The Bravery Deficit
Do you feel forced to keep your values to yourself? Are you afraid to speak up about your views and opinions for fear of creating family tension or losing your friends—or your job? Dave Rubin calls this being in the political closet—and it’s time to come out.
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Do you watch Fox News with your finger on the back button in case someone enters the room? Do you methodically clear your browser history to erase all evidence of PragerU videos? Do you hide your subscription to The Ben Shapiro podcast? Or, and perhaps most dangerous of all, are you afraid of getting caught watching The Rubin Report, which is hosted by the very scary, but quite dapper, Dave Rubin?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you’re in the political closet, and it’s time to come out.
Here’s the good news.
If you currently reside in the United States of America, you live in the freest country in the history of the world. Beyond some basic limitations, you can do whatever you want and, with hard work, become whatever it is you want to be.
Pretty great, ain’t it? So why the long face? Because you know that something is out of whack. You really don’t feel free to say what you want. Or share your true thoughts on Facebook. Or even associate with those you’d like to.
And why is that?
I’ll tell you why: because there’s a mass affliction spreading throughout the Western world. It’s called… the Bravery Deficit. People—good people like you — are afraid to say what they think.
And there’s little wonder.
Believe that men can’t give birth? Congrats, you’re a transphobe. Want people to keep more of what they earn because they know how to spend it better than the government does? Bravo, you’re a greedy capitalist! Understand that the gender pay gap is because men and women often choose different professions and different hours, not because of rampant sexism? Hooray, you’re a misogynist!
Take the “wrong” side of any hot-button issue and your reputation, your friends, and your job can all be lost in an instant. You will likely never get a chance to confront your accusers, most of whom are anonymous. And, you may feel forced to issue a faux apology to save yourself. (Which, by the way, it usually won’t.)
The understandable temptation is to think that this politically correct madness will soon end. Just die out on its own. Well, it won’t.
Activists and their mainstream media allies like the New York Times and CNN, propaganda outlets like Media Matters and the Southern Poverty Law Center and your local university will make sure of that. Big Tech with its control of search algorithms, its shadowbanning and deboosting are also in on the game.
If you’re one of the people who believes that if you just remain quiet, that things will get better, well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re a frog in a slowly boiling pot. And it doesn’t end well for the frog.
So, what can you do? Believe it or not, the solution is not that hard.
Step One: Think for yourself.
Step Two: Say it out loud.
Just because a former bartender says the world is gonna end in twelve years because of climate change doesn’t mean it’s true. Doomsdayers have been saying the same thing for decades and we’re still here.
Just because a filmmaker says we should model our health care system on Cuba’s doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Would you rather have heart surgery in Houston or in Havana?
And just because a career politician is a millionaire with three houses who rails against the rich doesn’t make him a hypocrite. Oh wait, in that case actually it does.
The point is, perhaps your most important job as a human being is to stand up for the things you believe in. Don’t take the path of least resistance. Be better than those who would silence you… de-platform you… and mob you.
How? Just… stop… being… afraid.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/the-bravery-deficit

Sadly – it's no joke – I live that way because of the people I live with.
Just listened to this. What do you say now after the past 3 years?
The same principles David said also apply to you if you're a liberal living in a conservative bubble.
Thanks Dave!!
The bravery deficit is a real thing, due to real threats, and a lack of protection. The government that is supposed to protect us, has been taken over by socialists, who use it against us. They have corrupted our courts to take our money at our rights, and corrupted our election system to steal our elections, and are importing thugs to replace our police. If people do not band together and stop mail fraud balloting, this country is lost.
Courage deficit
No I’m not scared of having “Conservative” content in my history.
“Want people to keep more of what they earn because they know how to spend it better than the government does? Bravo, you’re a greedy capitalist.”
Dave, just look up wage theft.
this is literally just a handbook for uncles and other distant relatives to make people even more uncomfortable during holidays lol
This video changed my life. Thank you, Dave Rubin & PragerU🧡
Good points! The intolerant progressive leftist mob (supported by Big Tech & the liberal lamestream media) is destroying this country! 🙁
3:57 this might be the worst take off all time
You always have to be a victim, don't you?
I don't want to be friends with someone who's so anti-Trump that they would defriend me on Facebook just because I voted for him. I will then know who my true friends are.
That's right fellow bigots, stop being afraid and just let the world know of your beliefs. Its ok now
watching this, i thought wait people like this actually exist?
i thought people like this only existed on twitter. when will people realize that lgbtqia+ individuals get jumped and killed for who they are. you can't 'come out' as conservative or whatever you are. it isn't funny to mock. it isn't funny to assume. chill
Lol'd at "basic limitations".
PragerU started having a much lighter blue with this video. Sad.
No one is coming to save you….You are who you are waiting for.
"Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!" – The Red Skull.
I uploaded a video of that scene where Red Skull says that quote with Jordan Peterson dubbing it over and with Jordan Peterson's face edited in.
The video is titled "Jordan Peterson The Red Skull vs Captain America"
Here's a link if interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMKn6JE8GOU
In the uk where i currently live things like tge blm have almost disappeared because people do not like them very much and when people complain about it people take the piss out of them the media are the only ones who do anything
Or is it just in London
I made jokes about radical feminism and now my classmates are saying that I won’t get into college
People are this dumb
No, it's the involved deficit. Anti racism propaganda is being subsidized by corporations and libraries while the judicial system looks the other way.
"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good people do nothing." -Edmund Burke
Here’s a better one: are you currently a senior I high school, a school which is very liberal and you live with your mom who is a democrat who things republicans are evil and you lie and agree with everything she says yet you have a group chat with a small group of friends who are conservative and your afraid to tell your parents that you would have voted for Trump if you didn’t miss the election by a month because of your birthday
Oh wait that’s me😔
Help I’m afraid
I can’t believe my husband and I had to explain at least twice to my (former) church members and pastors that we see content of character over skin color and that everything doesn’t need to be racialize. I’m glad we spoke up but I’m frustrated that we had to do so.
So, I am officially unfriended and “unfamilyed” by my younger relatives and my mother reminds me not to speak out at family gatherings, and I just moved to a new home, in a blue county in a blue state, and don’t know all my neighbors. I can’t help being intimidated!
I’m trying to feel out new people I meet, but Biden and his cronies are making it easier for me! I figure by July, my millennial family members might even be ready to listen. I’ll just be careful to swallow the “I told you so’s!”
This video probably offended more liberals and leftists than you could even imagine…. FANTASTIC!!!
I hate that they just got paid for the ad I watched on this video.
Conservatism should never be in bed with irrationalism and Dave Rubin engages in irrational sexual practices and the guy is actually PROUD of it! Another apostate of Judaism. How can Dennis Prager associate with such an apostate?
this video is retarded and evil
I haven't kept quiet about my political beliefs since I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The cost of freedom is high, and I'm willing to pay it. Because I know where I'm going.