The Book of Revelation – Session 21 of 24 – A Remastered Commentary by Chuck Missler
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The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?
Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!)
One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present, and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian.
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From the region of Assyria or from the people who were originally Assyrians?
In chapter 18 verses 13,14… remember they had to have the mark to buy and sell so these merchants had a monopoly over these things that they are lamenting.
To the Hebrew mind. "Prophecy is a pattern"
When you are real christian you dont celebrate easter you should celebrate Passover. Easter is perfectly design to not aligned to Passover.
Love watching and learning with Chuck Missler.
This wonderful teaching from the past is a beautiful prophecy of where we are right now!!👌💪🙏
As Chuck daid, the Roman "pope" calls himself the antichrist. Anti can be translated in Latin to vicar. The vicar of Christ means antichrist. However, the antichrist is not the beast, as Chuck has mentioned previously.
The pope is an antichrist (there are many). The Roman church is the whore riding the beast, not the beast. The beast is not an antichrist or the antichrist.
pH above or below 7, as 7 is neutral on the Arrhenius acid base scale, minor correction, but there it is
The Mars oass by us one of few things where Chuck is wrong, off the rails.
The woman that's ride the beast are the orthodox Jews/Israel! King Charles is the seven head, the leader of the Roman Empire ll. He will be the king of Israel soon, as he is anointed (Messiah) with olive oil during the coronation, the same kind used to anoint Saul, David and the other kings in OT. Israel with Natanyahu will restore the monarchy and then Israel will start to build the 3. tempel. They will try to establish the kingdom of Israel with a false Messiah, (King Charles) They will establish Noahide laws (so called world justice). The world will be judge by Sanhedrin court system, trying to fulfill the word: " the law will go out from Jerusalem". It will be NWO! But the meaning of that word is when the real Messiah will establish the millennium. He seat will be in Jerusalem in Israel and roul with a road of Iron.
Christian faith is this: What Jesus HAS done for ME!
Christian religion it this: What I DO for Jesus!
Same palace where Uday & Qusay Hussein were killed trying to hold out after a 3-hour firefight.
Did he do this before 9/11, or not?
Catholic church running with BRICS ? Or close there of?
been revealed to me recently that the woman riding on the beast over the seas, retold by John for his Greek audience, is the exact story of Europa & Zeus, disguised as the white bull. John identified the great whore as Europe – at least spiritual Europe – that is, the church formed in Europe – well before Europe was even called Europe (which was named after Europa)
One of the all-time greats. And a life-changing mentor to so many of us. Thank you for posting these remastered lectures.
Here's a link to Dave Hunt's A Woman Rides The Beast audiobook. It's free to listen to.
Chuck got the statememt that the kjv bible's usage of "easter" is a mistake.
It isn't at all.
The release of Peter was connected to the captors schedule for Easter, the pagan holiday.
Passover wouldn't affect that release.
Isn’t it terribly sad how the Vatican has led the flock astray! All it takes is to read our bibles too see the Truth!! But the flock is too comfortable with the lies!
So many ads 😒
I’m trying to find the Halley’s Bible handbook but there are many. What year or version is Chuck saying to get and do you know where I could get it?
Thank you Jesus both for Chuck and your message through him. Thank you also for the people making these videos accessable publicly (and guilt free LOL.)
I've watched this four times, so far. Thank you. ❤️
Thank you very much indeed for sharing these wonderful teachings.
Chuck Missler continues to be an instrument in God's hands to bless His Church.
Thank you Koinonia House, thank you Ron Matsen!
7 is the number of completion and or perfection in the bible.
41.50 "the papacy is not the Antichrist"
I disagree Dr Missler as
Cannon law #333, and particularly point 3 makes the claims that they have authority over everyone and everything.
All "mandates" imposed on the entire world emanate from this entity.
Every corporation was mandated by them to be registered to an arms length entity that is a major part of the çontrol network that gave them the power to apply the juce internationally, and equates to worship as in "the whole world wondered after the beast"
God bless K House for giving us a greater understanding about the Word of God. This is the best there is in explaining the truth of God. The world as we know it will end but we will be as Chuck says, in the mezzanine while all this happens on Earth.
Revelation is what Jesus used to save me…glory to His Holy Name.
Chuck has been such a blessing for myself and so many others throughout his time on earth! His teachings are priceless, informative, and timeless!
Thank you KHouse for this upload.
What are Dr. Chuck Missler's earliest video presentations?
I was literally studying Chuck's Romans Commentary when i got word of his passing into Glory. Praise God!!
Pastor has been gone all these years and I am still learning from him.
Love you guys, can hardly wait to rally round the throne together.
I love learning from Pastor Chuck! The Bible comes to life. Maranatha. God bless you all. ❤🇮🇱❤️✝️👑🦁💦
Can't agree that Babylon is Iraq because it's not ancient Babylon in Revelations, but 'Mystery Babylon'. Plus it's described as a city as well as the harlot. I put forward the view that it's the Vatican City.
Ron, regarding Zachariah at the end, what do you think of Mr. Tibor's interpretation (Youtube>TiborasaursusRex>Nuclear War Prophecy…) posted 7 hours ago, 11 Oct 2022 (originally produced 2010.)
Would have been up Dr. Missler's alley.
So inspired and inspiring, thanks you.
We always wondered why it said merchants and sea captains bc we now have airplanes and cars and trains….. But those today are starting to go away again aren't they? Hmmm…… The green new deal is taking away cars, planned, and trains, and the trade will soon go just by ship once again.
The harlot sounds a lot like the feminists and those in metoo movement of today…
Thank you
Well the 11th horn and the eighth could also be a reference to the millennial kingdom. Bc he will come again in the millennial kingdom. And those aren't kingdoms yet and it will be for one hour…. I think that's a revival of this last kingdom but referring to after the 1000 years and when Satan is released for a short time…. An hour.
Chuck still taking us to school. See you by the river sir!
I will be very happy to see the final installment of the Halloween thing… That was quite interesting
Good night
As always, that was great! I love you Mr. Chuck. Rest in Heaven.
Thank you sir GOD blesse you