The Market Will Set You Free
It’s time for free-market capitalism to reclaim its legacy as a creator of prosperity — not just for citizens of the Western world, but for people everywhere. It’s not capitalism that has to justify itself; it’s everything else. Why? Because everything else has resulted only in poverty. Does that surprise you? Are you skeptical? Andy Puzder, author of “The Capitalist Comeback,” has the charts and data to prove it.
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Take a close look at this…Jonathan Haidt, the noted New York University psychologist, calls it “the most important graph in the world.”
Why does he say that?
Because he knows this graph reveals a simple, inescapable fact: there is no substitute for free market capitalism as a promoter of human prosperity.
Let it be noted that Haidt is no one’s idea of a conservative. But when hard evidence stares him in the face, he’s not going to look away.
The graph is based on the research conducted by the late British economist, Angus Maddison. The numbers along the X-axis are years—two thousand of them. The numbers on the Y-axis are dollars—all of them, divided by the number of people on the planet. It’s what’s called GDP per capita, which is the world’s economic output divided by its population. GDP is considered the best measurement of a country’s standard of living. And, in this case, the world’s standard of living.
Often when I show this graph to students, I get this comment: “That’s not capitalism; it’s just the impact of the Industrial Revolution.”
So I show them another chart by the Maddison Project. This one breaks the GDP hockey stick into regions. As you can see, there are a number of hockey sticks. But note that they don’t rise at the same time. The United States surged first.
Well, in a very fortuitous coincidence, the year 1776 witnessed both the signing of our Declaration of Independence and the publication of a book called The Wealth of Nations by the Scottish economist and philosopher, Adam Smith. In his book, Smith explained how to create a modern free market capitalist economy and the benefits of doing so.
America’s wise founders took Smith’s principles to heart, and within a mere 100 years—the blink of an eye historically—capitalism turned the United States from thirteen backwoods colonies into the world’s largest economy. And it has held that position ever since.
Western Europe shot up as well, but later. It rose steadily during the Industrial Revolution and then experienced a sharp rise after World War II when, between the end of the war and the mid-1960s, it fully embraced the free market.
Japan, too, shot up after World War II—surpassing Western Europe for the first time after the US helped the Japanese transition to a democracy and a free market capitalist economy.
Eastern Europe took off after it was released from the Soviet Union and socialism in 1991.
China did likewise after the Chinese moved away from strict socialism and implemented some limited free market policies. One can only imagine where China would be now if its leaders had fully unleashed the forces of the free market.
Yes—during this period of economic expansion, the wealthy got wealthier. That always happens when new wealth is created. But the middle class and the poor also greatly benefited.
Here’s another telling chart. This one is from the World Bank. In 1820, 94% of people lived in extreme poverty. Thanks to capitalism, by 2015 that number had declined to 9.6%—single digits for the first time in human history. Now, it’s still too many, but if we are going to reduce the number even more, we need to understand what caused the decline: free market capitalism.
If we combine the Angus Maddison hockey stick chart and the World Bank data on extreme poverty, what we get is something quite amazing: unprecedented global prosperity and an unprecedented decline in poverty across the globe over the past 200 years. That’s capitalism in a nutshell.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/the-market-will-set-you-free

civilization is built on agriculture, which requires planning and cooperation.
to then imagine an economy can be left to the "invisible hand" of the free market, is antithetical to the foundation of human civilization, that being planning and cooperation.
advocates for free market capitalism are unwittingly biting the hand that feeds them.
That is the biggest lie ever.
Business owners hire people for cheap labor, the youth is either uneployed because businesses refuse to hire and train inexperienced young people, or because they cant find jobs with proper sallaries. After all, slavery is the most profitable source of income.
This video glosses over every single one of its own points.
Capitalism made crops grow more then the last 10 years magically. Wow.
All the economic and financial problems of the world are caused by socialism and the socialist mentality……
the British government gave 332 million to a company that is banned in the US for slavery.
Guys I recently sold my Big Chungus NFT for $80 million get bunked liberals lololololol XDDD Eat my nuts commies.
Of the 10 poorest countries of the world, 9 are republics with a free market. Of the 10 poorest countries in the western hemisphere, 9 are republics with a free market. The truth shows that Comminism has lifted the most people out of poverty.
Wait till they find out that money doesn’t exist
I can't understand how some can hate capitalism after all the good it has done and still does… Sure, it's not perfect, but we're working on it!
"…durch Krematorium Nummer drei!"
automate crypto platform is doing a wonderful Job. Payment comes on time as expected. Congratulations!! To me and my family..
The extreme inequality we have now favors extreme monopolies, the wealthy billionaires absorb all the money from the lower classes, store it away in fiscal heavens and so the money is not reinvested. Middle class people on the other hand reinvest almost all the money and so the businnes cycle continues. So, unless you tax away the extreme inequality we have now, you wont have prosperity, this is just 1+1. You have either a middle class economy or you have a billionaires and poor people economy, you cant have both. The "free market"-mantra is just pure ideology, not factual in the real world
I think you don’t understand the dollar inflation or the exponential growth of the world population.
This title is eerily similar to the Nazi slogan "arbeit macht frei" or "work will set you free" displayed above the entrances to the concentration camps. Prageru decided to go full mask off with this one, huh?
The rise after world war 2 in Europe was government very strictly controlling the economy, taxing the rich up to 90% of income.
Up till 50% of production was government led.
Japan grew fast due to its free trade restrictions, protecting its national industries against competition, deliberately keeping the value of its currency low. That is why Japan did grow and much of the rest of the third world did not. Hardly capitalist at all.
Just saying, but you can always make things more simple and ignore the facts.
If the industrial revolution made such a big impact on all of our economies, then why did the China and the Soviet Union fail?
They were about as industrial as the USA.
Non of those countries are capitalist we are interventionist cronyist
Adam Smith observed that many trade opportunities were created when the market was free from control or taxation by the State. Therefore, he was not in favor or against any class, but in fact, a free trade defender, making it a mechanism to generate more opportunities for all – and through this process, pulling people away from poverty.
Adam Smith’s observations helped set people free
. – Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança (Brazilian Prince).
Stop just blindly accepting information and do your own research. I know it's cliche and kinda dumb, but, Wake up sheeple.