The Book of Revelation – Session 13 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
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The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?
Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)
One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present, and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian.
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Psalm 119:72
The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Hi. Im new in Christ. God called me to the Word and His Son and it's been such an adventure lol. When you get used to knowing that you're not crazy that is God's holy spirit talking to you and leading you it's just a great adventure in I've been in love with Jesus for the last 3 years lol I have watched so many of Mr Chuck missler's I know that he is passed away and with the Lord as we speak but the wisdom that he carried inside of him because of the Holy Spirit he is still teaching wisdom today. It is only because of this man and a couple other ones that I have truly learned more about our Awesome Creator and Heavenly Father 😊 I know he's with the Lord and he is resting in peace and I thank God all the time for this man being someone who can lead people to God 🙏🙏♥️
Very well done. Many blessings here from the Word of God. I want someone to reconcile this: if the church is raptured before the seals are broken, then who are the people referenced in chapter 6 associated with the fourth seal? And who are the people referenced in chapter 7, verse 9, "the great multitude in white robes." Don't get me wrong, he makes a good argument for the rapture before the seals are broken, but I want someone to reconcile all these references.
There's an interval between the harpazo(rapture) and tribulation could be (30 years or 1 year or a day). Pre tribulation is the most practical.🤔🤔
The Rapture and 2nd coming is a different event🤔🤔
Love watching and learning with Chuck Missler.
The Word of God is also a title of Jesus Christ.
Joshua and Revelation are connected.
I wish you could have put the original published date in the opening or title or the description.
Ron y'all have done a great job on remastering the teachings. Thanks so much!
God bless all of you there!🙏
I miss the insight from Chuck. ❤
I've learned so much from his teachings.
I have read Joshua so many times and never connected it with the book of Revelation.
I know that Chuck knows all the things he wasn't sure about while here on earth since he's now in heaven.✝️
So much knowledge
'What the law could not do…' The law, our nearer kinsman, could not redeem mankind. Yashua our Kinsman Redeemer did.
The earth is not a wandering star (planet). Please, people, wake up.. who is a liar? Heliocentric believers are in allegiance with the enemy. The earth is a realm. It has foundations and a dome over it. Above the dome are waters. That's why this man does not understand what it means to scroll the heavens open.. so sad, people rather believe the ocultist, cartoon theories of the sun deity worshippers…
The White horse is the church. White is always means good.
Chuck has probably already explained this, but I can’t recall that he did, and I could guess, but let me just ask. Why are the 24 Elder’s, called Elders? And Chucks explanation for who they are, would also mean, that John, who is telling the story, and asking the question’s, one of which, is asking who the Elders are?,and being told who they are, by either an Angel or one of the Elders,? John, ironically, would actually, also be one of the Elders’s himself ? Or am I wrong?
What do you think of King Charles? They say it's him
I love Chuck Missler and I never got to meet him here on Earth but I will meet him in heaven one day and thank him.
Faithful messenger of the Lord ❤
I really liked this teaching, thank you!
It's a blessing those disordered cretins at you tube don't place ads in the religious uploads.praise the Lord.
Amazing series, it would be even more amazing if he knew about Biblical Cosmology!! It makes many end time events make sense.
Thank you, Chuck Missler! Can’t wait to meet you in Heaven! – Jeremy
I believe that, in this current climate, the “bow” indeed does represent the l g b t rainbow. It has literally taken over every aspect of life worldwide.
AMAZING: Learn the meaning of the heaven departed as a (rolling) scroll when it is rolled together: Polar axis shifted by Pastor Allen Nolan, Cornerstone Fellowship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BryxzPmQSdA&list=PLRj8AJuzeJRxhA-Oahh6U5yeusZuRaRUW&index=13
You people who digitally remastered Chuck's teaching edited out the most important part which is the prayer first which chuck says is of necessity before looking at or reading the Bible you have defeated his purpose and have yielded to Satan
Can anyone tell me when this was recorded? At 1:05:01 he says the President of the USA betrayed Israel. I want to look up this event ASAP
Interesting that the white horseman is carrying the “bow” which could be a weapon and/or a rainbow. Meanwhile the antichrist is described as not having a desire for women. What have we seen so much of a spiritual battle over in our culture lately? We’ve begun to get bludgeoned oven the head with sexually deviant ideology. Perhaps the AC will use this as part of his strategy to conquer the world?
