The Book of Revelation – Session 14 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
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The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?
Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)
One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present, and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian.
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Psalm 119:72
The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Can a person find these notes typed out anywhere?
20:05 which flag has these colors??
I miss chuck.
The connection of Book of Ruth and Revelation. The Kingsman-Redeemer. Boaz
There's no lost 10 tribes.
The 144000
Love watching and learning with Chuck Missler.
Chuck is a great teacher, and explains many things very good. BUT pre or post tribulation arguments are dangerous. Sure, you can count on being raptured before the tribulation, but like 5 of the 10 virgins, don't count on having all the oil you'll need for the Masters return. See, Jesus didn't explain Matthew 24 so that we could spend our spiritual lives "hoping" to escape the tribulation the world will do to our faith. He told us about everything so that we will be prepared and know the signs. Personally though, I believe we'll be here for the tribulation and I am prepared to be martyred for my faith and for denying Satan and his followers to their face. See, as I understand it, and yes, I have studied both sides of the argument, is that tribulation is what the world does to us for our faith. WRATH is what God does to the world AFTER we are caught up. But hey, right or wrong, I'm happy. Because if I'm wrong, then I will be raptured and will be saved from the tribulation I expected. BUT, I wonder how many people who are expecting to be raptured before the antiChrist wants their heads are going to cave in to save their own lives (the great falling away). You can go ahead and trust the boat you're on without the correct preparation of a good PFD, but me, I'm more worried about salvation and Jesus is my PFD and before or after tribulation, it's what or who I rely on no matter when He comes.
Thank you Jesus for giving us such a man with great understanding of Your Word and the willingness to teach us. Glory be to God in the Highest!
'Don't assume….stay fixed'. I coceed the correctness of this, even the speculation. I disagree however with the premise that the authenticity of the tribe as a political entity was in any way compromised. The numbers leaving were not representative.
Benjamin and Levi were traditionally part of Judah. The remaining tribes in spite if dispersion most likely remained geographically ethnically and politically connected and exist as nations. Unlike Judah they lost their identity because they did not keep the Sabbath. This was to be an identifying sign. We don't know who they are nor do they. They read God's words to them in different languages. Of course God knows who they are. Such matters as ethnicity have deep roots and aren't easily erased _thus History. One is by no means against Jews when one states that the Jews are part of Israel.
The late H.W. Armstrong maintained friendly cooperation with the Jewish state and involved in cultural activities. He was a staunch believer in the 'ten lost tribes'. He was definitely not anti-Semitic, neither am I. I love Jews. When I visited the U.K. I made a point of seeing and talking to a Jewish Rabbi. (Jonathan Magonet). He told me something which unknown to him made the greatest difference in my life inspite of the fact that he is Jewish and I am Christian. That meeting with him was the best thing that happened to me at that time if my life.
I find it amazing that some of the allotments were made by lots and yet the uterine siblings shared common boundaries with each other and with the children of their mother's maid.
I appreciate how Dr Missler carefully distinguishes the differences between the saints
🙂👍 TY, KH
The reference to the 2/3s is Zechariah 13, not Zephaniah.. Small correction. Love this man's teaching…
Hi just a little correction here at 13:53 Mr. Missler misspoke it is not Zephaniah 13 :8,9 but Zechariah 13 : 8,9. I enjoy the depth of his research especially the translation corrections with regard to Jewish understanding… How arrogant the world became when they presumed to try and redefine God's will for His chosen people… God bless Israel… All Glory and Blessings to God, Adonai T'svaot (in the tongue of His chosen people).
Missler was an excellent teacher but he is not infallible: Samaria was founded as the Northern kingdom's capital under Omri, Ahab's father. Previous Kings in the Northern kingdom ruled from Tirzah.
How can so many deny a rapture, or pre-tribulation rapture when you lay this out with such detail? Come soon Lord Jesus 🙏
K-House, how would Chuck feel about the shot? New studies coming out about the tech doing certain things with DNA in the liver, I think I read it recombined it. A certain nation we keep an eye on has a very high rate of injection… with maybe only a "remnant" abstaining.
Should the term HOLY be removed when discussing the Bible since the bible was not written by God but is a compilation of stories written by sinful humans and selected by secular emperors/Kings using priests/popes as proxies. We can also ignore these facts and just plow ahead with a world that is full of misrepresentations.
Look at Revelation 6:16 in newest translations. It's not His day, but THEIR day. Meaning God and Lamb's day. Meaning the day of Christ and the day of the Lord are one and the same. Meaning the rapture happens at the day of the Lord, not before. Christ comes, we are gathered to him, then wrath is poured, on the same day and by this order.
As Mr. Missler stated prophecy is pattern. Especially enjoyed his closing statements (prophecy). Lot of folks endured prosecution like loosing their job etc because they wouldn’t get the jab jab.
Thank you,Thank you Khouse for these redone videos of Dr.ChuckMissler, I have learned so much from him, I watch his videos over and over, I know he is rejoicing with His LORD
I’m so glad God sent me to Dr. Chuck Missler. I had read the Bible once and I didn’t understand a whole lot of it, but since discovering Chuck’s studies two months ago, I am obsessed with studying! Grateful to learn all this in my twenties (:
Thank you K-house for making these teachings available!! 🙏🙏🙌
Glory be to the Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for Chuck Missler. I've learned more from him then I learned, or understood, in my 64 years of life.
So love these teachings many thanks from New Zealand
!!! CHUCK !!!
Tracing my Jewish genealogy I found I was from the tribe of Judah.
And confirmed by major modern prophets. He's appeared to me numerous times on Earth and taken me to Heaven numerous times as well. Blessed for sure.
I'll have to catch it tomorrow. Hopefully the folks I sent the playlist to get through the whole thing.