The Case for Jesus
For more information, please read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe http://amzn.to/2kAroVD
To purchase the entire series of complete videos, please visit: God’s Crime Scene Video Series with Facilitator’s Guide: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe
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Wonderful to you and David Wood together, my favorite apologists!
An outstanding tutorial, thank you JWW.
I'm going to listen again and take notes to get it clear in my mind.🇭🇲
Now that so many religions seem to include Jesus (birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and future return), what sets them apart from Christianity? Is it that they're teaching Jesus plus other stuff…a false gospel? Why would other religions start including Jesus as the Messiah? Are they teaching the true Jesus or a false Jesus? Are they teaching that you need to be born-again? How do these religions who have adopted Jesus as part of their beliefs 'mesh' Him with their foundational beliefs? For example, how does Buddhism combine belief about Buddha and Jesus. Only One can be the Savior. Honestly, I don't know if they claim Buddha can save or that there's a need for a savior.
Thank you, Father!
"The greatest impact on Music the world has ever known!" I am a musician/composer. It has been said the music of Bach is the voice of God. I believe it. That Mr Wallace turns to the humanities in Life to verify the existence the most humane Being the world has ever known, and will ever know, resonates volumes for me. It is to subscribe your state to the voice of Love in its most immeasurable guise: unconditionally, because without Love there cannot be Life if Belief (Belief: be life) serves as the foundation for one's Faith in the Divine! How else to define it, if not to consider that we cannot see Love, only manifestations of it. Therefore, is not the world in which we live a manifestation of God? And is not Love the most devout manifestation of God when given and accepted unconditionally. To my shame, I have only in recent years begun to read The Bible earnestly; yet did I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour enough to venerate Our Lady as child with no earthly reason why. Why? It is because where the existence of God does not make sense to me, it is a sense to me. I feel it in every fibre of my being. Blessings!
May you please do a video like this but for Sikhs? I come from a Sikh family, I put my faith in Jesus but so many don’t know Christ! I want to show Sikhs that Jesus matters to them!
Amen, Brother, great presentation!
I saw thumbnail and thought this was a evidentiary clip for reaching buhdists
I have a question : Will Greek as well be on the clock? And if so, where?
Thank you!
❤ ❤ ❤ GLORY, HONOR, and POWER to our GOD 🙌🏽
This is great two men I respect and love together! God is good
The way these religions all know of Christ reminded me of the many demons that Jesus met and cast out. They all recognised him and his authority.
A couple of examples:
Mark 1:34 And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him.
Matthew 8:28 And He having come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two men being demon-possessed met Him, coming out of the tombs. They were very violent[a], so that no one was strong-enough to pass through that way. 29 And behold— they cried-out, saying, “What do we have to do with You[b], Son of God? Did You come here to torment us before the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding far away from them. 31 And the demons were begging Him, saying, “If You are casting us out, send us out into the herd of pigs”. 32 And He said to them, “Go!” And the ones, having come out, went into the pigs. And behold— the whole herd rushed down the steep-bank into the sea and died in the waters. 33 And the ones feeding[n] them fled.
Can we get some sources about the change after Jesus? I agree that this happened, but I dont trust a simple google search. Can anyone cite some scholarly sources for history of religion with relation to Jesus Christ? Thanks, and God bless.
Amazing! Thank you for sharing. May God continue to bless your work
"If there's no other fictional character that has had this kind of impact, its reasonable to infer that Jesus is not a fictional character.
If there's no other mortal human who has had this kind of impact, then its reaspnable to infer that Jesus is not just a mortal human."
Ant. No rock gona out prase me
Where did Jim get the evidence that these ancient religions changed from BC to BCE to incorporate characteristics of Jesus? Just asking for my knowledge as a Christian. Thanks!
9:22 indeed Jesus never returned the favor. He is the way. I'm a Buddhist & I'm captivated by Jesus
Jesus is Lord and Savior, Son of God.
I see New Zealand got cut off your thumbnail map. God loves us too you know 😏
Ask an athiest, 'what year is it again?'
We all acknowledge Jesus Christ directly or not.
It is not 2023 years since somebody insignificant.
I found sir J. Warner Wallace only recently, despite this channel has been at least 8 years old, judging from the older videos.
The way Mr. Wallace presents Christianity as a case is refreshing to me. Yep, I'm buying his books as soon as possible. Thank you and God bless you all.
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 KJV
WHAT are You, Jim Warner Wallaceeeee! So much info jampacked in less than 14 mins. which I wouldn't have been ABLE to gather on my own. TREASURE! May You and the Wife of Your Youth live the longest productive lives!
David Wood and J. Warner Wallace?! Now I’ve seen it all!
Atheists have attempted to rewrite history in order to write Jesus out of history, to the point that they say Jesus never existed. Yes, atheists and skeptics are that desperate to eliminate God.
I would like to see Cold Case Christianity cover how all of Israel was looking forward to the coming of the promised Messiah and many had declared or were declared the Messiah during this time period. Maybe he already has but I haven't had the pleasure of seeing it yet.
Where can we find the documentation that Krishna worship was modified after Jesus to sound like Jesus?
In what text is Heracles described like that? IE sounding like Jesus?
So in other words, you can piece together the story of Jesus Christ almost completely from other world religions without ever needing to read the gospels in the Bible. Outstanding! I love it! 😁
The Socialist Athiest Left do not want this information to get into the wider population
Christianity is a threat to their ultimate goal
They want the entire population to worship the State
They want the ultimate authority to be the State
Oh wow what a blessed combo team up!
God bless you two and your continuation of success in spreading the gospel.
Jesus' Words in the 4 Gospels strike me as: Divine, Majestic, Sublime, Genius, Magnificent, Powerful, Wonderful, Glorious, Unparalleled, Profound, and more! His Words convince me of His Deity. Thanks Mr. Wallace for sharing your insights and knowledge. My faith has grown stronger listening to you and reading your works.
Jesus impacted history only God can do that ❤
Amen🙏🏼 so educational I love it !
"If these people keep silent, the stones will cry out"
What of the claim that Jesus traveled to train and live with the monks for a duration of his life before returning back to Jerusalem/Israel?
The reason why I asked this is because I'm not sure what to make of the missing chunk of Christ's life from his adolescence to where the Bible picks up from his baptism.
Have you ever done research on the flat earth theory?
Even our date measurement are based on Jesus's birthday, billions of people everyday sign legal binding contracts with date 2023 After Christ, but they don't even realize it 🙏
Not to mention the number of occurrences, and intensity, of His Name being invoked as a curse by rebellious mankind. This testifies also to the reaction of the wicked, demonic, ungodly realm through their sycophants to Him. Let those who have ears to hear, hear; and those who have eyes to see, see.
I do believe there is truth to this. But why do we still use the figure of a white male to symbolize Jesus?
Part of the resistance for many people to accept Yeshua is the constant bombardment of a white male with blue eyes and blonde wavy hair. This is untrustworthy propaganda and lessens the credibility of the deliverers of this information.
Amen to that!