The Book of Genesis – Session 3 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Copyright © 2023
Remastered: Re-edited and remastered video, 2023.
Originally Recorded: 2003/4
There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “world view” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.
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I am beginning to think that you have to be a rocket scientist to get to heaven 😂. I enjoy listening to all this, but the more I do, the more I realize that truely knowing the Bible requires a much higher IQ than I possess. LORD help me, I believe, but can the simple be saints?
Quantum entanglement .
I am amazed at the depth of the information provided. I absolutely love it. I've been following Jesus for 20 years and this series on Genesis is just making me stand in awe of our Creator and all the things he's done and is doing. Wow!! Completely mind blown.
The Bible is also a tesseract. It exists in three dimensions and can be unfolded through time into the past and the future.
I sure miss Mr. Chuck, but God calls, and we have to go. Thank you for these videos there is so much information God gave us and a gift as Mr. Chuck to teach it.
As fascinating as this is, I wish it were more condensed
Praise God for Chuck Missler and Khouse! I can't wait to watch this every sunday he is amazing.thank you.
Prayer for Wellness! God Bless!
This will probably have zero reach, and zero purpose to say, but "A Wrinkle in Time" was a book that talked about a Tesseract.
You want to know another thing that only exists in a math equation and not in reality? Earth. Curvature.
Idk about all this sub atomic stuff.. we can't even see an atom because it's too small and it seems like they just start making things up .. I'd like to see some proof besides for an equation that someone points to and claims it's proof because they say so..
Wow recorded 20 years ago!? Wow how the truth doesn't loose it's value and still rings true to date .. love this man!
when i listen to chuck i realize im really dumb lol
I cant tell you how many scriptural things people announce completely excited learning like its completely new that Chuck taught 30 years ago, but new to preachers today. 😅😅😅😮😮😊😊😂😂😂❤✝️❤️
I love Chuck;s lectures! To this day, however, science cannot confirm the existence of a VACUUM…no vacuum exists. Just FYI…
huh…really… now let's test and see how much we absorbed out of this presentation…😂
Chuck was a TRUELY BRILLIANT man
This is the 4th time I watched this session and I still get something new from it. God bless K House. May we be blessed forever by the pastors and preachers from K House.
So confused ? There was no preaching from the bible it was an hour and a half of babbling about time and space ?
Thanks so much for these commentaries by Chuck.
Flat Earth answers many of the questions that Chuck has.
Praise God for Chuck Missler!
@KHouse, thank you for uploading. As always a blessing to hear dr Missler using His Word for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in rightiousness.
Is it an idea do make youtube shorts?