The fall of the Aztec empire explained | Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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this is one the best summary of the Mexican Conquest. It is a curiosity because it was produced by a "gringo".
Just remember that during the Roman Empire, most of the Northern European people (not part of the Roman Empire) were considered barbarians/savages(Celtic and Germanic tribes for example). These “barbarian Europeans” had pagan religions that also included human sacrifices. Do the druids sound familiar? Yes, thanks to Christianity (a religion that started in the Middle East) spreading throughout Europe, most of these sickening human sacrifice rituals were stopped. To take this further, even the so called civilized people of the Roman Empire would gladly watch gladiators and slaves in the colosseum butcher each other to death. Or how about people being torn to shreads by wild beasts in the colosseum. All for the mere pleasure and enjoyment of the “civilized audience”. Yes, let’s give credit to Christianity, because all of humanity(whether European, African, Asian or Native American) committed abhorrent acts.
I remember being taught about human sacrifices (not cannibalism) in Social Studies, but not the numbers. For that matter, we knew the Spaniards conquered them, but no one ever suggested that it might be good to stop the horror.
This man is such a genius.
Mr. Thomas Sowell is a legend and more people should know him.
What goes around comes around.
Tom, you skipped over the known role of the Aztecs as mercenaries for many of the extant tribes and city states they encountered on their migrations south from their homeland, Aztlan or Land of the Herons. In the role of mercenaries, they benefited from the cross cultural exchanges by apprising themselves of the tactical weaknesses of their host nations while themselves developing military acuity as well as administrative and architectural savvy along with the incorporation of the religious doctrines encountered. They admired the Toltecs as a parent civilization and modeled much of their city building on the Toltex model. Great series, thanks for bringing difficult topics into rational focus.
The Aztecs were a highly hierarchical caste-type society led by experts, who locked down their population by way of a canal system and no access to personal transportation.
Also, they enjoyed performing medical experiments on the citizenry, even if it basically boiled down to torturing people to the death.
The better off classes enjoyed good food, among other privileges, whilst the majority of the population was being kept vegan, poor and accordingly apathetic.
Any half-decent military power of that time would have been able to defeat the Aztecs, easily. In fact, even a stray micro-army of Spaniards (indigenous allies give or take) was able to do so, and so it did. (Albeit perhaps not easily, but they were heavily outnumbered.)
Moral of the story:
Self-serving politicians/dictators (and their dictatorships/states) are shyte. People are meant to do better, and not be lead by a-holes who want nothing for them but to cut out and re-purpose their organs, on the altars of science, self-aggrandizement and bureaucracy.
The sickness of humanity
Jedem Das Seine.
Which books is this from?
From what book is this from?
Oh, those “peaceful” indigenous people of the Americas would never behave so savagely!! Check out the book “Aztec” by Gary Jennings for a fictional rendition of their story.
It's odd some, who I believe are Sowell fans, took away from this video that he dispelled with the myth that natives are generally peaceful. That's not what I heard. I heard Sowell talk about Aztecs and anyone in their right mind, even an astute liberal, not only wouldn't try to say Aztecs were peaceful but wouldn't use them as a shining example of natives in general. I heard Sowell talk about the savagery of the Spaniards as well as the Aztecs.
I think with some people, as per the comments, a lump view is far more embraced that natives were savages which also seemed to be the concensus view of those who colonized these lands and tried to justify their own barbarism in the name of morality and higher learning. This, in my mind, accentuates their brutality because they were not even beholden to their own christian values or their vaunted civility. This mindset permeates the orthodox christian world in all major sects(even today), that "God is all loving but if you don't love Him back you'll suffer for eternity in an oven of unquenchable fire. An insatiably angry god will no doubt beget vengeful and unjust followers who customarily seek to justify their own deeds through the sins of their victims.
Whether or not natives were of a particular moral character is moot, which is situational. The response by some who feel a sense of justification because of these particular examples, without regard to their situational distinctions from those murdered who were peaceful or those massacred at times of peace is disturbing and easily exploited by liberals as prima facie evidence that their opponents are generally bigots.
The point cannot be raised that such situations are isolated incidents without implicating those who take a general view of natives to feel better about something in which they had no part, save their attitude about it. This is a bad look if they consider themselves conservatives. A modern day conservative should no more try to justify the evils of history than they should feel guilty for something they didn't do.
Damn so being cruel to the people was the down fall of the Aztecs
this my friend is the best video by far
Cortez is my hero FCK🖕Neil Young
If you homeschool, you MUST use Sowell in the curriculum.
So this tells the truth regarding Slavery and proves the practice as Present long before “colonization”. So own it and when you feel like bringing the subject up please do so by starting your rant with the fact that “while slavery wasn't a new thing brought here by the white ppl…”!
Why do we lament the destruction of such a terrible civilization? It is dead, buried and should be. The Spaniards were not perfect, but they were better than what existed there before.
So, in the end, the Spanish won. Then THEY shtupped the Aztecs and the offspring are the Mexicans that we know today?
Mexicans LOOK more like Indians and the Aztec statues than like Spaniards.
Destroys the Dem/Leftist myth that Native Americans we're holding hands and signing Kumbaya together prior to Europeans.
From North to South America,
Natives were pealing the skin off live captives, raping the vanquished, and human sacrificing 100,000+ humans annually.
In Europe,
they raped the vanquished, burned people alive for "wrongthink" against the Church, and killed scores in wars due sovereign nations promoting the "wrong form of Christianity", etc
We're all part of one human family.