The Conservative Student’s Survival Guide | 5 Minute Video
Conservative students are vastly outnumbered on campus, and their beliefs and values are often ridiculed by other students, professors and administrators. So, how can conservatives survive and thrive in college, while also making a difference? Matthew Woessner, a political science professor at Penn State Harrisburg, offers some tips.
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As a professor at a major American university, I’m well aware of higher education’s liberal bias. I also know the unique challenges that college students with conservative views face. If you are one of those students, here are seven ways you can turn those challenges into opportunities for learning and growth.
1) Face Reality
The reality is that at most colleges and universities the Leftist worldview is the norm. Everything else is considered a deviation. This is certainly the case in the humanities and social sciences. Even the hard sciences and professional majors, like business, have been influenced — although, thus far at least, to a much lesser degree. Simply being aware of this ideological imbalance is a big step forward. It will help you think critically about what you’re being taught.
2) Seek Out Allies
The easiest way to do this is to identify the non-Left and conservative groups and clubs on campus and to join some of them. We all need allies. And we all need friends with whom we can talk freely. Plus, fellow independent-thinking students can give you advice on how to navigate the Politically Correct obstacle course that runs through almost all college campuses — and where to find the few non-Leftist faculty. (They do exist!)
3) Avoid pointless ideological battles
It’s not your personal responsibility to correct the Leftist bias that permeates higher education. You’re not going to turn around the professor who has no patience for your conservative views, so don’t try. It’s fine to pose probing questions, but don’t push too hard. The same goes for your fellow students who espouse Leftist views — probe, but don’t push too hard.
Also, recognize that many left-leaning faculty are committed to an open discussion of controversial topics. Conflicts with closed-minded professors will happen less often than you might imagine.
4) Stay cool
If you do mix it up with a Leftist professor or fellow student always be calm, reasonable, and respectful, even if they don’t return the favor. Think of yourself as an ambassador for conservative ideas. Coming off as a hothead isn’t going to help the cause. It’s not easy to control your temper, especially when you are being falsely accused of being sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, bigoted or racist, but that’s what you have to do.
Your opponents will look for any excuse to dismiss you as a crazy conservative. So don’t give them the chance. Remember this: the person who loses his cool often loses the debate.
5) Choose wisely
Consider a major that isn’t inherently hostile to conservative ideas. The hard sciences like physics and chemistry are much less likely to be politicized in part, because the material is less subjective. In the social sciences, Political Science and Economics tend to be more tolerant of conservative ideas, if only because a proportionally large minority of the faculty hold views that are centrist or right of center.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/conservative-students-survival-guide

What if I attend GCU?
Conservative parents should be supporting their children by dropping the "you must go to college" mantra. Choosing a technical or vocational college will get everyone a better "bang for the buck." "Gen Ed" courses can be taken online from accredited universities without having to be subjected to the campus/classroom political nonsense. The array of subject matter available is unbelievable and one can choose what they want to earn a degree in whilst learning in a PRACTICAL way how to do the job. No liberal university is worth paying a bunch of money to and putting your child's mental and physical health at risk for, EVER. No student NEEDS to go away to college, that's utter nonsense.
This is so funny, their is alot of professors who are leftist but they dont mention that in the classroom. Good reason also, studys like the social sciences are social and the left usually acknowledges systemic failures that can lead to problems in america. But even for other majors like history the right during these times involved a adherence to the monarchy and only caring about the main area instead of colony's, so the left in history knows the brutality of governments and empires that at the time and even now is usually defended by the right.
Just mentioning that I am an abortion survivor brings out the devil in others. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told that I have no right to be alive.
Reality has a well known leftist bias. 🤣🤣🤣
I am only going into 8th grade but this still really helped.
Wow, now you guys almost know what it’s like to be a queer kid in conservative schools! We also have to try to seek out allies so we don’t get assaulted or murdered- oh what’s that? You guys don’t get killed for existing? Welp, no trying to play the oppression card for you.
