The Book of Revelation – Session 1 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
Visit KHouse.tv for the complete series.
The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?
Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)
One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian.
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I’m listening 9/22/23 and he’s still so on point. The greats are almost gone but we still have a few good ones left.
The 5 Crowns of Reward spoken of in Holy Scripture are:
Crown of Life
for those who have suffered for His sake
Jas 1 vs 12 ; Rev 2 vs 10
Crown of Righteousness
for those who love His appearing
2 Tim 4 vs 8
possibly as in the harpazo/rapture and our hope in it pre-trib
Rev 3 vs 11
Crown of Glory
for those who fed/feed the flock/His Church
1 Pet 5 vs 4
Crown Incorruptible
for those who press on steadfastly in the Faith
1 Cor 9 vs 25
Crown of Rejoicing
for those who win souls for/to Christ
1 Thes 2 vs 19
I truly hope this helps someone and please know time is growing short. Everyday that passes is another day closer to His Coming to harpazo/rapture His Church. Please, please know you do not want to be left behind when He comes and calls his Church to meet Him in the air and return to Heaven for a time so that those who are His may be where He is. If you're left behind you're only way to then be with Him is to be able to cut thru great delusions that will be poured out upon the people of the world, not being able to buy or sell or do anything unless you take the mark/bow down to the powers of the time as if they are God, you will be persecuted, tortured, cast out, terrified and in the last beheaded if you keep the Faith. I would much rather live in the love and hope of Faith in the Christ the very Son of God, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The One who promises all of us that we will not have to go thru that terrible time to come. That is one of our great hopes and promises from Him that we can all look forward to if we are His.
You can stop reading here, (and I truly thank you for reading this far), but if you have a minute or two to spare I would implore you to read further as you may learn of a few things you never knew, that are being actively hidden and attacked in today's world.
What I've written is just a few of the reasons I have such great Faith in my Lord and Savior.
Take care and God Bless.
You must know that God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, that although He hates the sin, He loves the repentant sinner. If people will just come to Him and repent in their heart of hearts of all their sins, and proclaim Him as their Savior, their Lord, the Son of GOD.
The reason I believe in the God of the Bible, the inerrancy of Scripture and that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
We have a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report super natural events that took place in fulfilment of specific prophecies and claim that their writings are via divine inspiration and not from men alone.
The super natural events are important in that they show the divine nature of God.
Jesus Christ cast out demons, healed the sick, blind, deaf, dumb and paralyzed, walked on water, fed thousands with little, and was resurrected all of which have eyewitness accounts.
The feedings alone were witnessed by the thousands He fed on the two separate occasions that we are told of in the Gospels.
John tells us that there were many more miracles/signs than what are recorded in the Bible/Gospels and that it would have filled volumes of books upon books were he to have written them all down and that it would have taken more than one lifetime to do so.
The claim that men wrote the Bible so it can not be true means that no other book ever written should be believed, no matter the topic as they're all written by man.
The Bible is not just a book it is a collection of books written over a period of thousands of years of which all those books are linked together by One Divine Author. In this collection of books there are over 40 authors but only one Devine Author who links them all together via the Holy Spirit. Those authors wrote down His inspired Word given to them by God.
66 Volumes/Books in the Bible.
The bulk of the New Testament was written over a period of around 50 years. It was in 49 AD to 53 AD when the Scripture writings of the New Testament are thought to have begun. With the last living Apostle John dying in 100 AD.
Over a period of around 1500 years it was preserved and passed on:
In 3 Languages
On 3 Continents
There are 66,360+ source documents that have been found for the entire Bible of which there are 24,360 and counting source documents for the New Testament alone.
5,839 in the original Greek, some 2 million pages
18,524 translations of that Greek into other languages
Some of the oldest sources date to 125AD which is within decades of the completion of all the books that were canonized as the New Testament.
The New Testament cannon, (Gospels of the Apostles/writings, Epistles/letters to the early Churches, all sources and eyewitness accounts that were to be included), was decided at the Synod of Carthage in 397 AD.
Those asking for "Scientific Proof" about the Bible are either ignorant or asking with evil intent. An intelligent person knows that the scientific method can not be applied to verify the Bible.
