The Least Free Place in America | 5 Minute Video
Question: Which American institution—one that prides itself on being open, democratic, and diverse—punishes its members severely for offering unpopular opinions, while it offers them a very narrow, limited worldview? Answer: Universities. Once the vanguard of open debate and free speech, colleges have become a place where alternative thinking goes to die. Students who speak out on behalf of traditional American ideals, unfortunately, are often silenced by college administrators. Learn how the college campus, a place that should be an intellectual melting pot, has turned into anything but, violating the rights of those who have alternate opinions.
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How important is free speech on a college campus?
Here’s what the Supreme Court said in 1957 in the landmark case Sweezy v. New Hampshire: “Teachers and students must always remain free to inquire …otherwise, our civilization will stagnate and die.” Inspiring words. And true… which is why what’s happening at American colleges and universities is so disturbing.
A study conducted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities in 2010, revealed that only 30 percent of college seniors strongly agreed with the question; “Is it safe to hold unpopular positions on this campus?”
Worse, the study found that students’ confidence that that they can hold unpopular opinions declines from freshman to senior year. How can it be that at the place where speech should be the most free, the university, young people fear merely holding — to say nothing of actually expressing — unpopular opinions?
The reason is that for decades now, students have been sent a clear message from their schools: express dissenting opinions, violate political correctness, or even just criticize the administration at your peril. After working for 12 years at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, I have seen hundreds of examples of students in peril. Here are just a few:
At Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, a student employee was found guilty of “racial harassment” for publicly reading a book that some of his fellow employees found offensive. The book was Notre Dame vs. the Klan and it was available in the school’s library. It recounted and celebrated the defeat of the Ku Klux Klan when its members marched on Notre Dame in 1924. So what did the university find offensive? The photo on the book’s cover.
At the University of Delaware, students were forced to undergo ideological reeducation as part of the university’s compulsory student orientation program. The program was described as “treatment” for students with incorrect attitudes and beliefs. Students were taught to adopt highly specific university-approved views on politics, race, sexuality, sociology, moral philosophy, and environmentalism. They were also required to attend one-on-one meetings with their resident assistants where they were compelled to answer intrusive, probing, and utterly irrelevant personal questions, such as … “When did you discover your sexual identity?”
And an increasing number of schools are trying to drive religious students off campus. Vanderbilt University, for example, has enacted a policy that forbids faith-based student groups from selecting members and leaders based on . . . their faith. As a result, 14 Christian groups have been derecognized by the university.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/least-free-place-america

We need a forcible separation of school and state. We need a Constitutional amendment to that effect.
I once got an F on a college assignment about gay marriage. As a stereotypical Asian who aces everything, it was a shocking experience. 😮
This is Mind Control. It is what was present in Nazi Germany, and in Eastern Europe after the end of WWII, and in America under McCarthyism.
It infects both right and left politics.
The Thought Police are out there and they will get you fired. You will then become homeless where then as a victim, you will be allowed to commit any crime against any white person, preferably a blonde. As a homeless person, you will be allowed to steal any item from any store. But only if you are homeless, which is now called unhoused.
Working for a company that is federally funded isn't much better. I almost got fired over Political Correctness when someone told a bad racial joke I said that was messed up. Someone came in and asked what's messed up. I said a bad racial joke I overheard. I was asked what it was, so I repeated it and said it was messed up and not funny. Another worker who didn't hear the 1st part of the conversation heard me repeat it and wanted me fired. After the investigation I was cleared of any wrong doing. I realized that after working there for years how much the climate had change, it was then I no longer thought working in that kind of environment was fun. I got tired of the woke training and Political Correctness. After working there 22 years and over 42 years of experience in the field I'd had enough. I gave my boss 3 month notice and I thought he was going to cry. I was at the time the only person working on a piece of military equipment there and possibly the world, and one of the leading techs on a few other other pieces of equipment that only a handful of people in the world worked on. Granted I don't like racial jokes, I have a lot of friends who are a different race than me. But the reality of the matter is I may not like what people think or say, but I don't think they deserve to be fire, fined or jailed for speaking your mind. Whether it be Politics, Science Religion or Racial. However I do think a person should be disciplined if they embarrass the company in open public. Thanks for sharing, I didn't realize how bad it had gone towards NAZI "Right Speech", which is "Political Correctness" in our country. Best Wishes & Blessings. Keith Noneya
Fantastic explanation
I attended Indiana University Southeast (a branch of Indiana University) and expressed my opinion freely in the 1970s with encouragement from other students and most professors. That changed very little in the 1980s, although one student objected to the word "appeasement" concerning Democrat foreign policy. I admit to being "politically incorrect" and am proud of it!
PragerU was well ahead of it's time. This was way back in 2014 they made it, almost a decade ago. The problem has become so much worse since then.
13 Sep 2023
11:22pm NZST
Free speech is good, but hate speech is bad. University speech codes can be overkill, but they are also necessary for peace and respect in the university community.
