The Left is Lying About How Many Illegal Immigrants Are in the U.S. | Mark Morgan to Tucker Carlson
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Wednesday, February 24, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, Joe Biden’s push to give amnesty to tens of millions of people illegally in the U.S., and why this agenda will be bad for America.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqS6fS5voJs
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Glass Fuck'n Joe
Remember Fox News betrayed the president of the United States Donald J Trump
"The Left is Lying About How Many Illegal Immigrants Are in the U.S." You can always tell when they are lying. Because they talk.
How does he know?
I began following this issue more than 18 years ago and guess what? They were lying about the numbers back then too. For the last 18 years they typically tell us that the number is approx. 20 million. Apparently they decided that was an acceptable number to the American public because they have continued to use that number over an 18-year period. All while the illegals poured into our country all through the Bush administration and all the rest who followed. It is only recently they decided to lower that number to 11 million. It is a joke. And why would any of them be interested in citizenship? They get all the privileges of a citizen with welfare programs, free access to our court systems with free legal aid, 1st pick in many cases when applying for jobs because they undercut Americans with lower wages, free public schools for their children with additional staff hired as translators, they are not required to assimilate and learn English, financial grants handed to them for creating their own business's every 5 years, their children are moved to the top of College applications and given free rides, allowed to vote in any election and anchor babies. Why on earth would they bother to become citizens? We are the only country in the world that hands everything to them on a silver platter like this.
Illegal Ignorants have to go to Joe Biles White House.
30 mil at least.
Democrats are "elected" to be presidents to everybody other than americans.
I think the Constitution says something about threates external and internal.
Create crisis…take action to make it worse…tax middle class to pay for it
We are aware of the illegals voting for the crooked Democrats to keep them in power forever can’t have it they must go back to the country of origin and not allowed to come here ever it’s the law Deportation is the law even if children here are illegal send them back no mercy!! A citizen of the United States of America!
I believe: If Pelosi floods the U.S. with illegals; offer government aid and voter rights, it’ll cancel out conservative U.S. citizens votes. Easy harvest vote to establish a socialist state.
United We Stand…Divided We Fall =(
We better be careful the enemy could smuggle Army in here and we would know it, and because the Democrats are trying to open up the border and remove passports that's a good possibility that's what they're trying to bring in
During the last year of the Obama Administration we knew of 32 million illegal aliens. They are not just from Mexico or a Latin country they are from countries around the world including locations in Europe Asia Africa and the Middle East! Since Trump he's tried to get rid of several and probably got rid of at least a million of them but we still have over 30 million illegals here creating more babies that we are supposed to take care of
Heritage these people have done Nothing in reality.
30+ million. And we have over 11 million Americans out of work. Plus the 4000+ every day strolling across the border. You do the math.
The Demorats/Democrooks are truly lawless and uncaring. They must be exposed for what they are . Vote Republican across the board . Let’s hope it is not too late !!.
The Biden administration wants open borders for votes and ultimately the rich will pay for it because the wealth gap will widen so anyone with common sense should step up.
There's 11 million illegals in Texas alone. There's 30+ million in the country.
The left is lying? You don't say…🙄
People need to standup and like the AOCs says make a list of all illegal you know.about! If the left can make a list of conservatives we can make a list of illegals!
I hope the illegals make the trip to Pelosi's home and thank her personally. Maybe she'll invite them in. Ugh!
America is a REPUBLIC
I cannot recall a time where they never lied. People are just ignorant because some still think media is still objective. Objective…LMAOROFL… Trust them right?