The Book of Revelation – Session 18 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
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The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?
Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)
One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present, and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian.
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So actually Moses and Elijah could be alive right now and no one knows who they are 🙂
Imagine a god who over-looks a life of wickedness completely. Then offers his followers an eternity of sexual pleasure, they have only to murder, die defending Islam. The irony, they are not told that just like those non- martyrs waiting in purgatory, Muslims call it Barzakh. Every man and woman will stand before the judgment seat of the Holy G-D. They might go directly to " paradise ", but at some point they're name will be called, to stand before The Living G-D.
They're only hope, Jesus.
It is written
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
The Two witnesses is Moses and Elijah.
The woman of chapter 12 is Israel.
You and I are not Earth dweller's, we are just a pilgrims just passing by
Love watching and learning with Chuck Missler.
Law (protecting or not) in Eden death curse falling away of eve Adam etc….
Laws was the serpent that kill Always falling with alll the 6666 laws. Plus add on. Thank LGBTQSDERTVB
7 heads = seven laws Noah hide worship satan sabbath or Christ free dom lord of the liberty sabbath
laws of devil.fake ten commands catholic Or men Return laws Jews no ha hide or free dom. Of the law of christ = good job it was hard to guess but it alll about laws Judaïsants Jews sabbath are wrong
Gift from holy un spirit : beasts are the laws of mens christ stopped sanhédrin laws. (First beast worshiped by people or stoned to death. = Noah hide laws returned = dont worship other or you die n free will excpet under the news laws that return from the past = false laws are on the front But god law are in the heart only = no under mens laws or ancient laws like sabbath or feast Jews = this is the trap God dont want these feast these sacrifice these king rulers Or to be worship or death trickery of the god given law of this worlds = satan. Not our tru god He is love. No wrath Big peace love. Ask GOD if its true or not 🙂
Chuck broke me from the sloppy habit of saying, "Seven-year Tribulation."
– Its only 3 and a half years for the, "great tribulation."😉
sometimes I wonder if Osama Bin-Laden, now buried in the Indian Ocean,
comes back to life out of the abyss, after he was shot through his R. eye. Maybe a shark ate his R. Arm and he gets revived?
What timely messages! So thankful these are available to hear today!
It's really a shame that Chuck did not see the changes in the k j bible, he called it "mistranslation" but it was really changed (Amos 8:11-12). Chuck also denied "the Lion" in Isaiah 11:6, he said it was always "wolf". No way Chuck, it was never "wolf" because the "wolf" is now dwelling with the lamb.
Just so you know that "wolf" represents satan.
Thank you for this video.
AS TO DEATH !! They act as if he’s dead to make it look like he can produce life !!! Deadly wound does not mean you die !
They were ANGELS AT THE TOMB !!! Angels are always identified as men !!! The 2 wittinesses. We’re NOT AT THE TOMB !!!
666:When you care enough to send the very beast.
The Islamic empire is the one that has not yet come.
Chuck you were so close with the Islamic god being satan.
The last kingdom is the divided Islamic empire. The kingdoms must be in “the land” the Middle East. The only land that God cares about in scripture.
Islam has two legs and it is cobbled together. It was The world superpower around 700-1000 AD. Look it up. Islam will be the last empire that trampled those underneath in a way that no beast had before.
It rewrote the history of lands. It destroyed traditions held for millennia. It destroyed 3 major epicenters of Christian worship.
“Watch why we fear 1400 years..” amazing display of why we should be wary of Islam
Am I misinterpreting someone, or are you misinterpreting scripture? Doesn't the Bible 2 II Thessalonians 2:1 2:3 state that the Antichrist(i.e. "the man of lawlessness") will be revealed first, and after that the Rapture?
1 "Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him(the "Rapture"),"
3 "Let no one in any way deceive you, FOR IT WILL NOT COME UNLESS THE APOSTASY COMES FIRST, AND THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS IS REVEALED, the son of destruction," –I don't understand why this is so hard for you to understand?!
Has it ever been suggested 🤔
There are 3 men?
Horns like a lamb?
RIP teacher
Also the 8th of the 7th that will come again for a short time…. I think that is referring to the millennium when Satan's released again.
Grateful that y'all are still around, it's always a comfort to remember. Hope to see you all soon.
Elon Musk @ New World Leader
In Revelations 2:27 , Jesus also addresses the church telling them they will "rule with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery". Here Jesus is giving the church authority to rule over the nations. Obviouisly this will be after Jesus sets up his Kingdom after the battle of Armegeddon. So we will be joint heirs in Christ during the 1000 years of peace where Israel receives all the promises God promised to Abraham and Moses. All the land promises and all the prosperity promises. I will write my word on their hearts and I will be their God and they shall not need to be taught about me because they will all know me.
Thank you
The third temple is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The beast and false prophet are the Mahdi and Muhammad .
I pray for a speedy recovery for Ps Ron Matsen, and the Lord grant him many more fruitful years in His service.💖✝🙏✝⚓💖
– Amen.
Thank you for all you do. Please explain the name
Isn't the Eagle mentioned as being rendered Helpless/defenseless because of "clipped wings"?
Thank you, K House, for this instalment of the Revelation Series by Chuck! Once the 24th Session airs, and I finish watching it, I will look into obtaining the whole series for my personal edification/study, and to share in our Bible study group.
To God be the Glory!
There are only 2 Advents mentioned in the scriptures..
The first and the second..
There's no such thing as a 3rd Advent of Jesus Christ…
Christ returns at the last trump, which is the seventh trumpet 🎺
But some folks can't count..
wtf is that? 🤔
Thanks Ron and hello to you all from Hawkes Bay 😊
God is merciful Mr. Matsen, I had my CABG and I’m still breathing His breath in my lungs and my heart still beats for Him. I am Praying for your speedy recovery. Get well soon.
Walid Shoebat's insights into Rev. 13:16ff is also compelling, if not more /the most plausible. iirc Dr. Missler once said, "it is a possibility."
Thx Chuck! Miss ya brother…
Thx again Khouse.
Has Koinonia House become so worldly that if i was to address liars and con artist who pervert the word of God that K.H would stop me from speaking? When Chuck was alive and the many years study under him love him like a dear brother, he would not take this attitude but now he's gone it seemed that the wolves are now in amongst the flock how sad.