The Impact of PragerU | 5 Minute Videos
What impact does PragerU have? When it comes to Americans’ views on politics, culture, economics, and religion, how big of a difference can five-minute videos make? Founder and president Dennis Prager explains.
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Our Mission
The greatest threat to America is that we have not taught the next generation what it means to be an American. PragerU’s mission is to spread the ideas that made America great through the power of the internet. Our five minute videos are conservative sound bites, providing talking points to over 100 million people a year.

What is sad is that You Tube restricts access to some Prager U. videos. Meanwhile, having just watched "The FBI Declassified," I learned about Ed McLarnon, a man who had been in a bitter divorce that led to his ex-wife getting custody of his children and losing his home and business. He started to post videos on You Tube about rampant corruption in the judiciary, because wives and state protective services falsely accuse fathers of child abuse or neglect.
McLarnon is now in federal prison for 25 years for trying to buy weapons from an FBI undercover agent, in order to harm a federal judge, a former Massachusetts Attorney General, a deputy secretary of Homeland Security, and his ex-wife's new husband.
Yet, his videos are still on You Tube.
Thanks for your work fighting anti-semitism
this is… Terrifying. Teaching supplements? Yeah, American education has failed.
PragerU made me go from Radical Leftist to liberal.
Look at all these idiots 5 minute video won’t teach you shit when it is missing context and other various other information this is all propaganda paid for by fracking companies these are for weak minded people
Dear Denis Preager, congrats for the Preager U fantastic content! I am a Brazilian patriot and I would like to see our Justice Minister, Dr. SĂ©rgio Moro in a Preager U video. Kind regards,
Marcello Villar Boock
You should print them and unleash them as #2020elections is approaching and online censorship is looming
I see 614 thumbs down. I guess Rachel Maddow must have told her followers to come to this video and vote it down … but don't you dare watch it!
Keep it up, you may catch up to Scotty Kilmer!
Thanks for what y’all do,keep it going cause ppl really or in the dark sense WWII by thinking the government knows what’s best n need to be woke up.@57 I’ve been awoke sense 08 after finding out I have a birth disease
n had to retire with no help from the government after paying in for 40 years yes 40 cause my dad said you want it you earn it so I started working at 14 after school n he had the money just wanted be to not depend on anyone
well I thought I could depend on my government after paying in for so long but they come up with BS
But I see many taking advantage of the system n that’s what they won’t believe me! Really glad my dad showed me many things in life,maybe cause he was in the Korean War n he saw the writing on the wall then.He died at 54 so I was lucky to have learned at a early age.Guess what I’m saying is most ppl live with their heads in the sand n believing everything the government tells them n the news,so try n tell who will listen the truth about our world cause they have them so screwed up it’s crazy! Main thing is to-think for yourself n then you will see the trees in the Forest. Peace Out
It would be great if praguer made a Spanish version videos.
Pager U … aka right wing agitprop boiler room propaganda
washing ignorance away very good!
It's scary how this is so biased and yet so popular, especially considering that they're connected with Cambridge Analytica
I'm so getting that app
U cant agree with everything. But this is a channel i agree most.
I learn something new every video. Like how analyses is the plural of analysis. Amazing.
Everytime I play a political video, PragerU pops up as an Ad. I guess they are spending millions on ad campaign trying to brainwash people. None of these videos are 'educational'. It does not offer facts or study, just vague reference to something and then forces down their idea with sarcastic attitude and emotional appeal.
Guess what? That's how your favorite commies do to brainwash people.
" 'Don't judge Blacks differently ' – delivered by young Black Woman."
I watched it and liked it but nice use of words here 🙂
So I guess now we gotta worship god to be a citizen kids.
I am proud about this video. I smiled when I heard PragerU was reaching millions of young people. This is so important and amazing! I am 17, and a proud Conservative and Republican. Your videos have had a fundamental impact on my ideology, and allowed me to become so much more educated. I've used so many of these talking points as contentions in my own discussions, and have even changed the minds of other young Americans. Keep up the good work PragerU!
Dennis is really a good guy. I love watching his videos….and am proud to be part of the PragerU community.
I was STRENGTHENED as a liberal by watching you. I will never be a conservative
omg people why not donate to the hurricane relief effect which is more needed than government even if it is self governance!!!! WAKE UP TO REAL DISASTER AND ISSUES IN THE COUNTRY THAN YOUR OWN ISSUES FOR ONCE
We might be finally getting somewhere in this idea and ideal war going on in the world. We used to be extremely outnumbered and outmatched. But, the leftists are getting desperate, and using extremely illegal maneuvers to stop us. We finally have gotten a foothold in this battle, and I say we plan to keep it, and strengthen it.
This is such a dumb channel
This is just toned down populist Trumpism. "Come the revolution, they'll be up against the wall."
I'm 31, from CA and Republican!
The skeptosphere is having fun dissecting your videos….especially the one about Global Warming. Thanks Dennis
Uh a well financed agit prop shit channel . Yeah we love that!
how can we get these videos in front of everyday americans? We're never giving to change the sjw snowflakes but the vast majority of Americans will embrace americanism if they are exposed to the truth.
this channel is excellent and so right (and i ment both meanings of right),