The First and Second Resurrection — Voddie Baucham
There is a unique group of people described in Revelation 20:4-6; and as with most elements of Revelation, there are many views on what they could represent. Pastor Voddie makes the case that these people are the children of God, and puts a special emphasis on martyrdom and what it looks like today.
Voddie Baucham Sermon
Listen to the entire Genesis series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN8eJgbJS60&list=PLjSIFDZIs-qcc1aD7Xv89FyWTX-kAvyK3
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Revelation 20:4-6:
4 Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Re 20:4–6.
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This completely upended my view on the rapture. Amen
This changed my view on the rapture. God Bless
Thank you so much Doctor Vodie,I am learning and understanding the HOLY SCRIPTURES more clearly because of your teaching…May our ALMIGHTY GOD pour more of HIS Wisdom upon you.
This is by far the best exposition of these verses with the combination of external verses making it one of the best explanations of the first and second resurrection ever. Praise be to Almighty God and Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for every video that you make and your service as we strive to become a better version of ourselves through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
He leaves out so many scriptures that prophesy of this time those of man that are left that live in unbared cities and who die at a hundred if they sin ,it's not us .we who are ruling with yahshua are new bodies don't Mary or have children ,alot of prophesy hasn't happen yet it's future most know this ,even unbelieving jews know this.
Thank you so much for the word.
Those are true Christians. I feel so wimpy. I pray that God helps me hold-fast for Jesus Christ.
Thank you GfBC and Dr Voddie. Glory to JESUS our LORD and REDEEMER, amen🙏
Wow, I've always been a pre mill guy, Mr. Baucham has officially changed my eschatology. Bravo sir
Footstool and the Heaven above knows the True Owner. The little child "i" sitting with the AM. What is authority from all these FEET commanding authority resting upon the Owner Footstool? Intent will be determined! Can be kept nor spit out! Who sitteth the child "i" sitting with the AM. UNTO ALL the shared I AM will say indeed! Heirs and Angels knows the commands given since…before the Foundations of the world was laid. The New Day! Is at Hand. As Yeshua Jesus Christ have made manifested unto all HIS OWN? For all dry grounds nor the world and heaven above blessed is HE WHO COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. Who is, who was, and who is to come? The ALPHA AND THE OMEGA. Likewise can make all THINGS NEW! The RENOWNED will say who are you? The OLIVER JAMITO BORN DECEMBER 29 1976 SIGNITURE. The New Day! The little child "i" sitting with the AM. What is creation? Even creation itself can't exist without the SHARED I AM. For such creation made! Unto all the i AM remind unto all will say WHO AM I? Students will say still thy GLORY! Just needed to be reminded written within. For the AXE is set upon the Root to prevent! AXE is removed! Likewise Heirs and Angels knows commands given since…to keep watch! And knows the Owner of Judgment and Justice! From here
51:10–53:00!! Beautifully explained Mr. Voddie! I can’t help but wanna tuck Matthew 5:3-10 in there. Specifically matthew 5:9. And my understanding of Matthew of 5:9 is no one’s out looking for trouble nor seeking vengeance. But to safeguard you and yours and stand for what is right peacemaker is vastly different then peacekeeper!
This sermon has me confused. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord if you believe. However, everything in Revelation is not symbolic. The sai ts under the alter cries out to avenge their deaths. That is the souls of the ones died in the tribulation. The second death is for all unbelievers because Jesus says blessed are the ones who has no part in the second death for they are standing beford the Lord to be judged. I love Voddie's teaching but this one has me confused. Jesus reigns for a literal 1000 years. The scriptures repeats that over and over again. After that, Satan must be loosed for a little while. He deceives the nations and surrouds Jerusalem and then Jesus destroys him. He gets thrown in the abyss, the Lake of Fire, along with deathl, hell and Satan's angels for all eternity. Then, i believe, the 1000 years reign moves straight into etrnity.
Dr. Baucham I believe the Lord places people in our lives to help us, discern His purpose for us and, understand His love for us. This sermon is not the first of yours I have listened to but it speaks specifically to my current season. I have been trying to make sense of my current losses, my 91 yr old father in 2020, 62 yr old sister in 2021, 88 yr old mother, and 35 yr old daughter in 2023. I am thankful for you and the biblical clarity that you selflessly, and consistently, deliver to the world. God be with you brother
Is Voddie Baucham insinuating that those who basically practice idolatry (in worshipping the Virgin and the Saints) somehow fit this passage? I have never known him to be ecumenical.
Voddies, we believers will not be here. God's next prophetic event to happen, is the Rapture of the church, true believers. Then, the rise of the antichrist and his one world government during the 7 year tribulation period. Then the physical return of Jesus Christ, His 2nd coming, to put an end to the final battle of Armageddon. Then the literal 1000 year millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth, followed by the great white throne judgement of all unbelievers, and eternity forever with our Savior for all believers.
Thank you Dr. Baucham and God Bless you for rightly handling the Word of God even so come quickly
A breath of fresh word of God…. Bless you Pastor Voddie for your obedience 🙏🏾