The Flood l Voddie Baucham
The Flood l Voddie Baucham
Genesis 7
Voddie Baucham Sermon
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Why does voddie use “amen” in this manner?
Commercials are too loud
My regret is that, I am not and cannot be one of your flocks to receive these spiritual Nuggets due to the distance. I am still very thankful and may God give you long life sir.
“What are you doing with that club & rope Noah??” 😭😭
Hallelujah! Amen! Beautiful Beautiful sermon!! God bless! 🙏🏿❤️
I find the beginning of this message strange, because I've never thought about rewards before. I've been studying God's Word for just 9 years now though, so maybe I haven't gotten to that part yet. But I never considered that very important I guess. I always assumed that the reward is being in heaven with Jesus. I don't pay attention to what other people have or what I don't have. I live below the poverty level, I have no tv or car, and I don't have health either. But I have enough to live; shelter, food, some clothes. A Bible, and my cats, and a computer so I can listen to people like Voddie and John MacArther and other good teachers. That's all I need. I love listening to Voddie Baucham's teachings because I learn a lot. Thank you for sharing these videos. PS. Ken Ham built a life size replica of Noah's Ark in Williamstown, KY. Someone should invite Voddie to go see it. Well, I take some of that back. There is one thing that I've always wanted that I never got and I didn't think of it until Voddie started talking about his kids. I never had a loving family. From my parents to my kids to my ex. None of that was loving. And I don't have any now, or any friends, and I'm too old now for any of that stuff. So that's my one desire I had in life that was never fulfilled. But I was not a Christian during the years I could have had some of that, so that's the way it goes. I'm still waiting to be with Jesus. And I have decided (after watching Stephen Baldwin's testimony here on Youtube today) that I am going to run up to God at the beginning and end of every one of my days I have left on this earth and sit on His lap (metaphorically) and wrap my arms around Him and tell Him I love him and I can't wait to see Him as I go into my prayer time.
You do know that this is what Voddie Baucham stands for and follows. It is no secret that he is 100% a 5-Point Calvinist. Is the following who you see as a teacher of Gods word? He couches his words as not to offend, as Calvin's cutting words do. But make no mistake, ask him in private and he will tell you yes, that is the way it is!
God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6)
“…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
“We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
Now a quote from another promoter of Reformed Calvinism. John Piper:
" God . . . brings about all things in accordance with his will. In other words, it isn’t just that God manages to turn the evil aspects of our world to good for those who love him; it is rather that he himself brings about these evil aspects for his glory (see Ex. 9:13-16; John 9:3) and his people’s good (see Heb. 12:3-11; James 1:2-4). This includes—as incredible and as unacceptable as it may currently seem—God’s having even brought about the Nazis’ brutality at Birkenau and Auschwitz as well as the terrible killings of Dennis Rader and even the sexual abuse of a young child . . .
Make no mistake the following false teacher follow the same thinking. Some are afraid to say it but it is part of the Calvinist package. STAY AWAY FROM THESE NAMES THEY ARE POISON
John MacArthur
John Piper
Paul Washer
James White
Voddie Baucham
Steven Lawson
Truth in Love
Amen ! We needed to hear this ! Thank you for your message ! You touched my heart because that’s how I have felt for a long time .
I looked up how much it cost to build the ark replica that is in Kentucky. 100 million dollars and it's only a replica. I doubt it would float for a day without sinking. That's a big boat!
The lesson study for Feb 4th 2023 is about the flood. What some people dont realise is that the waters covered the highest mountain Everest. What a lot of water. We are living in the days of Noah but this time the earth will be destroyed by fire. May we stand firm for the truth.
Only Voddie can put it in perspective and application
Just going through this series, it’s excellent. Wondering if there’s a sermon on chapter 8 and also if anyone knows what all the private videos are? Is there a way to access these if they are Genesis sermons… thank you
I'm was in Calvert City, Kentucky when I finished listening to this study. The same state where there's the actual Noah's Ark museum. I understood the seriousness of the flood, and the magnitude of judgement our sin required, and couldn't help but think of the Titanic movie starring Leonardo Dicaprio. In that movie you felt for all the people who were escaping in fear for their lives to get on the safety boat the Titanic had, and how women and children were given priority. It's similar to how Noah's family were given priority. A very convicting study.
God bless you Voddie! You have helped on this trying and yet wonderful journey I’ve been on since Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins and opened my eyes to the cross!! Your teaching is amazing Holy Spirit is speaking through you. Thank you for reading the word if God to us!
My god, right on time. I was wondering why I keep ending up in conversations that take from my spirit and last night I realized, those are the very conversations and situations that lead me to dig deeper into the word. Bible study becomes an hour longer when I’m feeling a type of way and sometimes it takes days until god saves me again and again. Digging for that peace and or revelation because sometimes it’s an answer to my question and sometimes it’s just peace until the answer comes to me. Amen amen amen 🙏
What amazes me is that you have Men like Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Paul Washer, that preach Biblical Truth. Then you have the FRAUDS Kenneth Copeland, Julie Green, Hank Kunneman, Robin Bullock, Kat Kerr, Manuel Johnson,Dutch Sheets and all these name it claim prosperity crooks that deceive all that follow them!!!!
Excellent as always! Thank you for uploading guys!
God does not drag anyone to heaven. He does not manipulate, beg, but he does tell truth. He expects the same from us.
Wonderful sermon!! Praise the Lord for this spirit-filled pastor.
What happened to the Exodus series by Voddie that was posted here on YouTube? I can’t find it!
I thank God that He led me to this teacher, Voddie Baucham.
Very good.
Max volume may be too low for the hearing-impaired.
Woow. What a great works of interpretation. God be praised
Hey! I was listening to Voddie's Revelation series on another channel and since then they private all the sermon videos. Are you planning on re-uploading that series here?
Well I listen I just realized That before the flood the sons of God took wives onto themselves And the 4 men allowed to enter the arc only had one wife each
Well I listen I just realized That before the flood the sons of God took wives onto themselves And the 4 men allowed to enter the arc only had one wife each
love this studies, is there a chance that these messages might be translated/doubled into Spanish, please continue to do what you are doing, we all need a pure gospel.