The Book of Revelation – Session 16 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
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The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?
Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)
One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present, and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian.
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Wait hold on Chuck you said that the Jews would be shocked that the third temple would be desecrated by the antichrist but the majority of the Jews are going to accept the antichrist as their messiah
That one page !
The two witnesses could be Moses and Elijah.
Prophecy is a pattern.
Love watching and learning with Chuck Missler.
I just discovered Chuck Missler. I never knew about him. I have been listening to all this teachings, can't get enough. TRULY A GOD SENT MAN. Now, he's in Heaven with Jesus Christ. Thank you for his teachings
I barely found out about Chuck this year. AND Timothy Albarino, NYSTV, marzulli
FYI Israel now has 103 out of 103 implements for the 3rd temple
Such a blessing to have these bible studies, thank you.
GOD bless this saint. I miss him so much. And GOD bless KHouse, i pray you all are doing well. And a special blessing to Ron Matsen in Messiah Jesus' Name. Amen.
42 months. Exactly the length of the Jerusalem, Roman war. Everything in revelation has been fulfilled
Jesus came back in the clouds just like he told his disciples in Matthew 24 Luke 21. Read what Josephus wrote. During destruction of Jerusalem in 70ad. Armies and chariots running in the clouds. Jesus said when the armies surround Jerusalem then you will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds
I know he’s having a great day in Heaven right now and that he woke up to the words, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
If you were a 1st century near eastern human, you would quickly point out that this “little scroll” is indeed a Last Will and Testament, which is the theme of Revelation. The number of seals to be removed was based on the importance of the person, and the Will had to be witnessed by 2 witnesses. The book is literally God giving over the Kingdom to His Son. He has to cleanse the world, which is the tribulation (paralleled to God removing Jerusalem and his temple from them to be held captive by Babylonians for 70 years) and culminates into the conquering to become the New Kingdom. These citizens of the New Kingdom were selected (or elected) throughout the history of the world and are “raptured” back with new bodies to conquer it with Jesus. Just as God created the world in 6 days and then on the seventh sat on His Throne within creation (the actual Hebrew meaning of the verb “rest”), Jesus uses 7 churches to ultimately begin his kingdom (technically started by the 12 disciples, as God started His people truly as the 12 tribes). And as the Kingdom slowly grows on earth (as it also grows in a spiritual realm at the same time as people die), it also parallels the stated mission by God in Genesis to Adam…to go and subdue the earth. In miraculous fashion, God set up that himself (Jesus) would become human to reign on earth (not just in His creation like creation). But this little scroll, as sweet as it is that Jesus is inheriting the earth (which is the contents of the scroll), it also spells doom for all who are not part of His kingdom. Our job is to give the good news of the kingdom.
God's tonal music is 6 notes, followed by a 7th half-step (leading tone) to the octave (8th note) & an 8 turned on its side = symbolic eternity ~
G243 ‘allos’ does NOT mean ‘another of the same kind.’ Just looked it up in BLB interlinear concordance. It means ‘DIFFERENT.’ Guess that’s why Missler admonishes us to be Bereans, Acts 17:11. Shalom.
Love how Chuck came to my home New Zealand to retire. Kind of makes me feel close to him. Can’t wait to meet him in Heaven 🕊♥️🌿
There is no rapture to heaven, only the people of the churche of Jesus who can live inherrid the earth, the weeds will be pulled out on Judgement day. this is the end of human reign.
We all must do our part and spread the good news be bold be brave be humble
Learned so much from Dr Chuck Missler 😇🙏🕊️🛐 praise Jesus Christ ♥️ The Father ♥️ and The Holy Spirit 🕊️ 🌹
I have not stopped believing that the original and second Temples were never up on that mount. Our Lord is humble. Our Lord does not need us to raise Him up. We need Him to raise us up. He will raise Himself up. Besides Josephus said it was not visible when approaching Jerusalem from behind where the mount is and yet many Israelis and Christians believe Josephus to be completely accurate on all other points of history except that one and without reason. Is anyone listening to God; asking God where He wants His temple to be built? I doubt it. I think they are going to build it exactly where they want to, not exactly where God wants them to. If that happens, is the 3rd Temple truly going to be built in God's honor or in honor of his creation for the works of their own hands? We cannot continue making monuments to ourselves who deserve no such honors or glory. This Temple is not going to be built to honor God, but man. It will be built to honor the world and the worldly, not our Lord and our God.
Hello! I am new to ALL of this. I'm wondering if a Study Bible is a good idea? Does anyone have suggestions? My intial research has led me to the ESV Study Bible. Thoughts?
Thank you for posting these videos. Are there more from this series? Can I purchase them ? I finished session 16 and it seems there might be more?
Also, he has a rainbow and we all know that the rainbow, the symbol of God's covenant with Noah, has been hijacked by the enemy to push sexual immorality.
Is it possible that the mighty 3rd angel is none other than Satan himself, trying to interrupt the messengers of God? The wording that John uses is very telling. He "appeared" to have authority from the throne. He roars "like" a lion, and the Bible says that Satan comes as a lion ready to devour. That fact that he appears as a Prophet, Priest, and King and as the 3rd angel messenger is just like the enemy of God to try to pass himself off as Christ to deceive the masses if this angel is not Christ himself.
I miss Chuck especially during these days
How long O Lord, how long
I believe that the 7 thunders and who they were and what they said was a distraction to keep some dates in the future hidden from Satan. Unlike the movie devils, Satan cannot tell the future nor can he destroy the free will of those who take Jesus. In other words is was a ruse to Satan. If this verse confuses us imagine what Satan is thinking.The seven thunders are neither important nor unimportant. I believe that this is a red herring. This message would have named future dates, times, etc. and that would not be what we should know and it is definitely is to believe in Christ as perfection and never a surprise. I think this is genius on the part of the Holy Spirit to keep this info away from Satan.
You labeled this as part 15, when it is part 16