The Border is On Fire Right Now | Chad Wolf on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Wednesday, March 17, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, the radical Biden policies driving the crisis, and why we need to get back to common-sense enforcement of our laws.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5kAfv3hB2k
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Send them on a bus to Washington on a one way trip. Period. This is BIDENS RESPONSIBILITY
So now we are feeding, housing and giving free medical to Illegals, where do Americans fit in?
Biden said the border is not an issue for them, open up to the world they need support from more voters
While this does not get much attention, the media is taking that most Asians are suffering of racism and discrimination to distract us from bigger issues that affect our communities. Racist must be fought, no doubt about it.
Someone needs to take this issue over. Suggest our military step in and manage. Where are these people going ?
we a;ways love smart people like Chad…and good looking tooo
Has the United States started paying off the border wall contracts O'biden violated?
This is one of the beginning phases of world governance. I know people who are old enough to remember the statement of one George Herbert Walker Bush when he stated "A new new world order." These United States of America is in The New World, as in geographically, so we are the light on the hill, if you will. This means the ALL of the old empires of the old world seek dominance in and of the new world; old world empires such as Britton, France and Spain. Britton and Spain have sought to rule the new world but the Monroe Doctrine has prohibited such a thing and STILL they have and STILL attempt it. Remember 1812 and The Spanish American War as reference points. World domination is a continuous venture . . .
Biden is accused of 'incitement of insurrection' after giving a speech when he outlined his immigration plan for his first 100 days In office. Then Vice President Biden sent a clear message that he would open the borders to 'provide a path to citizenship.' This speech is clearly an invitation for illegals to come to America and that he would provide citizenship for those already in the United States and those who come for the first 100 days. His words have incited this invasion of illegal acts against America.
As a Californian – my local Media outlets have NOT reported on any of this!
The agenda is crystal clear. Destroy the USA.
How could anyone vote Biden vs Trump! You gotta have ROCKS IN YOUR HEAD
The new director is a lying POS 💩
Thanks babbling Biden 🤬
Dems securing next elections with illegals in case voter fraud backfires
These young men will be voting age
soon .They are planning ahead for future elections
They work hand in hand with satan, only explanation. That's it
No plan, no wall. What a mess. Who are they going to blame? Right!