Scientific Method is:
1) Has to be observable.
2) Has to be measurable.
3) Has to be repeatable.
Therefore no history can ever be proven via scientific method.
You must use the historical method based on:
Eyewitnesses accounts.
Documents from the time or as close as possible.
Make sure the story is corroborated by as many sources as possible.
Look for anyone/anything that attempted to prove any of it false in that time period or as close to it as possible.
Did anyone successfully prove any of it untrue?
If they had/have why is there no record found anywhere of it ever being disproven?
Luke = Historian
A man of science, a physician, an educated and logical man who researched and gathered the accounts of eyewitnesses. He recorded the actual eyewitness accounts of our Lord and Savior, those who had heard Him speak and were present/saw the signs/miracles He performed. He did this because the life of those eyewitnesses were coming to an end due to age and he was inspired to write them down via the Holy Spirit before they could be lost or perverted by time.
John = Evangelist
John is organized around 7 specific events/signs/miracles all seen by eyewitnesses and corroborated by many. So he also provides proof of accuracy/truth.
Mark = The shortest of the Gospels and is very direct or "Just the Facts" if you like.
Mathew = Was written to the Jewish audience and that's one of the reasons for the extensive genealogy of Christ. There are also more references to the Old Testament in his gospel compared to the others.
Peter = He lays out all the proof for the Bible and it's accuracy in 1 Peter Chapter 1. He makes the arguments that justify it all as truly what happened and that it all happened as recorded in the Gospels, the entire Bible.
All of the Apostles were eyewitnesses of Jesus and/or of the resurrected Christ. Including Paul whom Jesus came to as he was on the road traveling to Damascus to persecute more Christians. This would have been the resurrected Christ or a form of Him that came from Heaven.
There were at least 300 eyewitnesses still alive when Corinthians was written who could have disputed it but no one did.
Mathias became the 12th Apostles after Judas hung himself so the argument of there not being 12 Apostles comes from ignorance or evil intent.
There have been over 25,000 archeological digs in which there has been absolutely no evidence found that proves anything in the entire Bible false but in those digs many things have been found that prove it true.
Other cultures and non believer's historical documents show or corroborate people, places, wars and many things that are in the Bible. Yet none of them prove any of it to be false but they do strengthen it.
Word for Word Translations prove just how accurate what we have is when you consider there's no way anyone could have falsified any of it, be it via intent or mistakes.
Many church fathers in history have made extensive notes that include scripture throughout the centuries and no matter the time or place all those references to scripture corroborate each other. Which shows just how accurate translations have been throughout time and still are as long as they maintain a word for word ideology during the translation.
To falsify any of it they would have to change every single source, do it in three languages, on three continents, over a span of thousands of years, with no one catching any of it, no one ever talking about what they'd done, leaving behind no traces that they'd done it.
Not to mention they'd have to steal all of those sources to change them, changing them would be a massive undertaking considering they were hand written in those times and then put them back without ever being seen or caught during the entire process.
My last statement is this:
Simply put the Bible can defend itself like a lion just let it loose.
(Use Scripture to defend Scripture because it is a collection of eyewitness accounts that has been proven true again and again).
There's a very good movie titled "The God Who Speaks" that covers much of what I've said above. If you still have doubt I would recommend you watch it and even if you don't because it was very well made and presented.
Take care and God Bless.
I did like the way Chuck went right into the book of Revelation the way he did and explains it all.Thank you Chuck so sad that he's gone miss him.😢
What a sincere servant to our Lord, Chuck Missler was, and lives on through these videos. He certainly studied the Word like no other! His richness in knowledge of God through his diligence over a lifetime scanning the scriptures never ceases to amaze me! Praise the Lord God Almighty and His Son, Yeshua, for their brilliant and awe inspiring plan! It's the greatest love story ever told and will be remembered and discussed for eternity. I am humbled, overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness, to have been considered and included in the Greatest Story Ever Told! 🙏💖
Thank you Lord Jesus for Chuck Missler, Ps Ron Matsen and all the Saints at K House who made this series possible.
