The Book of Exodus – Part 2
In Exodus, the Israelites come to Mt. Sinai, where God invites them into a covenant relationship. He wants to make them his representatives to all the nations and come to personally live in their midst. But Israel rebels by making an idol of the golden calf, which is just a really bad idea.
#Exodus #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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You guys make me understand bible easily, Thank you very much that u guys were doing this,
God you are patient and faithful
Anyone wonder why they did not metnion the killing of the 3oo0 by the Levites as their ordination? I was just wondering if Moses was acring on behalf of God or on behalf of himself, since God told him how they ought to ordain the Levites, and it did not involve killing (ch. 29).
We love what you are doing and deeply appreciate your creativity!
This is so amazing thank you guys so much it’s been so much of a help while I’ve thoroughly read sometimes things can be patchy or confusing it sure takes a good long study of the Bible to get these across
This is all lie quraan is true
I don’t like seeing people saying “Make a movie!!” THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU’VE DONE ALREADY! 🙏🏽❤️
if god was mad that the Israelites were worshipping a golden calf then are Catholics wrong for worshipping the saint mary ? Even if she’s decorated under his image
Christians break the covenant when they worship statue of jesus(pbuh)
Absolutely amazing videos 🙌🏾
I hate that I was introduced to your channel so late.
Thank you for having taken the time out to simplify the explanation of the books!
God bless your souls for this hard work!!
Thank you 🙏🏼
Great video guys! Thanks for all your amazing hard work!
I'm curious about one thing you said. You mention something like the following, "…But the people refuse to go up Mount Sinai, and since they won't go up, Moses goes up by himself to meet with God. But God still wants to be with all His people, so He says, "Okay, if the people won't come up here, I'll go down to be with them and that's why He commands Moses to build the Tabernacle."" From reading Ex 19:12,13 & also verse 21 it seems pretty clear that God has forbidden them to come any closer, "Take care not to go up into the mountain or touch the edge of it, whoever touches the mountain shall be put to death" (v.12) So, I'm a little perplexed as why you have said the above. Am I missing something? Thanks guys…
On Moses' intercession, it makes you wonder if God is thinking, "I'm very pleased with your compassion for the people Moses, I can see more and more of me being reflected in your life!"
Just Amazing I am enjoying this!
I love these videos
God is omnipotent. Even if He were to wipe out the rebels and restart with one (Moses), He could have still multiplied the seeds of Abraham. Therefore, either way, He wouldn't have broken His promise. He chose mercy at the end of the conversation. This was a proof that prayers and fellowships with God can make a difference on how God carries out His plan for us.
That’s so beautiful! I love God ! Praise Jesus
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