The least free place in America is actually Guantanamo Bay not college campuses 🤦♀️
I'm not sure an authority is "arbitrary" if they can expell or flunk you out.
They didn't get there by lottery and they have teeth.
None of us has a monopoly on always being correct! My views on so many things have changed across my lifetime but whatever my views have been at any one time they have never been based on hatred or mistreating anyone I don't know. I also try to like as people the people with whom I disagree. As an example, I didn't dislike Ronald Reagan – I also don't dislike Bill Clinton … I'm sure you Americans can accept that I can't be politically motivated to have given both of them my vote had I had one in your elections (I don't – I'm British); I also very much tried to see beyond his policies to like Donald Trump. Although I can't say I'd like to go for a meal with him (Trump), I would do so with former VP Pence just as much as with present VP Harris. I wholeheartedly endorse the comments of the late John McCain when in the 2008 election and those of Barack Obama at his funeral.
We have to respect each other! And part of that is exploring the views, opinions & beliefs of people with whom we generally disagree – because we still, for all our differences, have so very much more in common than not. You may think some or all of my ideas are absurd – but I have been on the receiving end of this myself when I formed and aired the opinion that I disagree with gay marriage. To some I am a hate filled homophobic bigot, yada, yada, yada… If 2 people love each other….. Fine – Can I marry my sister then? Can I marry my Grandson? Or Granddaughter? No? But hang on "if 2 people love each other…" Ah but yeah but no but? Why do I think this is bad for society? Because abuse wherever its directed isn't good and I genuinely fear a "correction" where gay people will end up being abused when the pendulum swings back the other way as it will. And I personally believe that with the level of gender re-assignment too many other bullied benign heterosexuals like me will call "ENOUGH" in unison and then where will we go? IMHO Marriage is the union of a man and a woman for the possible purposes of procreation. I didn't say that 2 gay people cannot or should not have a legally recognised partnership protecting their assets should one of them die – but IMHO it's not marriage because that nomenclature belongs to us, the heterosexuals. Now having covered my "prickly point" – whether you agree with my views or not, do you think I should be prevented from forming or holding or explaining this to others? Threatened with violence because I have deigned to form such an opinion? I have never advocated hurting anyone at all – why do some people think that this opinion makes me a hate filled bigot and somehow entitles them to vitriolically abuse me.
Anyway – that is my two pennies worth. We have to respect each other – even people we disagree with. I don't believe that the people who have allowed "gay marriage" have done so to deliberately bring about the downfall of society with malice aforethought – but I do believe if not addressed and checked it may do so. I am not accusing them of hating society – so why do that to me? Are you frightened that my unimpeded right to air my views just might be stronger than yours?
Think about it. Best wishes
Scary how over eight years later this is still topical.
So NH tried to suppress a Marxist from speaking.. the supreme court ruled in the Marxist favor… Marxism then spreads in universities and now Marxist are suppressing people's freedom.. sounds like NH was right.
I'm offended by their offenses to free speech, free religion, forcing homosexuality and transgender lifestyles and multiple genders on those who don't agree with it. These are the same idiots who think socialism/communism/marxism will make everything fantastic.
I am a firm liberal and I hate PC. If I didn't know any better, I would think that PC stood for paranoid craziness.
I believe insensitivity and insulting people should be frowned on but not sanctioned against.
If people would understand the phrase "truth fears no scrutiny" society would be astronomically better.
I dislike 30+ minute PragerU advertisements.
It seems my unpopular opinions are "tolerated" bc I’m brown. I feel bad for white people
To Sleepy Joe and Lazy Kamala once they get enough power to send me to reeducation camp, I plead the first.
Freedom of speech but not freedom of consequence.
Oh wah wah, private company was mean boo hoo
I never thought about universities until watching this video. You’re right Prager U. Even seven years ago, when I attended UH, it was “Aloha with hints of Marxism”. I fear for my youngest siblings.
Free Speech? really? WHere are the Christians?
CAIR enforces Sharia, Muscatine County shamefully fires Dean Naylor for exposing and criticizing Islam.
Muscatine Journal file photo. Muscatine Board of Supervisors Doug Holliday, Scott Sauer, Jeff Sorensen, Nathan Mather, Santos Saucedo
Most elected officials take an Oath of Office when they are sworn in to uphold the United States Constitution. However, Muscatine County honored the Sharia law edict that prohibits criticism of Islam over the First Amendment free speech rights and religious liberties of an American citizen.
Muscatine County fired Jail Administrator Dean Naylor after the Council on American Islamic Relations complained that Mr. Naylor had criticized Islam in a post that he made six years ago. It also appears that Johnson County used its payment to Muscatine County to house some of its prisoners to extort Muscatine County into getting rid of Naylor.
Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on April 16, 2020 titled CAIR demands that sheriff enforce Sharia law by firing jail administrator for expressing what millions of Christians basically believe regarding end times. The alert asked people to send emails to encourage the Muscatine County Sheriff to respect Dean Naylor's First Amendment Rights and not terminate his employment.