Yeah, Trump really keeps his cool . haha
During an interview at Harvard a student asked Clarence Thomas about charity work as a student. He was against it. He said become good and then you can do good. In other words focus on building yourself with college, since that's what you are there for, and then go out into the world and do great things after arming yourself with knowledge. I think the same can be said about liberal politics in college. Drink the koolaide and get your A first and foremost. Second, do try to learn about liberal viewpoints so you can better counter them. Be a fifth column to them. Whenever I go to a book discussion group that is reading something political I learn so much more from liberals than I do if I were just listening to conservatives. You aren't in college to change the world. You are there to arm yourself with the tools and knowledge to change the world.
Abolish the Department of Indoctrination, and give the power back to the states or even privatize schools and give parents choices.
This is really valuable advice. Good. Thanks.
ASSOCIATE professor at penn state HARRISBURG 😂😂
R.O.T.C. used to be one of the best places, but the left has pushed them of campus just as they have all Christian groups. College has become the bastion of perversion, corruption, and instruction in devil worship.
That doesn't only happen in America. In my homeland, Sweden, we also have a conservative party on republican level, that is growing a lot. However, it has a pretty dark past of supporting neo-nazism 30 years ago. But even though it has kicked most of it's extreme politicians, and tries to leave it's past, you will be mocked and hurt if you openly support it. It's so bad that most people hide that they like the party. I didn't, and faced a lot of problems for that.
Nah I'm good 👌 college is clearly a scam
Wish I saw this a year ago, I am currently going to college at a community college for Business Administration and have encountered issues described here many times. Oddly enough I actually encountered a left leaning instructor that actually listened to alternate views and made him think about the topic differently.
We all start out as "lefties". It is the defining point of the idealist young. As we grow older and wiser we learn that communism, socialism, Marxism look great on paper, but do not work well in practice.
We say a Conservative is a socialist who has been mugged at knifepoint once.
Where was this video when I needed it three years ago at a community college? LMAO
If you don't wanna learn dont go to school
The Conservative Student's Survival Guide: Don't think and don't learn
This is an old video and it shows. This was made before the Leftist zombies started using violent mobs to prevent any discussions on any sides.
And before the Far-left Nazi professo… Did I say Nazi? I meant Far-Left Marxist professors (which is even worse) were promoting and excusing violence.
This is wonderful advice for any college student no matter the age
Become a plumber
Look at the course work that it takes to get your degree. Stay clear of all indoctrinating classes that you could choose as electives. Many courses are taught by many Educators so learn to pick the most appropriate of the bunch. Simply ask yourself is this elective course going to help me be more employable and enrich my life in a positive way.
Please remember that when you interview for a job the company is not interested in what you really do. They are interested in what you can do for them to increase their profitability.
I was a student in a major university in the late 70s and graduated with a bachelor's degree in the early 80s. I took ' music appreciation and theater' as humanities classes. I don't think it is too dangerous of a Choice today too stay away from everything that is corrosive while getting your post-secondary degrees.
Please manage your time and money wisely whether you be young or old.
In my literature class at a Christian school, I sat next to a kid who was obviously not Christian. He was visibly upset the whole time the teacher talked from a Christian view point. I guess they can’t take their own medicine. Thank you for this guide! 💪💪
Or, go to a trade school and start earning a great living without tens or hundreds of thousands in college debt.
A conservative’s experience at a “liberal university” is a cakewalk compared to a progressive’s experience at a conservative university. Try being gay or god forbid a socialist at a school like Liberty University
I have a question, why is it propaganda when it comes to University being on majority leftists but not when other fields or environnements are on majority conservative ? Was it only propaganda that made Donal Trump elected ? Isn't it just democracy ?
So if I like the idea of death to babies I should use this to not change because I’m wrong but to keep going and push for it to everyone even if they called me names like child murder and insane?
I’m not PragerU fan but this needs to be shown to every college freshman before entering campus