The Facts Behind the New Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery (Interview with Craig Evans)
Is the latest discovery of new Dead Sea Scrolls reliable? How were they found? What do they reveal? In this interview, I talk with Craig Evans, one of the leading biblical scholars today, about this fascinating new discovery.
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This is my favourite stop on the internet. And Craig Evans is an amazing guest. I love hearing from him.
I am willing to bet the Devine name was put down Yehovah…as Yahweh is not a Hebrew name…the yah is ONLY added to the end…the scholar knows its Yehovah…he pronounced it Yahweh to conform to tradition.
I loved this interview.
I can understand Craig's attitude towards the scrolls found w.r.t. Jesus (Nazarene/Ebionite) he has been presented with a picture of Jesus thats added a few things to His character. Like for instance being a vegetarian and caring what happens to animals.
This one will fit in more with a Jewish concept and Isaiah 12:6-9 where THAT Messiah brings in a peacable Kingdom where humans and animals live in harmony together and swords are converted into ploughshares.
However the Jesus Craig believes in DID leave clues in the book of Matthew 12:7 /Hosea 6:6&7
God wants mercy NOT sacrifice.
God also did not institute the sacrificial system Jeremiah 7:22-23
Which is contrary to what Hebrews 9:22 says "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
Which is a forgery.
God will not have to cancel a law that He did not institute. Which means the sacrificial system was instituted by Moses NOT God.
If it was God then animal sacrifices would have stopped by Jesus "sacrificial" death.
Its still going in in the Jewish orthodox sacrificial system.
Sean you must not stop here.
Investigate further for yourself.
Also go and check it out.
John the Babtist did NOT eat grashoppers and honey.
Its a deliberate mistranslation by scholars to mislead people.
He ate fruit from the carob tree and honey.
Also remember.
He never sacrificed anything.
He never attended any feasts in Jerusalem
He ALWAYS lived in the wilderness
After I became passionate about Apologetics and evangelism a few years ago, there's been an interesting juxtaposition that takes place. Learning about God's Word and His Truth objectively forces you to accept the findings even if there's an underlying fear that what you study and find will conflict with traditional beliefs we form.
What I've learned so far, is there's so much more to learn! To let God's Truth reveal itself and not think we have to force it to. Truth is truth and it will show itself, time and time again. God never disappoints! We just need to be open to accept those revelations and know there will always be tough questions!
Sean I agree with your entire statement of faith except for the part about the scriptures being inspired an inherent in their original forms. We don't have the originals and neither did Jesus.
We believe Jesus walked on water and rose from the dead… but he's incapable of preserving his perfect word? That's not the God I worship.
We don't need to look to the Greek. God has preserved the Word in the universal language of our times. Please look in to the mathematical proofs for the kjv and let me know what you think. Thanks and God bless!
One dudes opinion
I have always thought of how propitious the founding of Israel and the finding of the scrolls occurring so nearly simultaneously. Knowledge is increasing.
Did i understand correctly? The woman in a basket find is ten thousand years old? That's very disappointing for new earth creationists who believe the earth is under six thousand years old.
This makes me think about what type of artifacts are we leaving behind today ( if any )…How many photographs of ancient documents like these are not written on physical media? What about many many sermons? Everything is digital. While I am sure there are efforts to retain and backup some things, those efforts probably do not reach into the common home or local community …and even then are not ready for longer term archival
(Over 30+ years). Are we creating a vaccume of no human history by our actions today? Whats the solution?
Did he say cave of WHORE'S?
Nothing is 10,000 years old on earth
Truth is being hidden the scrolls are about the first followers of Jesus and community writings date to 1st century ad NOT 200 – 50 BC. Evidence a line also being hidden which has been documented '' and the Holy Spirit settled upon His Messiah ''
48:17 matthew was guided by the holy spirit. one needs to prayerfully see the context, the message, god through matthew was giving. the hebrew language is strange language, too. an angel would speak in third person and all of a sudden in first person, etc. culture: an oath needs to have a hand under the thigh to take. a covenant needs an animal split in two to be legal.
Sean McDowell, I have discovered this channel a week ago, I can tell you are doing a great job with such outstanding interviews. You are very passionate in what you do. Let Good success be with you and your family.
At about 13:00 is very important. One of the reasons I don't trust Codex Aleph is it has never been chemically dated. Not it or its ink. Only paleographically.
Thanks so much, awesome
A simple study to see the differences between all 41,000 Christian denominations will show ONLY MINOR differences BUT a close look at the CORE BELIEFS know as "The profession of Faith" of each of the 41,000 denominations will show they are EXACTLY THE SAME……
Protestant also includes ALL of the 41,000 denominations baptists , SDA, Pentecostal , Methodist, Assemblies of God and on and on AND ALL of the 41,000 ..
In the 4th century of the Roman Empire Constantine who himself thought he was a god, was frustrated at all the pagan religions springing up in Rome that caused bloodshed and division and knew he could not just kill and continue to persecute all the Christians SO HE decided to bring them all together in ONE UNIFIED "UNIVERSAL" ROMAN CHURCH….
The word "catholic" literally means "universal" .. The Latin word is catholicus, and in Greek it is katholikos.. The word in English can mean "including a wide variety of things"= universal , all-embracing= universal .
The Cult of Isis, an Egyptian mother-goddess religion, was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. MARY was then given the titles that were used for Isis, such as “Queen of Heaven,” “Mother of God,” and theotokos(“God-bearer”) were given to Mary…. The "SUN" worshippers were included and became "SON" worshipers OF THE GOD MARY BORE !
