The Myth of Voter Suppression | 5 Minute Video
Do Republicans win elections by preventing minorities from voting? The Left says yes, but the data says no. Jason Riley, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, settles the argument with hard evidence, separating fact from fiction.
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Do Republicans win elections by preventing minorities—blacks, Latinos, and others—from voting?
For those on the left and their allies in the major media, the answer is yes; even more than that, it’s an article of faith.
The usual example they offer is state laws, often passed by Republican-majority legislatures, requiring voters to present a photo ID at their polling place—something required in almost every other democracy in the world. According to the left, voter ID depresses minority turnout and is therefore a blatant form of racial discrimination.
But there’s a problem with this accusation: there’s no evidence to support it. Minorities are voting in greater numbers and at higher percentages than ever before. The facts and figures are there for anyone to see. Still, progressives and most of the political press don’t seem to have noticed. Or maybe they just don’t want to look.
At a 2019 NAACP dinner in Detroit, California Senator Kamala Harris told the audience that “voter suppression” in Georgia and Florida cost Democrats gubernatorial races in the 2018 midterm elections. “Let’s say this loud and clear,” said Ms. Harris. “Without voter suppression, Stacey Abrams would be the governor of Georgia. Andrew Gillum is the governor of Florida.”
A few days earlier, Ms. Abrams herself, apparently still bitter over her defeat, made a similar claim. “We had an architect of voter suppression that spent the last eight years knitting together a system of voter suppression that is unparalleled in America,” said Ms. Abrams in reference to her Republican opponent, a former Georgia secretary of state.
But if minorities are harmed by mandating voter ID and other anti-fraud measures such as removing inactive voters from registration rolls, why does the evidence all point to the opposite conclusion?
A recent Census Bureau report found that voter turnout in 2018 climbed 11 percentage points from the last midterm election in 2014, surpassing 50% for the first time since 1982. Moreover, the increased turnout was largely driven by the same minority voters Democrats claim are being disenfranchised. Black turnout grew around 27%, and Hispanic turnout increased about 50%.
None of this comes as news to anyone who pays attention to sober facts instead of inflammatory rhetoric. The black voter turnout rate for the most part has grown steadily since the 1990s. This has occurred notwithstanding an increase in state voter-ID requirements over the same period. In 2012, blacks voted at higher rates than whites nationwide, including in Georgia, which was one of the first states in the country to implement a photo-ID requirement for voting.
Ms. Abrams claims that Republicans have been hard at work trying to disenfranchise black voters, but the reality is that black voter registration is outpacing white registration in the Peach State.
These gains are not limited to blacks. Voting has been up substantially in all minority groups.
An analysis of the census data published by Pew Research Center found that “all major racial and ethnic groups saw historic jumps in voter turnout” in 2018.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/the-myth-of-voter-suppression

and they say republicans dispute elections, democrats do it every time
But they suppress the dead, multiple and fraudulent voters on which our democracy depends!
This fool did not just argue that black voter turnout being at 27% was a reason that there was no voter suppression. The video didn't even mention gerrymandering even once. Dennis Prager should be held in the same regard as Benedict Arnold.
Hate to say it, but sadly I do feel voter suppression is real, just not in the way it’s portrayed.
Simple, the Covid-19 virus was a democrat created virus, made by corrupt Americans living in Wuhan, made specifically to suppress republican voters and prevent the illegal destruction of right wing ballots from being noticed by the masses.
Voter suppression is real, but it’s not the republicans that are doing it.
If Georgia has the most racist voter suppression laws in the country, how did Trump lose Georgia?
Dems lies, lies, lies!!
I am offended over the fact that Dem's thinks my people are too stupid to get an Id, if you don't have an ID, then you basically don't exist, you can't do anything, vote, buy alcohol, get a library book, buy cigarettes, rent an apartment, buy a car, ext. Really? we are that far down on the life chart? Do we know how to feed ourselves? Liberal whites really think this about blacks, tells you a lot. Is this for blacks or for the homeless? even the homeless have ID, they are free in all most all states, WTF? Do you really have that low of an opinion of us? Who is the racist?
Okay, I agree with his argument. But here is one critical thing he forgot. PragerU says and Republicans, conservatives, people on the right. Will not cry voter fraud when a Republican wins the presidency, governor's office, senate, Congress, or a state Senate or house election, as well as local elections. But when a Democrat wins an election, Republicans and Conservatives and those on the right whine and cry voter fraud, that it's not fair, and that an election should be redone. If not, they'll storm the Capitol building in D.C. or their state Capitol and county seat and demand a stop to the counting of ballots, if you don't, they'll chant for you to be hanged and killed. I agree with his argument, but this is the biggest hole in it. I hear conservatives say this all the time, and it's very hypocritical and downright contradictory for conservatives and the Republican party to ensure that elections are safe. But at the same time, they can use to rig elections as well. Why does anybody not see this? Democrats do it too, and Republicans do it as well. The hypocrisy of Republicans, conservatives, and those on the right needs to stop, Americans are tired of it.
Social democrats lie constantly and constantly twist the facts… Just as the most genocideal and destructive ideology in history: socialism. Beware. Thanks.