Such a blessing, love from Australia!
I wish to someday meet him in the kingdom of heaven of Christ our Lord and king and shake his hand. Thank you Chuck!
Why is it a little "h" in he in the second verse at 11:05?
Thank you very much for these remastered studies.
The faith of many will be destroyed when future events do not unfold as interpreted by the novel dispensational futurists. ✔️
I am so thankful to have found Chuck and his teachings are a true blessing. The knowledge and insight he had is truly astonishing. I am in awe and I watch his messages every single day. I tell everyone I know about him. His knowledge of the Bible was definitely in his heart. The world lost a wonderful person and heaven gained a wonderful Godly man.
This is the first Chuck Missler teaching I have seen. I will have to watch this a few times to unpack all of this. What an amazing lesson
58:20 " The Testimony of Prophecy is JESUS Christ. THE WHOLE COUNCIL OF GOD.
Apart from being present in the time of Yeshua on earth…we live in the most exciting times. It’s possible some of us will see His return to earth!❤
Can you add the date this was recorded to the description? He mentions some things that were current events that might not be as current anymore.
I want to purchase these messages in video for my keeping!
Where in the Bible does it tell us that Jesus had siblings?
I’ve learned and grown more from fellowship with this ministry more than any other I’ve encountered.
Better than a college education.
So it is written:
After Pentecost, there is no mention of a future, physical kingdom.
After describing the Church as the temple of God, there is no mention of a future, physical temple.
After saying that true Israel is made up of spiritual Jews circumcised of the heart, Paul never tells us that being a true Israelite will ever be dependent upon a bloodline and physical circumcision.
The New Covenant was the next and final phase in God's progressive plan of redemption.
1 Corinthians 15:46-47
“The first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam a life-giving spirit. 46
The spiritual, however,
was not first,
but the natural, and
then the spiritual.
The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven.…
(We need to be transferred from Adam to Christ by God's power,
grace and love towards us, working through our faith in Him.)
Born again, (a spiritual level even touching our human spirit) is to experience the new birth, is a phrase, particularly in evangelicalism, that refers to a "spiritual rebirth", or a regeneration of the human spirit. In contrast to one's physical birth, being "born again" is distinctly and separately caused by the operation of the Holy Spirit.
The book of Acts is more then just a chronicle of events,
but a documentation of how God was fulfilling his promises
to OC Israel.
Acts 10:34
Then Peter began to speak:
"I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism,
Acts 10:43
All the prophets testify about Him that
everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness
of sins through His name."
Acts- 10:34; 10:43
hut, hut, hike!
So, pelase read and understand
God the Creator became a God-Man.
His death redeemed us for His glorious plan.
Now in resurrection, the Spirit released,
Producing the Church, this is God's masterpiece.
When Jesus referred to Himself as "the Son of Man …Coming with the clouds of heaven," the Jewish leaders understood that, in applying those Old-Testament prophecies to Himself, Jesus was calling Himself God
(Deut. 33:26; Ps. 68:33; 104:3; Dan. 7:13;
Mk. 14:61-64; Matt. 26:63-66; Lk. 22:69-71; cf. Jn. 5:18).
When asked if He was the Christ, Jesus told the Sanhedrin,
"I am: and you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power,
and coming on the clouds of heaven" (Mark 14:62)
It is this coming that John refers to in Revelation 1:7
"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen"
The specific mention of those that pierced him (the Romans and Jews) establishes the contemporary-historic context of the prophecies and negates the possibility of their reaching to our time or beyond.
Revelation closes and
is punctuated throughout with the imminence of Christs kingdom and coming.
Revelation 1:1, 3
Revelation 2:16
Revelation 3:11
Revelation 22:6-7
Revelation 22:10, 12, 20, 22
Hut hut hut HIKE!!!!!
The time set by Christ almost 40 years earlier in Matthew 24, particularly verse 21, would quickly overtake the ancient Jewish and Roman world.
(Hence, the 40 year 'Exodus' motif was during this transition between the Old and New Covenants, aka the millennial period, in the first century, 30-70 A.D.
Satan was destroyed in the first century at the end of the millennium, which was in 70 A.D.