Constantine absorbed all the gods of love, the god of peace, and the gods of joy into ONE GOD CALLED "THE FATHER" and consolidated the gods of war, the gods of strength and the gods of wisdom INTO ONE god called "THE SPIRIT"…
The pagan Jewish belief of "ABRAHAMS BOSOM" became "PURGATORY" and "ETERNAL TORMENT" was added to fill people with fear and fully obedient to Rome and its increasing demands for" MONEY and Power…..
In AD 313 Constantine lifted the ban or Christianity and in AD 325 Constantine called the Council of Nicea and formally launched "THE ROMAN UNIVERSAL CHURCH" made up of the bastardisation of Christianity and the demonic pagan cults of early Rome. Constantine made an EDICT (an official order or proclamation) THAT ALL future doctrine MUST REFLECT THE TEACHING OF ROME… ..
Today THE CORE BELIEFS of early Rome are STILL TAUGHT in every single one of the worlds 41,000 denominations …
THERE ARE 3 gods The Father is a god the son Jesus is a god the spirit is a god and Mary is the mother of ALL THE gods……
1/The Father god of love
2/ The spirit god of wisdom
3/ the "SUN" god now called "THE SON" CHANGED FROM ZEUS TO JESUS……
4/ ALL the gods have a mother called "MARY" Jesus the SON god is born of Mary…
5/ The Father god (OF LOVE) will torment you forever IF YOU DO NOT OBEY HIM……
The Bible speaks of a "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS" or "whore" church has many daughters. The Protestant and her 41,000 denominations are the harlots daughters as she has 3 gods and the 41,000 protestant denominations are "the many daughters" of the "harlot and whore church system" of Revelation 17.
The mother of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic church and her harlot daughters are ALL the 41,000 Protestant denominations..
The Creators word the bible also warns us that the "harlot and her daughters" will be dressed in "purple and scarlet" the exact colours that bishops and cardinals wear in both the catholic and protestant church ..!!!
HOW TO BE TRULY SAVED 1/ Keep the first Commandment NO OTHER gods Except the Creator of all flesh Yahweh
2/ Believe in the second Adam the Saviour THE MAN Yeshua / Jesus who was born of a women A FLESH AND BLOOD MAN NOT A god and that he lived on earth and died sinless for your sins and was RAISED FROM THE DEAD BY THE CREATOR YAHWEH The Creator of all flesh (Romans 10:9)
The fact that all the worlds Christian denominations are now pagan backs up the teaching of Jesus Christ that "THE END TIMES" would be the same as "IN THE DAYS OF NOAH" WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD WAS ALSO PAGAN except for "a few" ………
Time to wake up Church …THERE WILL NOT BE A NEXT TIME !!!
Taken from the FREE book “What every person should consider now”. A fully interactive and simple to read book that is not part of any church or any denomination allowing the writer to tell the absolute truth…….
Get your FREE copy at http://www.godsairforce.org
This was a greatly insightful interview.
Sean: "what's your fascination with "kind of archeology"' ? Could we please clean up our vocabulary now and then? From the sound of it, Dr. Evans has good knowledge of "actual archeology" … not a "kind of archeology," or a "sort of archeology."
When men do not speak words as prompted by the Spirit of God, when they speak from their carnal minds, when they give their vain opinions as to what the Bible means; they are trampling on the words of Christ, destroying the true meaning, destroying the life in their listeners, and trampling on the blood of Jesus — because they are speaking without life, they are speaking lies, they are speaking errors, they are speaking from the Spirit of Satan instead of the Spirit of Christ.They don't understand that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin if we walk in the light as he is in the light. 1 John 1:7. Those speaking from their carnal minds, (not speaking from words taught and supplied by the Spirit), are ministers of Satan, transformed [masquerading] as ministers of righteousness. 2 Cor 11:14-15; and they don't know they are Satan's ministers; they think they are Christ's, even though Christ never taught or trained them, never perfected them, never authorized them, never gifted them with the ministry, never sent them to preach, and never told them exact words to speak
God's Will and the truth will be shown in the end times this proves that the Septuagint is real the 70 origin remember that she'll listen to Jesus Christ
Hey, I Have a Novel Idea…..how about we talk about the actual content of what has been found? Cuz either these guys are in love with the sound of their own voice, or they are being paid by the minute. The scrolls are regularly being discovered and studied, so how come even the most intelligent and articulate can only speak in the most general terms? There are hundreds of thousands of members of Ibrahamic traditions who would like to know more about their Faith's. Why is the scholarship community so reluctant to put information out there? Or maybe that's the problem. Apparently information is released only when somebody has a crack at a pay off.
”We will take a simple little verse and show you why it is not addressed to the natural man, Ecclesiastes 3:15: “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.” The “natural man” cannot grasp that, for to him reality is based only on the evidence of the senses. The man of reason could justify the verse’s end, saying if it has any meaning then the writer must mean recurrence. The sun comes every day and the moon completes its cycle and the seasons come and go. If we took a picture of the universe today, the scientists can compute how long it will take to return to this point in the picture. So the intellectual man could justify the verse; but that is not what is meant, for it is addressed not to the man of reason or the man of sense, but to the man of Imagination. What is it all about? “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been, and God seeks what has been driven away.”
Stop thinking of the theology aspect of it.
Athiest comments ? …..any homie athiests ?
Nothing on „New Discovery“ until 8:20