*not my idea originally but just mulling it over out loud here
How can the firmament be labeled as space… thats a leap.
I’ll forever be grateful to God for the blessing He gave us in Chuck Missler. What an incredible man indeed 🕊♥️🌿
Colossians 3:1-4 …. Amen
What book ? With the 200 puns Chuck was referring to
This study is absolutely amazing Glory to God Holy one of Israel 🇮🇱
Maybe the scroll opening up in the sky and mountains being moved out there places has to do with water rising and covering certain places of the world from the planet being moved of its axes that would explain the sky moving like a scroll??
It erks me out that cross isn’t mentioned once in the Hebrew Scriptures “stauros” is used meaning pole, stake, or piece of paling
It's sad that a godly man who sought the wisdom of God in the rest of the Scriptures succumbed to the false teaching of others (like Darby) in regard to the second coming of Jesus and the rapture. Had he examined the Holy Bible more closely, as he did in every other case, he would have seen through this deception.
May I suggest that when the 6th seal is opened, and the stars fall, the heavens are rolled up like a scroll and every mountain is moved out of it's place, that THAT is the resurrection & rapture? Our current dimension is having eternity rolled into it and the resurrection of believers and raptures of those that are alive seems to fit perfectly there. Paul said the day wouldn't come until the man of sin is revealed (obviously to the Church). Tribulation comes from Satan, WRATH comes from God. We're only promised to be spared from the latter.
Also, when it comes to the restrainer, remember with the Lord breathed on the Apostles and said receive ye the Holy Spirit? Then he told them to go and wait for the Holy Spirit? There is a difference between being INDWELT by the Spirit and it being OUT POURED on all flesh. The out pouring could be taken away and believers still be indwelt. I pray that we keep our eyes and minds open and don't have the tunnel vision like the scholars of Yeshua's first coming. How many will fall away from faith if they assume they will escape the tribulation,. What will you say to first century Christians who were fed to the lions or beheaded by Muslims later and up to & including today? We need to be prepared to be faithful unto death and to ensure if a trial were held on our Christianity, there would be enough evidence to convict us.
It means he can't shoot an arrow with right eye dim and right arm withered…
Is the bow a rainbow? Just asking for a friend. 🤷♂
Let any who seeks a prophet's reward be given over to the prophet, but let all who wants life come walk with us in the garden 🎺🌈🏔https://youtu.be/xeZEYkQX3yo
The ones held in captivity must remain, but let those with understanding hear me, I come like a thief in the night. 😶🌫️
As of September 2020 the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,551 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,160 other languages.
For 1000's of years and 100'S of Mistranslations are in the Bible, and They are Significant…
So know one really know what the Bible is Truly Saying… Your just guessing or manipulating Mistraslations. You Know That This is True…
Sorry if you don't Understand this… It's not my problem…
I Can Give You a List of The Top 100 if You Like…
Love you Chuck glad to see you soon since the Lord is coming soon miss you we all soon will see you soon.
Yes amen I agree the Lord is coming very very soon amen
I am so grateful i get to watch these all again remastered!
Thank you SO MUCH!
(30:42) Wait….what??? I've never heard that. Revelation 1:10 is supposed to read "the day of the Lord"? I don't know of ANY translation that reads such. It makes sense….I just can't corroborate it.
@ 51:00 Its talking about a meteor impact.
Being an inveterate "numbers person," I was struck by his comment that only 1 of 25 manuscripts leaves any doubts regarding the identity of the 24 Elders in Rev 5:9-10. Hmm. One of 25. That means that God provided 24 manuscripts which testify that the 24 Elders are His church. (I'm sure that's just a "coincidence." LOL) The 25th is obviously a tare.
Listened to this many times over the years and never tired of it, and still find gems within.
Chuck was spot on regarding famine. Its politics not scarcity. Its happening now. Come Lord Jesus.
Thank you. Maranatha ❤ x