The Book of Genesis – Session 8 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Copyright © 2023
Remastered: Re-edited and remastered video, 2023.
Originally Recorded: 2003/4
There are four basic questions that confront each of us: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going when I die? Your eternal destiny will be determined by your “worldview” in addressing these issues. And there are really only two world views: either everything – including you- is the result of some kind of cosmic accident, or this is all the result of a deliberate design by a Designer. This issue could not be more fundamental.
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The act of making us a new creation was a demonstration of Christ's power and Godhood, as well as a sign of the coming end of entropy.
June 29 about 6 PM, central standard time, if the speed of light was different in the past than it is today, that would appear to violate the first law of thermodynamics,… you cannot create energy or matter,…because if C squared changes in E equals MC squared then energy changes,…so it would seem that it would have to be fixed (I know Einstein says it’s just something that we arbitrary agree to because we can’t know as we can’t know the one-way speed of light) without affecting the first law thermodynamics,…?
Chuck Missler is an exquisite example of the living God working through man.
Thank you, heavenly father for bringing him to us and helping us understand you on a deeper level.
Thank you Khouse for providing this wonderful series 👏 👏👏
Dear Chuck could roll with the best of scientists…and God just saturated him with understanding of all the knowledge in the light of His Spirit. What a blessing to us all!
God Bless Chuck and KHouse. We're definitely glad you guys are back in the States. The Tyranny of New Zeeland is gone now🙏
Praise to God. Thanks to all Koinonia team❤
Around 41:20 Acts 15:21 seems to imply that gentiles are observing Sabbath and will learn Torah by observing it in synagogues…
““Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the nations who are turning to Elohim, but that we write to them to abstain from the defilements of idols, and from whoring, and from what is strangled, and from blood. For from ancient generations Mosheh has, in every city, those proclaiming him – being read in the congregations every Sabbath.”
Ma`asei (Acts) 15:19-21
It seems those were given (Lev 17-18) to gentiles to be able to fellowship with the congregation during Sabbath as many gentiles started coming to hear…
“And when the Yehuḏim went out of the congregation, the nations begged to have these words spoken to them the next Sabbath.”
Ma`asei (Acts) 13:42
Whenever I feel the need for a great Bible study I just drop on in with ol Chuck and get to it! Dear to my heart.
The Penalty of the Torah Laws were done away with by the Sacrifice, Atonement, and Redemption provided by Yeshua Ha Maschiac. We are still to observe the Law (Torah), including Shabbat and Repent of our Transgressions (Thoughts and Actions that miss the mark according to instructions given by Torah). This is for Jew and Gentile alike. If you are helping a Brother or Sister on Shabbat this is not regarded as work, in particular Emergency Care.
As is often the case, we gain a lot of insight with a closer or more thorough examination. Husbands are told to love our wives even as Christ loved the church (members of the body of Christ… NOT the building). Now… one could imagine that Christ would do anything required of him for his "church"… up to and including dying on the cross. Men are IN SERVICE to their wives. Women… all you are instructed to do is to respect your husbands. I wonder which is easier…? Now… if wives to this, it will turn out we are in service to EACH OTHER …. and that makes sense.
Amen ! Another excellent presentation to the glory of the GOD of the Bible by this man of GOD.
I speak on comments Chuck teaches about how Our Jehovah God, his Son and akadah, Jeshua paramount importance Is. Is that our faith and respectful relationships with our trinity God. In His importance to Yahweh is how we respond live with love and interact with the creation. Do we seek him by looking for him in it. Us in it and as Job so likewise teaches us.
Man his science-based intuition has seen the design intellegent. Like seeing the door every where, but never seeing, Who the door is. Hence falling short glory of God".
But the wine miracle aludes to us being being the miricle wine. I feel. But do a chuck dont trust me but research it. Why? The similars and metaphores are thick here.
I can listen to his teaching over and over and never get bored of hearing his vibrations he passes to others very smart and wise person God made and chose to reveal many things
What wisdom
What a wonderful insightful series, love learning about Jesus, it's actually a command from Jesus to come and learn about him, and nobody does it better than khouse, keep bringing meat, we're hungry 😋
Had the pleasure of meeting Chuck, and Nancy several times in the 90s. Always a good time and over filling the brain listening to him. Major part of my faith
You can't legislate devotion.
Should be a t-shirt
This one I have listened to a long time ago but I think it's worth the time and consideration for this one kind of messages from K House and it's truth about what time it is really
Rest in peace, Chuck Missler 😮
Thank you
The previous version of this commentary was what brought me closer to God and Jesus, get back to church and baptized. Love him!
God blessed Chuck. I will be honored to meet him in heaven.
Wisconsin GOD BLESS Dr. Charles Stanley , say hi to Chuck
"some people crawl under the law" 🐑
Hi from New Zealand
Hey from Arkansas
Blessings from NYC
Hello from North Georgia
Greeting from Oklahoma