The Border Crisis and the New Politics of Immigration
The crisis at our southern border is intensifying. President Obama’s failure to faithfully administer our immigration laws has handcuffed our border agents, jeopardizing the lives of those we entrust to maintain security and stability in the area. Just as troubling is the unprecedented wave of unaccompanied minors crossing the border from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
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What I find interesting about the comments that precede mine is that there is no mention of law. Our's is supposedly a
nation of laws, not men". Otherwise, we are no different than the other countries, countries who's concept of "law" is whatever is decided today, whoever is "approved" by the person in charge with no substance, no history, no purpose other than to do what feels right at the time.
Disgusting and absurd. I do appreciate the lack of mentality that allows such feeling that passes as "thought" by Leftists but it is sure as hell no way to maintain a society and country. May God have mercy on our souls is we allow such pablum-brained people to control our lives and world.
I have a suggestion … sense it is obvious that such individuals disagree with a lawful society, I suggest you take your butt to a country that has already destroyed itself to see what you are wishing on the United States of America.
Ignorance and political correctness is the death of free people.
Only the government can fail so badly and call it a success.
Quite the coup for Governor Perry to stroll in.
The only way to secure the border is to let a lot more good people come in legally. We all agree past immigration was a good thing even though it was always controversial. Nothing has changed.