For more information, please read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe http://amzn.to/2kAroVD
To purchase the entire series of complete videos, please visit: God’s Crime Scene Video Series with Facilitator’s Guide: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe
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A who is a who no matter how small, or how large. The evidence for an intelligent designer is vast and reveals a who behind it all.
Awesome video
Isaiah…55 vs 6-7…Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked abandon his way, And the unrighteous person his thoughts; And let him return to the LORD (Jesus), And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.
Outstanding explanation! Marvelously done. Praise Jesus!
I would recommend not using caps lock on the title. I don't really know how to describe why, but the caps lock makes you look "crazy"
Writing a good term paper? Not sure I ever did that😅
The toughest part to believe is the infinite past. It’s easy for us lowly humans to understand eternity going forward, even for children. All you do to explain it to children is to tell them to think of the biggest number they can, and then tell them to add one more. In this way, you can explain eternal life.
What we can’t fathom is no beginning. Unfortunately, I have to cop out on that one and say, “It’s not my job to explain it, only to believe it.” Sorry. 🤷🏼♂️
I’m amazed that the dog could type a question mark! He was able to hold down shift and then press “?”?!? 😂🤣
I have seen almost all of your videos on YouTube, and I’ve directed my close friends and family to your channel and website. It’s so obvious that God has guided your path from atheist and brilliant detective, to believer and brilliant detective!I can’t imagine how many people have been brought to Jesus Christ through Cold-Case Christianity. I have a small request of you. Can you speak a little more slowly on your complex content vids? I am not slow to understand complex information, but I enjoy mentally “tracking” with you the first time I watch. I realize you have time constraints so take this request for what it’s worth. God bless you!
This is soooo good! Super super love this series! Thank you! I appreciate the criminal investigation approach… (I can imagine a detective show where God is the perpetrator… 😊) The extent of research is remarkable but more so is how you're able to distill it in bite-sizes that's easy to swallow, and with such relish! 😋 Thank you! I now have something to share with my smartypants lawyer friends. 💪🔥💕
OH they are willing to entertain the "who" question. It's the aliens! 😉 Nice job cold-case.
Also, there is talk about peptides that hold the dna strands together at some determined length that spell out YHWY. Is there anything to this?
Brilliant 🙏😊
An opportunity was missed to name this episode “Warner-Wallace Hears A Who!”
But anyway – great episode nonetheless. Fascinating to learn about the levels of information and that DNA is at the highest level.
I joke with atheist by alluding to the mythical primordial soup as the "magic mud puddle". It drives them mad when you turn the table on them.
‘How did stupid atoms spontaneously write their own software? … Nobody knows …’
There is no known law of physics able to create information from nothing.’
Davies, P., Life force, New Scientist 163(2204):27–30,
Your DNA, became your DNA at your conception. Nobody on earth has your DNA, but you. Nobody in history ever had your DNA, and nobody in the future ever will have you DNA.
You are the physical manifestation of your DNA.
J Warner Wallace comes at this from a homicide detective point of view . Eliminating suspects showing God is the "culprit"
Materialists will never give in. They will say that all we need is time because we keep discovering new things all the time. But, there are so many questions that remain unanswered that it isn't a ridiculous theory to propose that a mind may have provided the information (and vehicle) necessary to create life and to keep it going.
In Gitt's original work ("In The Beginning Was Information") he labels Level 2 information "Syntax" instead of "Cosyntics" (6:08).
This is why we see them pushing aliens
Louis Pasteur conducted an experiment that proved that life doesn’t arise from non-life. I don’t think that science has changed.
and all knowing, always everywhere always. yesterday today forever. God bless,Matt.6:33,Prov.3:5
How Great thou are LORD.
Incredible work. God bless this ministry, even as a Christian I’ve learned a great deal, and I’m already becoming a good case maker for the hope we all have as believers in Christ Jesus.
Lets go!!!