The Cluster B Society
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First time hearing psychocracy but everyone shares elements of cluster a, b, and c. Better to share facts rather than encouraging confirmation bias. On flipside, psychocracy sounds really interesting.
Trump has Cluster B — but so do most "trans activists" — people in power have cluster B on both sides because the middle won't participate in politics anymore.
As Rufo spoke of narcissistic personality Jemele Hill appeared. Keep on telling the truth.
Comment for traction
Cluster f$&k society.
I worked for the federal government and the last two supervisors I had were clearly Cluster B. One was dark triad and the other was a narcissist. As long as you’re not a white male, you can be crazy AF and still get promoted right along.
The people who were recovering from Cluster B abuse when 2020 happened have been seeing their own terrifying personal lives writ large every day all day, around the globe now. Once you've broken away from Cluster B abuse, you can't NOT see it. Thankfully, there was a huge wave of "narcissistic abuse recovery" information flooding the internet prior to 2020, which gives me hope.
These tactics are exactly how Mao Zedong took over China. Students literally went home and beat their parents up. The Chinese culture at the time was far more susceptible to this manipulation than we are. However, if we do not do anything about it, we will fall prey to this as well.
Please interview Josh Slocum of Disaffected podcast – he has been taking about this loudly for years and deserves some credit
Raise the vote to 30… job done!
Rufo explained this current “violent trend” very well. Thanks CFR.
We gave women freedom and they wrecked everything in less than a generation.
The feminization of society is due in no small measure to our affluence and success. We have solved so many of the issues that takes men and women in their traditional roles to solve. Across the Earth, there are still many if not most of the nations that either laugh or are terrified of what goes on here in the US. Find a nation enduring these psycho-social issues where a source of water, energy and food are assured to the point that no one gives them any thought. Look into the recent past across much of the world and imagine a society wracked with this level of mental disorders amongst it's supposed intelligentsia elite where it is necessary to gather fire wood or hunt for food. We have sown the seeds of our own destruction.
This video should have 3 million views instead of 30k. I’m sure YouTube is doing their best to recommend it to everyone.
Excellent Video . I would like to also include "FEAR OF AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE" is driving the insanity. It is clear that this pathology is being driven by the cabal and THIS COULD BE WHY THEY DO NOT CRACK DOWN ON ANTIFA / BLM or other displays of violence.
women are crazy. they are need to isolated.they are very weak and try to equalize men over generations. this is war
Narcissism is not morally based its self righteousness outside of religious morality.
You really need to never stop doing this please 🙏
Christopher: the issues so blatantly obvious in society today began forty to fifty years ago in K-12. Please examine the self-esteem movement. cooperative learning, CLAD (Cross Cultural Language Acquisition and Development). Please examine parental involvement (mostly mothers) in the classroom and its development over the years. Please examine lax behavior standards, dress codes, attendance policies and curriculum. All of these are part and parcel of the insidious changes that produced WOKE and the narcissistic society in which we live today. The children exposed to these practice are now in the classroom teaching. For example, such a person went thru K-12 indoctrination and then on to a university to get a degree from a department like Black Studies, then went through a teaching program that promoted the same ideas and was then employed full circle back into the system that created them. We are doomed.
One very serious problem that seems innocent is the emphasis on bullying. I finally realized that it was a means to silence anyone objecting. It is not what it seems, Take a deep look at this one, Christopher,
In the old days we called it a clusterfuck. Now you know why. Excellent journalism sir.
THIS is all a white people thing!!! And white identifying people who hopped on these morally bankrupt ways of doing things!!! Nice going!!!
The question now of course is what to do about it.
So how do you break this trance? Does it eventually self implode?
Everything about this is coming from the highest global levels. 2030 transformation.
Repealing the 19th Amendment would solve at least 80% of these problems. Once that was accomplished it would be easy to get to work on the rest of it.