instead of relying on "controversial" book written by straight people, why not believe in having a good heart, to accept diversity and consolidate the already division world? YOu can say all you want and acted on every single word from the bible and that doesn't make you a good or perfect person nor will that bring any peace to the world. Look at the straight world today, war is everywhere, and non was started by LGBT but by folks who strictly rely on "BOOKS" . Trying to be smart is not the same as wisdom, trying to be kind (through your video) is not the same as love except to justify a straight person thinking. Beside the bible, no amount of word can make you understand the genuine life of another person and the LGBT will not expect you to understand either. Probably, a non judgemental nor religious world is a better world to live in for everyone.
If you're a non believer.. You shouldn't be here. No one can convert you but the Lord. If you don't have the holy spirit, you will continue to have a hardened heart and dispute everything about the truth. So, just go away and take your wickedness with you. There are Some of us who actually want to be perfect for God. Because we are His children.
I happen to disagree with the whole video because well, its another word for word in the bible with very little research. I still love that you are trying to answer the question.
Your book is a joke and there is no denying that. Rape is not a sin but a loving relationship between two men is? How is that not backwards logic?
ok quit confusing things in the bible states to my understanding is no homosexual would enter the heavens why i do not know to add more problem to your problem your species will become extinct real fast cause you can not multiply. so to the conclusion stop making problems because that is all your doing or go to where you could make a community of your own. and will see how it turns out for you cause i have kids and i want grand sons and daughters and i do want them thinking its ok to be homosexual.
God: I have made no mistakes
2000 years later
God: whoop I made a mistake because I made homosexuals. Guess I'm not perfect…
i hope everyone understand that christians absolutely do not hate homosexual people. (i myself have LGBT friends) homosexuality is a satanic spirit within a person.
although that may sound ridiculous, we're certainly NOT talking about the flesh, we're talking abiut the SPIRIT. there's a very strong difference between the two. why many people get angry about this idea is that its because they only see it in terms of flesh and they refuse to take into account the spiritual reason.
if i was to explain christian perspective on homosexuality in a 'flesh' perspective it would be something like how people hate the fact that someone has cancer, but they connot hate the person for having it.
God also says masturbating and watching porn is a sin.
Just remember Jesus of Nazareth was killed for speaking truth to those who refused to listen.
My question is, what if somebody does not have sexual attraction for their partner and that partner is of the same sex? Nonsexual relationships do exist.
Thank You Lord for Your UNCONDITIONAL Love!! 👬 Amen!
Well, idk what they said about this video, nor do I care. I do not listen to man, but I listen to god. Both bibles..satan and christan…says its a sin. Both were written thousands of years ago. They were not written in english. They got lost in translation. The bible also states that a rapist needs to marry his victim for all of his days. Therefore, if you are not gay, stay out of it. Not your business. Gay is not a sin, hatred is….
Bull crap! I don't want to live like Jesus or the way he taught. I deny him. it's bull crap! I'm gay as ever and I will never leave my boyfriend.