However, even though it was reported that Muscatine County "has no written policy governing what employees can post on personal websites" Naylor lost his job. The Quad City Times published an article titled: Muscatine County Jail Administrator Dean Naylor "no longer works for Muscatine County."
CAIR's press release states in part: The Council on American-Islamic Relations, urged Muscatine County, Iowa, Sheriff C.J. Ryan to fire County Jail Administrator Dean Naylor in response to recent revelations that Naylor posted 11,500 page online treatise titled, “End Times — We Are Here!!,” characterizing all Muslims as the “pawns of the devil” and the “beast” that will sometime soon “hunt” all Christians and Jews.
“CAIR calls on Muscatine County Sheriff C.J. Ryan to immediately fire County Jail Administrator Dean Naylor over his publicly-professed anti-Muslim views,” said CAIR Director of Government Affairs Department Robert S. McCaw. “Naylor’s hostility and twisted apocalyptic end-times beliefs directly impacts his ability to impartially ensure the safety, security and religious rights of Muslim inmates.”
McCaw notes that Naylor’s end-times beliefs do not reflect mainstream Christian views but are his own personal interpretations of the Book of Revelation, a chapter of the Bible.
McCaw’s notation is grossly inaccurate. Millions of Christians around the world basically believe what Dean Naylor believes.
Firing Dean Naylor for expressing what millions of faithful Christians believe:
• Trampled his First Amendment free speech rights
• Squashed his First Amendment religious liberties.
• Gave superior rights to Islamic Sharia law that prohibits criticizing Islam.
• Chilled the First Amendment free speech of everyone.
CAIR also ironically complained about some "anti-gay" post by Naylor. There is not a religion (if you can call Islam that) on the face of the earth that is more hostile toward gays than Islam. Additionally, there are no published news reports that any LGBTQ organization called for Naylor's firing.
Dean Naylor was fired because CAIR pressured county officials, it appears even officials from another county, for speaking the truthful warning that Islam is hostile worldwide towards Christians, Jews and Infidels and that where Islam controls government there is and will be oppression and terror for infidels.
Johnson County is blocking ALL emails regarding this issue. Therefore, Johnson County officials are not included in the embedded email prepared below.
Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to Muscatine Sheriff C.J. Ryan and Muscatine County Board of Supervisors for making Sharia law the priority over the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Click here to send your email to Muscatine Sheriff and Muscatine County Board of Supervisors to express concern for making Sharia law the priority over the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. (For Gmail, Yahoo and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.) YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.
Click here to send your email to Muscatine Sheriff and Muscatine County Board of Supervisors to express concern for making Sharia law the priority over the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)
This email will open in your email browser because Muscatine County is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server. If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.
Suggested subject line:
Muscatine County shamefully made Sharia law superior to the First Amendment.
Suggested content:
Johnson County extortion of Muscatine County to fire Dean Naylor while trampling the First Amendment at the behest of terror-linked CAIR for beliefs shared by millions of people around the world is SHAMEFUL. Termination of employment was unfair for legitimate speech. It harms the free speech of us all. You sadly made the Sharia law edict that prohibits criticizing Islam superior to the First Amendment.
Email String separated by commas
Email String separated by semicolons
Contact information:
Muscatine Sheriff
C.J. Ryan
Muscatine Board of Supervisors
Doug Holliday
Nathan Mather
Santos Saucedo – Vice Chair
Scott Sauer
Jeff Sorensen – Chair
Johnson County Board of Supervisors
Janelle Rettig
Pat Heiden
Royceann Porter
Rod Sullivan
Lisa Green-Douglass
Author: ffa 20200511 Category: CAIR FFA: on
Tags: Muscatine County
“Ideological education” sounds like fascist brainwashing
Why can't something be done.? We know the problem
One bright spot in all this, it means young conservatives have already been well trained to be secretive in case the commiecrats were to ever totally seize control and we really had to form some sort of French Resistance type organization.
Make Orwell fiction again
Imagine seeing this in 2020 marxist safe spaces everywhere
Never go to college simply to become a "better person". You'll turn into a worse person if you do, and in debt as well.
Free speech zones? I thought America had free speech anywhere but ig not
Inappropriately directed laughter? 😭😭😭
Why? What is the end game? Is this what Khrushchev ment by "we will bury you"? It's a lot worse and goes a lot deeper than the use of non gender pronouns. We should be putting these institutions under
A microscope and holding their feet to the fire, or we will be consumed in their fire.
And yet…professors will go out of their way to fault the Catholic Church, Christians, conservatives, white people (esp. white men), and anything "Euro-Centric" for an endless range of issues, troubles, injustices (real or perceived). They speak freely and encourage free speech as long as what's said fits with their unvarying group-think. Academia has gone crazy…it's very scary.
Part of the reason why people get so butthurt over what Trump says is because it's teaching the people that it's ok. It IS ok.
It's the freedoms the founding fathers fought for.
What you think about what I say is NONE OF MY BUSINESS.
Stick a fork in America, we're done.