The Book of Genesis – Session 5 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Copyright © 2023
Remastered: Re-edited and remastered video, 2023.
Originally Recorded: 2003/4
There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “worldview” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.
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30 years of studying the Bible & never until now, realized the 2nd day (monday) wasn't good!!🤯
Does anyone have a link saying that Orion is gravitationally linked? I do easily find that Pleiades is, but I can’t find confirmation that Orion is.
What a wonderful and insightful study!!! What an intelligent man Chuck Missler is! I totally buy into these assertions.
I hope people comprehend that it is rare to find a teacher who can explain a complex and data-loaded topic in a way that can be understood by people who lack knowledge that builds up to it (prerequisite).
Communion House
God bless you. I am very grateful for Chuck Missler and you guys.
If it's true then it should look true.
I thank God for the mammoth intellectual talent, and boldness Chuck had, for my sake who would be severely stunted in my search for the truth, without powerplants of rationale such as Chuck Missler and the like.
Finding and explaining concisely, logical congruence between the Bible and the observed world is exactly my style, and if I had unlimited time, the information I get from C. Missler is exactly what I would hope to find and explain, if no one had done it already. I'm very glad he and others he cites have already done it, since I do not have unlimited time.
John 16:13
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth
Of course glory goes to God the father in conclusion. Thanks Jesus.
Thank you for uploading. Did I miss Session 4?? I seemed to jump from 3 to 5.
Chuck is on point 🙏🏾
Chuck and Jack Hibbs are my Preachers and Teachers! Only 91 yrs old! I trust these two! I have never heard anything I disagree with them, plus they are more knowledgeable than me! They know more than me Biblically and worldly! Wish my brain could remember everything they say! Most of all “ It’s all about Jesus” chuck gets down to the very very depth of every word! He left us with much knowledge! Proud it’s recorded! Can’t go wrong! Where in their words teach salvation , plus much more! I love teaching Preachers!
If built a model of our cosmos and worldz based solely on how scripture describes it.. what would it look like? Would it look immovable, on pillars, firmament separating water from water, earth pressed out like a ring on wax etc.. or would it look like the exact opposite of that.. flying around willy nilly
@49:00 James Webb Telescopes is proving this now. Misller way ahead, as ussual.
For the sake of debate: Did GOD not bless the second day because the firmament was like an impassable "wall" that He had to set up so humans& the earth would not be able to see GOD'S throne. He foresaw the "thing" that would separate us from Himself. His desire is to be WITH us & we with Him. So the day was not a blessing to Him.
GOD knew ahead of time that satan, already being cast out, would reek havoc upon mankind & the earth. So a division had to be set up between GOD'S throne in the heavens & the earth. GOD cannot be where sin is present. And as sinful human beings, we would basically "destruct" in His Holy Presence.
What happens when the sky is "rolled up like a scroll in Revelation?
Love these lectures! The bible has 318 verses declaring the world "fixed", 7 more that call it "immovable." See Psalm 93:1 to start. Just FYI..?!
fascinating. I wish Chuck could still be here to teach us more
There are no ads for this channel. Koinonia House does not get paid for commercials because they do not employ them. God will bless them for many things, this is only a small one in some ways, but I am grateful not to be accosted by pot candy or underwear commercials while learning the truth of God's word. Thank you, Koinonia House for this and so much more. God bless you and all here.
It would be nice if KHouse would upload every video they ever put out onto their own site. Especially since they have their own video player. YouTube censors so much, and eventually anything Christian will be removed. It's just a matter of time. They'll allow the false christian prosperity preachers to stay, but not truth. Truth won't be allowed anywhere in this evil world. It's coming…
Amen the earth is flat, and not spining through the space at 666000 mph . It on four pilliers
Thank you always koinonia house for another great study. May the Lord smile at each soul that is transformed by these. All Glory be to God. His Will be done
Thank you!
🙂👍 TY, KH
I noticed that there is starting to be more advertising, which may not actually be a bad thing, if it doesn't disrupt the video once it starts too often if at all, I've heard other channels say that advertising can help spread the channel and its content to a bigger audience, and I pray for that all the time because people need to hear how awesome our God is, and no one does it as well rounded as dear Chuck and friends, may God keep blessing you khouse family, as we await our King of kings and His kingdom coming
Thanks Ron.
Chuck and Nancy are dearly missed. God Bless KHOUSE 🙏
Love Chucks teachings!👍🏼😁🙏🕊🔥
Why would God, being a jealous God, create so called "planets" and name them after false gods? Mercury. Venus. Neptune. MARS. No. The Bible calls them wandering stars and nothing more. "Planets" aren't even mentioned in the creation account. God created the sun, moon and stars for times and seasons. Never mentions planets.
The sun and moon are the same size
Thank you Jesus
Thank you, K house
Chuck Missler is the best!