– Fulfilled in the first century.
The transition period of the "last days generation" was AD 30 – AD 70.
What was temporary – physical:
1. The Old Covenant written on stone.
2. Physical kingdom: the Law, the Temple, the Priesthood, National Jews and Canaan.
What is eternal – Spiritual:
1. New Covenant – written on the heart, a Spiritual kingdom, the Gospel.
2. The Church, Christ, Saints, the Word, Life and Heaven
2 Corinthians 4:18
2 Corinthians 5:16
According to the Inspired scriptures,
John 19:28 – His earthly ministry.
Luke 21:22 the Parousia.
Both fulfilled in the first century.
That second coming was in the first century.
It's not in our future.
Please, check what I'm saying:
Matthew 10:23; 16:27-28; 26:63-64
Luke 21:22
Acts 1:11
Romans 13:11; 16:20,
1 Corinthians 7:29,
Galatians 5:5
Philippians 4:5
1 Peter 4:7, 4:17
James 5:8-9
Hebrews 10:37
1 John 2:18
Revelation 1:1, 3, 7; 22:7, 10, 12, 20
Surely, the Inspired prophetic writers and Jesus did not get the
century of the Parousia wrong.
They were not confused or lacked discernment and didn't lie.
The first and second coming of Christ were in the first century.
The Parousia was in the first century,
according to these Scriptures, and many more.
So, start with these above.
I'm not making this stuff up.
It's in your own Bible.
Check it.
My recommendation to all that read this recommendation,
purchase and read this book:
"BEHIND THE VEIL OF MOSES Piecing Together The Mystery Of The Second Coming" – Brian L. Martin
It will point you in the right direction, the correct paradigm and bring you to the Lord even closer,
if you can receive it.
I would be doing a disservice to the Lord and
to you if I did not share this book with you
Also, these websites will help wean you off the
allure and attraction that misplaced, eschatology imposed on our day for a fulfillment in our future gives. The truth will set you free and the truth is all we can take with us. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
Check these sites out:
Bibleprophecy . com (Don Preston)
Allthingsfulfilled . com (William Bell Jr.)
So, get on board with the truth and blessing to you!
Proverbs 13:12 be to you =
Romans 1:7
Galatians 6:18
Ephesians 6:24
Philippians 4:23
Colossians 4:18
Philemon 1:25
2 Timothy 4:22
1 Corinthians 16:23
2 Corinthians 13:14
Revelation 21:3 in the redeemed soul
is the tabernacle of God among men.
The resurrection which Moses and the prophets taught, all the apostles preached, and Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 15, is about restoration of fellowship with God, not about being raised from biological death. Psalm 116:15, Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:60; 15:24, Colossians 2:13,
Ephesians 2:1, 1 Peter 1:9
The bible doesn't teach the end of the Christian age. It doesn't teach the end of time, but the time of the end. Big difference. The end of what?
The OC age world, where sin and spiritual death reigned. It ended in 70 A.D.
Post 70 A.D., we a have been in the NC = The New Heaven and earth where righteousness dwells.
(Christ is our righteousness)
It has no end. Isaiah 9:6-7, Ephesians 3:20-21.
We are living in the days that were to follow the last days or end times.
Peace be to you.
All that's left for Christians is to serve each other in love, aka faith working through love and truth, and then biological death, which is but a transition to be embraced, no longer to be feared.
The heavenly pearly gates are open, even into the holiest of holies and will never shut post 70 A.D. He who joins Himself (Now) to the Lord is one Spirit with Him.
There's the continuity.
24 basic, fundamental Bible facts missed by most believers today.
1. There is no physical removal of the church from earth in our future.
2. The second coming of Christ was in the first century.
3. We are not living in the end times, much less, in the end of the end times.
4. The resurrection and final judgment were in the first century.
5. Modern-day, 1948 Israel, is not the Israel of the Bible or God's chosen, nor can they ever be.
6. The great tribulation mention in Matthew 24:21 was fulfilled in the first century. It's not in our future.
7. Satan was destroyed in the first century, at the end of the millennium, which was in 70 A.D.
8. All the parables Jesus taught were in fulfilled in the first century.
9. All biblical prophecy / eschatology has already been fulfilled.
10. One has to be born again by water and the Spirit to enter into the Kingdom. It is in Christ, it's Spiritual, not earthly.