This man is killing with facts!!
Their is no myth about voter suppression. Voter suppression is real . And any one who says it is not true . You are dumb. They know it is true. They are just feeding their base . I hope Youtube take this video down .
I dont understand why you have to register to vote. In germany this is done automaticly when you move somewhere. Is that to difficult for the greatest country on earth?
Everyone, by a large majority in both major parties and all demographics, wants voter reform laws to prohibit vote cheating and insure the integrity of the election process. Politicians, not The People, are the ones who don't want that. Stop voting for those politicians or they'll make it so your vote never counts again. If there's a good reason to be a single issue voter, the loss of your vote should qualify. Wake up before the woke become your masters.
Standard Alinsky technique – accuse your opponents of doing of exactly what you are doing.
I remember Facebook banned trump from running ads. How is that not election interference?
Oh no, if Republicans implement voter ID my cat won’t be able to vote. That’s voter suppression!😡
And yet, "the majority" voted for this inept, embarrassment, aka bumbling biden … thé majority folks.
Comrade Abrams, like all Marxists, is not deterred by lack of facts.
Awesome corporate funded propaganda! 😎🥇
Funny how the closing of polling stations in areas with large amounts of minorities wasn't even mentioned. Oh how about that the republicans tried to make it against the law to give water or food to those waiting upwards of 8 hours to vote? Crickets. PragerU is pathetic.
This video did not age well at all.
Hilarious that this video doesn’t provide a single reason why we SHOULD have voter id laws. Just a bunch of reasons why they’re actually not that bad. But why do we even want them in the first place??
So was it a coincidence that Brian Kemp purged 300,000 voters from the rolls right before the election merely because they hadn't voted in recent elections? And that the FL legislature overturned the will of the people (I think it was 70%) to allow 800,000 former felons from voting by requiring they pay their court fees. And yet the database records were so poorly maintained that no one could accurately tell the felons what they owed. And then they passed another law that prevented strangers from paying their fees? Is that not blatant voter suppression? 800,000 votes. Not saying they would have all voted for Gillam, who lost by a mere 30,000 votes out of 8 million votes cast but you can't help but wonder…something's fishy, boys. You're conveniently not telling us the whole story…
I don't know about minorities, but I know personally that the biggest reason I wouldn't vote is thinking my vote didn't count.
Georgia: Everyone please watch this video.
Me: Wow, you don’t have ID. Let’s help get you one so you can not only vote but apply for more jobs, open a bank account, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, go clubbing, drive a car, get on a plane, go to a concert or game and much more!
Democrats: oh poor thing, you can’t vote because you have no ID. Let’s remove ID requirements (so you’re no longer oppressed, you’re welcome, vote blue).
It’s like none of the Democrats care about the other wonderful things having an ID can do for people other than vote.
Why aren’t those ballot harvesters that are so eager to go door-to-door to collect ballots from the elderly
giving the same effort towards getting more legal citizens who are poor and elderly to have ID?
Throughout American history there have been several methods of suppressing votes, which are racists in nature. First there were laws prohibiting slaves from voting. Then after slaves were released those laws were replaced by literacy tests where black voters had to prove they were literate. And if they passed literacy tests there were white mobs who did all they could to prevent them from voting. Not to mention laws that made it impossible for lawbreakers to vote, so that blacks could be arrested for the tiniest criminal acts, and thus loose their voting right. And then there is the war on drugs which is just an excuse to put certain people in jail for drug-possession and take away their rights to vote, even after they have served their time in jail. And not there are several methods to suppress certain people from voting, like limit the available voting-hours, limit the amount of voting places to just one per county, preventing people to work on Saturdays and Sundays, and make unclear rules on what types of ids that are allowed to use. So voter suppression is not a myth or a silly lie, it is a fact, and occurs especially in Republican controlled states, because the Republicans are so afraid of losing their power, and the only way they can continue with their unpopular policy is by preventing certain groups of people who are most likely Democrats from voting.
That's why the establishment is pushing Professor Black Truth and The Black Authority to help suppress the black vote
my god
Ok it is vice president kamala Harris not Mrs. Harris
Voter suppression does not come in just the form of Voter-ID laws.
Mhm k
0:24 In majority of european countries you need valid photo id , even in unrecognized countries like Transnistria , Luhansk People's Republic , Donetsk People's Republic. 2) When you register in your Municipality ( in Netherlands) , your passport will be scanned en saved in Government database. so municapilty knows your citizenship and immigration status 3 ) when you need residency permit , you biometrics (passport photo, fingerprints and signature , sometimes iris scan )will be taken from you. As wikipedia states https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_Identification_laws#Netherlands : The registration office of each municipality in the Netherlands maintains a registration of all residents. Every eligible voter receives a personal polling notification by mail some weeks before the election, indicating the polling station of the voter's precinct. Voters must present their polling notification and a piece of photo ID (passport, identity card, or drivers license (a passport or ID is compulsory from the age of 14)). Such photo ID may be expired but not by more than five years.
I'm a rural white voter. I live in a no-voter ID state. It takes me 10 minutes to vote. Why can't that be true for everyone?