The Lack of Preparedness of U.S. Public Health Agencies | The Coronavirus and Public Policy
This Hillsdale College online symposium session features remarks by Mark Hemingway, senior writer at RealClearInvestigations, followed by an interview with John J. Miller, director of the College’s Dow Journalism Program. It considers the lack of preparedness of U.S. public health agencies with regard to the coronavirus crisis. View other symposium sessions: https://symposium.hillsdale.edu.
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the lack of preparedness for the coming of The Lord Jesus Christ
Deep State Deep State Church!!!
Endtime.com (Archives)
Its later then we think!
In a movie called Deadline Humphrey Bogart said in reply to a comment about a political campaign “ we are a newspaper not a political party”
To bad modern media does feel that way. They want to sell the news (views) not tell the news. Most “ news” programs are now commentary and or editorial in nature.
No one talks about equipment going bad when it is stored. Respirator masks and internal parts go bad. Elastic on masks goes bad. How long can the equipment be stored and at what temperature and humidity?
Here in my county in Texas it is hard to get a test. Multiple people ask the same screening questions. Talk is cheap about how available test are when it take several hours to get a swab done.
Somebody. Anybody. Translate. I'm not the brightest. Lol
I have taken your very informative well presented course on public policy so I am aware of the power of the administrative state.
However I cannot give Mr. Bush a pass. He may have read and warned about future pandemics but nothing was done.
Everytime I think of Mr. Bush I get images of the tragic disaster 9-11 was and continues to be .The incomp lete and underfunded 9-11 report. The questionable weapons of mass destruction. The horrific tragic wastefull Gulf war that followed. His remarks on the constitution being a piece of paper that nobody follows and his comment at a dinner stating where are the weapons of mass destruction then looking under his desk and reponding not here and getting laughs from the audience.
The highest office in the land comes with great deal of responsibility requiring diligence, intelligence, common sense, maturity and the utmost seriousness never to be taken lightly which I believe Mr. Bush was lacking. So no! a warning without action and results is nothing.
In New York many unattended deaths of unknown causes were attributed to COVID-19 .
This is why I don’t want government run healthcare or anything else!!
The man who owns the only company that makes N95 face masks in the US tried to warn people about having medical supplies made in China. During the last virus he doubled his production. When the virus was over everyone went back to buying their masks from China. He almost went bankrupt. He wrote letters to Obama, talked to members of Congress, generals and hospital administrators. No one would listen to him.
Interesting, been watching presentations from Hillsdale and very much enjoying them, however, I have to say where he has some relative information I find myself at odds with a feeling that he is just not seeing the full picture. Or if he is, the speach is still narrow in his perception. Not actually giving credit on DE regulations that this administration did early on. Such as, this professor gives credit to the states for doctors going across borders. However, right off, this administration DE regulated this very regulation, so that they could work easier.
Hmm mm. … he has not done full reaserch, nor has he brought out a rounded picture in this presentation.
It's okay. Trump said that we should drink Clorox.
This gabbler so frequently couples a singular subject with a plural verb– and vice-versa– that nothing he says can be trusted.
Washington State failed, too, when it found the first nursing home patient, and they failed to treat all who went there as ill with the Coronavirus, instead of whining about a lack of tests. It is the nature of most federally-funded nursing homes to have overall lax care, at best.
Why are you "debating"? We did a "moot court" the other day at Richard Pan M.D.'s facebook page where Anthony Fauci M.D. was called to testify, under oath, and asked whether he was the Anthony Fauci named in the link below. Answer: Yes. He was then asked to read the highlighted portion of that document then asked if he wanted to change his testimony now. Answer: No. After that "no", we moved to dismiss "Coronaviruse vs. People" with prejudice. Motion GRANTED, with prejudice. No "debate". Your Rights are not predicated on any "science" so plaintiff's scientific foundation is without merit, irrelevant, not on point. Rights are "unalienable". To argue "science" is an implied admission your Rights are predicated on argumentative science.
Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
"This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively."
1:52 He discusses how certain other European countries have higher death tolls, and at 2:09 how New York and the open subway system have skewed our numbers. The reason why the Federal government had a lack of ventilators is at about 10:00. The story on the lack of masks starts at 11:33.
Nice discussion, why can't we get this kind of dialogue in the popular press and why don't people want reasoned thoughts.
You can not compare the european countries figures with the US ones cause they are over the peak and the US at peak.
Do not count death – USA is catching up pretty fast every single day to all the countries you mentioned and YOU MIGHT BE A BIT OFF to throw them all into 1 pot.
Sweden is going a complete different way and they planned it in advance and announced that a lot of older will dy on there way to not go into a lockdown.
Why do you compare Sweden and US where swedish factories and air traffic are running, same for restaurants … and then you get a higher death rate they could bare with their infrastructure while the US could not …
Switzerland had fought FAR BETTER than the US the virus considering their country was right next to the italian hotspots just 50 km or 100 km away during skiing season.
You will later see how terrible much longer the US needs to reach peak and then fight back the virus than Switzerland.
And i am not from Sweden or Switzerland, but from Germany , where science counts and not myth to inject a kind of alcohol in venes:
Germany is coming back and opening the big car plants and industrial compley but at far lower speed to keep the distance. Also the government is letting the hospitals do their normal job of surgeries instead of reserving 100% for "Corona ready". the death rate here is 60% lower than the US per 1 Million and this gap is growing exponentially every single day cause we are 4 weeks after peak with 133 daily dead in average of last week compared to 2000+ which meant 500 after eliminating the population difference of 82 to 320 Millions … The GAP of 133 to 500 will take the 60% lower than the US to 80% lower than the US while we do not spend more money for health per citizen.
