The New Humanity • The New Kind of Existence We’re Invited To (Spiritual Beings Series Episode 7)
In the opening pages of the Bible, God appoints humans to rule the world on his behalf. But when they rebel, the biblical story leads us on a search for a new humanity that will be God’s faithful partners, forever. This is the plot conflict of the biblical story that leads to Jesus, and we explore it in this final video of our Spiritual Being series.
#NewHumanity #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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Amen Brothers and Sisters
The part about humans being deceived should of been said before the mentioning of them eating from the tree. I feel as that's the best way to explain it for less confusion. I know the story well, buy having ADHD an miss understood it the first I saw the video. Other then that keep up the good work an blessings to you an yours, love the work you do an your videos. May GOD keep blessing your organization an platform!
If it transforms your PSYCHE, then is it actually you ruling? I would argue that God is looking for peons that he can manipulate and control, who freely give up their own free will…. One might say, God teaches man to be a JEDI….. Satan does the exact same thing with a slightly different twist on things, and a different perspective, AKA THE SITH. Neither are perfect or particularly desirable, and one requires FAITH, with no concrete evidence of a reward, only suffering and sacrifice
If God would bring heaven to earth, it would counter all of Satan's dark schemes.
'eternal life is knowing this God of love' is misleading people. Everyone has to accept JESUS as their personal savior through faith!
And the time and signs of Jesus’s kingdom are upon us now. He may be coming back sooner then we think! 🤩
Humans being called to become something more and exist between heaven and Earth? Literally you're describing saints
Amen 🙂🤍🙂……
Lord Jesus Christ please save me and make me a new creation that I may live for you. Please pray for me.
❤AMEN 🙏🏾💗❤️💗♥️
thanks for your excellent work
Right but it's the living word not the story of the bible
You wrote God's pronoun starting with a small letter. "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" 1 John 1:9 No judgment
This is good
Thank you Christ my savior, through you we have life🙏🏾❤
You say that humans are made out of dirt, like the animals. Humans are the only part of creation that God fashions with His hands. Everything else is spoken into being. The animals are simply commanded to be, with no indication of what they were made of.
Genesis 2:7…this is how…not just of the dust of the earth but He also blew into his nostrils…
7And the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the soul of life, and man became a living soul.
formed: [וַיִּיצֶר, with two “yuds,” hints at] two creations, a creation for this world and a creation for the [time of the] resurrection of the dead, but in connection with the animals, which do not stand in judgment, two“yuds” are not written in [the word וַיִּצֶר describing their creation. — [from Tan. Tazria 1]
dust from the ground: He gathered dust from the entire earth, from the four directions, so that wherever he [man] would die, it [the earth] would accept him for burial (Tan. Pekudei 3). Another explanation: He took his dust from the place of which it is said (Exod. 20:21): “You shall make Me an altar of earth.” If only it would be an atonement for him, so that he might endure! (Gen. Rabbah 14:8)
and He breathed into his nostrils: He made him of earthly matter and of heavenly matter: the body of earthly matter the soul of heavenly matter. Because on the first day, heaven and earth were created. On the second day, He created the firmament for the heavenly beings; on the third day [He commanded], “and let the dry land appear,” for the earthly beings; on the fourth day, He created luminaries for the heavenly beings; on the fifth day, [He commanded],“Let the waters swarm,” for the earthly beings; on the sixth day, it became necessary to create for both the heavenly and the earthly beings, for if not, there would be jealousy in the Creation, for these would exceed those by the creation of one day. — [from Gen. Rabbah 12:8]
a living soul: Cattle and beasts were also called living souls, but this one of man is the most alive of them all, because he was additionally given intelligence and speech.
Genesis 1:27…
27And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
And God created man in His image: In the form that was made for him, for everything [else] was created with a command, whereas he [man] was created with the hands (of God), as it is written (Ps. 139:5): “and You placed Your hand upon me.” Man was made with a die, like a coin, which is made by means of a die, which is called coin in Old French. And so Scripture states (Job 38:14): “The die changes like clay.” – [from Letters of Rabbi Akiva , second version; Mid. Ps. 139:5; Sanh. 38a]
in the image of God He created him: It explains to you that the image that was prepared for him was the image of the likeness of his Creator. — [from B.B. 58a]
male and female He created them: Yet further (2:21) Scripture states: “And He took one of his ribs, etc.” The Midrash Aggadah (Gen. Rabbah 8:1, Ber. 61a, Eruvin 18a) explains that He originally created him with two faces, and afterwards, He divided him. The simple meaning of the verse is that here Scripture informs you that they were both created on the sixth [day], but it does not explain to you how they were created, and it explains [that] to you elsewhere. — [from Baraitha of the Thirty Two Methods , Method 13]
Please repent and find YHWH Elohim and keep the commandments in Exodus 20 and Leviticus 11.
Please read Exodus 20 and pray for forgiveness
2nd Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
[37] Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [38] This is the first and great commandment. [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40
Please read the book of Jonah, Matthew, Exodus you'll have the information you need😊😅🎉🌈💐😂🎉
Lies like my tribe is superior to your tribe… make an open show of these powers guys.
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