The Call of Abram l Voddie Baucham
The Call of Abram l Voddie Baucham
Genesis 12
Voddie Baucham Sermon
Listen to the entire Genesis series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN8eJ…
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Why the Genesis series (or any other Bible book) are not posted on YouTube in consecutive order? It doesn't help if one is trying to follow the sequencing of the book. If possible would you please do it?
…👼 Amen!.👼.
May God continue to bless and protect this servant!
I am amazed every time when I hear good teaching about the elect of God. It is all thru the bible. It is humbling and should bring the fruit of humility when properly understood.
Very good.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Rev Baucham.
Thank GOD for blessing you with his word and the understanding of his word.
Truth with clarity and context. So helpful and encouraging.
These sermons are amazing! Some of them state when I click, join our channel to listen to the sermon, how do I join the channel? I don’t see the option.
Thanks Pastor. It really helps us see Christ. Glory to the Lord. Blessings to all!
Where can I go to support voddie in Africa. ?
Oh how I love the Lord and His Word
What a Beautiful Sermon of Christ
If it circumvents Christ, then Christ circumvents himself when he institutes a mandate for all the nations to celebrate Passover in Israel throughout the millennial reign of Christ.
“I am YHWH Sabiath. I changed not.”
MOdern day Christianity works in a circle. The problem is; It claims Christ circumvents, YHWH. We are not to adhere to the Torah, but we are to obey (in absolute terms according to Voddie) the moral law.
Salvation through Christ.
Works through the Holy Spirit.
Obescience to the moral law (TORAH!!) Through the work of the HOly Spirit.
the problem with those who cannot adhere to the moral law permanently: They don’t have the indwelling of Christ (the Holy Spirit) to give them that power.
The near entirety of Christianity is full of non-believers who either refuse to ultimately repent (love the world or sinful ways) or do not really believe or are following a false doctrine of “believe only”.
Christ didn’t begin his ministry with the words “Repent and believe” out of idle conversation.
It is important to see and understand what Yeshuah said in Matt 5:19 when he said “in the kingdom of heaven”. They’re BOTH in the kingdom of heaven = both Torah observers and those who don’t follow Torah. This is a verse that has remained blind until recently.
The other books clarify this verse to understand that the non-observant followers of Christ will be relegated to the nations (outside Jerusalem) and the adheres will be inside Jerusalem, some ruling over the nations in certain ways that I do not fully understand. It is implied in the text.
If you curse me for this comment, you condemn yourself immediately. Be nice. Even Jesus loves both. We should love each other. If you don’t, well you know what John said about that.
These sermons have been so helpful to me, I thank God. I'm going through genesis now, and I hope you will upload the rest of the sermons on genesis. Thank you.