And we do not have illegals or citizens without any healthinsurance that obviously avoids to go to the doctor to get tested. Everyone with symptoms can shall go to the doctor and will be tested and treated for free, also all elderly in residences without symptoms will be tested now …
Of cause we have a social insurance each employer and employee pay 50% for:
health insurance
care insurance if you get old,
unemployment insurance = 1 year unemployment with 60% of net income if you lost your job
And the companies have an option to send their employees home in case of missing order volume (even partly for 10 hours of 40 hours week) or missing ability to work where then the employees get 60% of net income per hour spending at home from the unemployment insurance which means:
NO FIRING, too have your best employees ready for the next boom in your company … 10 Million "short workers" increase and just only 300.000 lost their job cause ill fated companies crashed as everywhere.
Looks great and we used these tools like Short wokers already successfully in 2008.
Finally: Nothing really has happened if you look from the birds eye view COMPARED TO GERMANY 8th of MAY 1945 WITH 80% OF PRIVATE HOUSES DESTROYED BY AIRRAIDS and close to none industrial production … and no male workers which are dead, missed, wounded or POW.
Where are the bombed US cities, suburbs, plants … ?
Should be a lot easier for the US to recover than rebuild a nation and later a bankrupt eastern germany , right ?
And you have one choice: do not lock down and loose all your elderly above 80 cause here it wipes out 80+ in senior residences if one gets infected there.
Do you wann put them at stake like Boris Johnson did and failed totally cause UK will reach spanish and italian level for sure if they do not fool the stats guys as they tried before?
TRUMP must have known so much better how dangerous the pandemic could became. his grandpa, the german army deserter and expatriated, died by spanish flu
Dr. Angela Merkel is a physician and guess how often she spoke to the nation in just 15 years she is cancelor ?
3 times and she never told a guy from the science what he has to do … and she was never so stupid to tell people what drug can be used to fight or to inject disinfection …
She warned the younger and the older that they have to obeye the rules or things will change and they will kill their parents or grandparents and that she will not allow that.
Since then things work …. and no one gets fired from her administration … if he does his jobs.
Every week roughly 15.000 US citizen are dying … and there are a lot of indicators that NY City dead count are far too low and same for other states in the US which means: the pandemic outbreak is far broader than believed or estimated – most likely. At least here in Germany we had made the same mistake in the beginning in some hotsport boroughs in early march until we realized that the death rate compared to the past 5 years is still to low. So we have to assume that average deaths per date of the past five + dead of corona infected (has to be tested positive while living) is still lower than the current amount. And so we had to start to change the reporting of death not monthly but weekly to check the difference we will count to the unidentified corona victims cause they had never been tested and dead will and have not been test for the infection. therefore we know from our hotspots pretty precisely how good our stats and tests are and where and how they have to be improved. Currently we do not have this gap, so average dead per day of the past 5 years in any borough + positive tested dead meets the figure of the dead of the week or month ….. which was different in the beginning.
The US will have to go a long way if the lockdown will stay and if the lockdown does not stay first the infection will raise and weeks later the dead explode when the hospital are overflooded with new infected. AND: no air traffic with any country in the world cause no one wants americans entering the country —- which the US had started first btw.
So no Boeing will fly and the demand for aircraft will no longer exists, no one will buy the 737 max fleet that is grounded cause the airlines all over the world are selling or parking 100s of planes … If the US will not stay in lockdown every other country will stop the air traffic except cargo … and the next regulation put in place will be a closing of all american facilities in Germany cause we do not want the disease back again or treated so badly as on the aircraft carriere with infection rates of 40% … We have american soldiers on german soil leaving the barracks into our society and that is the point where it will crack if infected american soldiers will be send to Germany cause we had taken the lockdown serious and do not want to see crazy people with arms calling for an end of lock down and then been moved to germany. And an airbase is as worse as a carrier if the airbase will be isolated and no one gets out.
Why are we surprised. Big Pharma owns our public health system.
like other countries USA too has not prepared to this plague all has not prepared because its sudden and surprising unprecedented really to everyone especially if no enough materials to immediately use.everyone was shock and wete not really prepared was one know that this pandemic cause devastating effect,it's very unfair to blame someone who said it's slow moving while we see how hard they're trying their effort to contain this pandemic and moreover America is so huge country it's quite difficult to handle especially if the people concern like the press ,media won't cooperate in this kind of situation instead they create chaos and very unhelpful and blaming take their advantage to promote their evil agenda.instead helping each other rather than blaming so it's faster to contain the virus and can go back to normal.lets hope for the best that this plague will soon pass in our world God bless the president and his members God bless the USA
Bush jr. was part of the system that planed all the epidemics we have seen over the past several hundred years. His concern was not concern for our welfare, but following orders for preparation of future outbreaks. Study gentlemen.
Thank You , Streptomycin has historically been the first choice antibiotic against Plague , also Gentamicin , there is Doxycycline & ciprofloxacin (Cipro) which can be taken by mouth, also effective alternatives. Believe President Trump Best President Ever
did & is doing an Awesome job ,considering what he is up against & what he has been called to. Best President ever & Thank God for President Trump.
So if you are depopulting why not only in China the rest of the world is not overcrowded.
the unelected bureaucrats are in charge and not the elected officials
The NY Times isn't a good source for information, they lie too much.
It was the W.H.O that recommended people don't wear masks, most countries fell for their stupid advice and lies.
I call BS on some of the finger pointing. I’ve sat in on meetings where all these same folks that are finger pointing were raising Cain about the money needed to prepare for ANY potentially disaster. Stop pointing fingers wverybody