11. Our biological death has nothing to do whatsoever with the sin of Adam. Adam lived 930 years old!
12. All that's left is faith working through love, serving one another in love, bringing Christ to a dead world of humanity.
13. The New Covenant age = The New Heavens and Earth where righteousness dwells; Christ is our righteousness by faith.
14. We are not living in the end times or last days post 70 A.D.
15. The salvation of Christ applied to sinners with repentance, is not an issue of our human tissue. 1 Peter 1:9
16. The Old Covenant age, Jewish world ended in 70 A.D. finding it's spiritual fulfillment in the New Covenant, in Christ.
17. Sons of God are no longer produced by human marriage, physical circumcision, but by faith and the circumcision of Christ.
18. The NC age has no end or last days. Isaiah 9:6-7, Ephesians 3:20-21
19. Current events have nothing whatsoever to do with bible prophecy.
20. Fellowship with God has been restored. The bible is the history of redemption, not time.
21. God's New Testament economy is to make sinners Sons of God by faith in His Son. This enterprise has no end or last days.
22. All come to God through Jesus the Son, through faith and repentance in Christ, the mediator of the New Covenant, which has NO END.
23. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism… one body. John 3:3, 6 = resurrection applied.
24. The mature church stands as the base and pillar of the truth; male and female teach the word, the Gospel, equally from the pulpit.
Wonderful teaching, it helps me get it a little straighter and not as confussion.
I only found this because of Gerald from Crowder…god bless
Although Revelation is the last book in the Bible, it is not the last message, as all of that alreády took place at the cross of Jesus.. 70AD.
The book also was written to the people of Israel only, not to the gentiles or us living after the cross.
The tribulation, the wedding and áll of the prophecies, the law & the Psalms were applicable to the people of Israel only. Théy were invited to the wedding, but never showed up..
The words of John in Rev 1:9 "I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The biggest revelation of all times were given to Paul.. Christ within.
Col 1:26,27 'the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in (ín!) you, the hope of glory!
We were made óne with Him at the cross. We now are His holy temple, His sanctuary, His dwelling.. and from out thís holy temple He will soon manifest His final appearances.
Verses 18-21 in Revelation 22 were added by translators, as all the plaugues alreády were poured out.
We are alreády blessed in Christ, we don't have to read the book of Revelation to be blessed. Glory!
I encourage you all to download these teachings and store them offline somewhere safe. The way things are going we can't assume these Bible studies are going to remain online for ever.
Thank you Lord God for giving us Chuck
He’s helped me as I’m sure you know.
God bless you all!
the only thing about Chuck is that I wish he was more assertive. always talking about these other views and saying "that's not our view. that doesn't mean we're right! that's just not our view." no you're either right or you're not.
Chuck talking crap yet again.
See why the futurist teaching of Revelation is FALSE at https://youtu.be/wK2QugqGnXo
Chuck I wish you were still here my man.
We’ve had some major revelations revealed to us I wanted to share.
1st is you are right about the electric universe. It was revealed to us that within the electric universe the same laws that govern subatomic particles also govern celestial bodies. It’s an electric/chemical thing that’s going on here celestial bodies play the role of subatomic particles. This means celestial bodies have electrical charge planets are positively charge they play the role of protons, asteroids have a negative charge they play the role of electrons, moons have no charge and plays the role of neutrons, stars play the role of the atom and gas giants can play the role of electron clusters or protons.
Thank you God
I remember when I first started listening to Chuck on the radio at lunchtime in the 80's. Of course, back then, you couldn't rewind parts of what he said and listen to it again. So, I just had to pay attention and grasp what I could at the time. We are blessed to have this precious gift from Chuck and Koinonia House to listen to over and over again as often as we like. I sure do understand things he said back then better today as we see events unfolding. Thank you KHouse!
I think that people say REVELATIONS because of many of the previous books are PhillipianS, ColossianS ThesssalonianS etc