The End of Roe v. Wade is Coming: Is Revolution Next? Congress Says Yes
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the dude is flat out lying here about 12-15-20 week differences. most countries in Europe allow 15 and even 20 week abortions with largely the same kind of procedures and checks that are commonplace in USA. the reality is, anti-abortion legislatures are inventing all kinds of hoops and hurdles between pregnant women and abortion just to make it more difficult. their goal is to practically ban abortion – to make it non-feasible to as many women as possible. the number of weeks is just a tool to accomplish that goal.
The same with to woman or two men adopting a child. Why doesn't the Child have any rights to have the choice to have a man and a woman as parents!
You let people become wild and out of control! What about a baby right to live! Use some kind of protection!
Use protection!
Bring the revolution. We are locked and loaded.
Stop using abortion as birth control, every human life is precious and important,
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Ten hours later I’m shouting “Viability!”
Everyone is so worried about the unborn but here in philly kids get killed everyday and the damn government dont give a rats ass about that. They need to worry about all the killings not a womans body.
Abortions should not happen after 6 weeks .. that’s when a heart beat is detected .. then it’s just plain murder. There is no justification no excuse.
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Will this be a catalyst for a real debate about bodily autonomy?
How about being more responsible in your decisions and there wouldn't be an issue at all.
Stupid decisions should never = murder. People need accountability in their lives that’s why we find ourselves in the world we live now.
You two fight like you are married (I know you 2 are married I say stuff like that 2 every1)
If that's overturned, you will be finding more and more and more babies born as orphans. I am 60 yrs old and I was born an orphan. People don't think about that
Killing a baby and ending a pregnancy are two different things. Once that baby is living on his/hers own breathing independently, ending that life would be murder.
Protect the rights of women rights. Basically if your a woman and your pregnancy doesn't go perfect your going to prison. The government is charging and imprisoning women who were pregnant and needed an abortion and couldn't get it and women who may use a substance while not knowing they were pregnant. Women who are pregnant now have their Bodies essentially under arrest.
America is exploitive and oppressive &:the rich get the golden ticket.
It isn’t just a matter of a woman’s body. It is also the baby. I’m not sure how you deal with it politically, but as you are going later and later into the pregnancy, it becomes apparent that you are killing another human being who has no voice. So, the question becomes how do you uphold the right of the mother and baby.
Hello 👋
Women should have the right to an abortion but there has to be a time limit of 8 weeks . Your menstrual cycle should be a red flag. I had 3 kids and I didn't want anymore so I got the surgery.
At the end of the day nobody should be telling a woman what to do with her fucking body no lie .
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