The Prophetic Significance of the Israel-Gaza War | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
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This week on Marking the End Times, I discuss the war in Israel. I take this time to explain the background and history of Israel, who the Palestinians really are, and an update on what is happening in Israel.
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Pray for the peace of Jerusalem ❤❤❤
Thank you, have more understanding now.
God Bless from New Zealand 😇
The Palestinian people are semites. The area was renamed but people who lived there were the same.
Why would people flee land..its called a Genocide. The Palestinans rejected an Apartheid state. Imagine the native Americans asked for all USA citizens to go back to the UK based on their religious laws. Also does the bible advocate bombing children in Gaza. Stop brainwashing people.
Can I ask why you do a subscription only portion? I fear that anything that could help potential believers shouldn't be used for profit and may be turning a lot of people away who need those answers too.
Additionally, the constant reference to paid subscribers throughout the 18 min video came off disingenuous.
I really like your content and I know that to be able to continue, money is needed but is there other ways?
Dr. Mark
I guess we can be assured that Iran is cursed of God for wanting to destroy Israel. Do you believe the United States will continue to be blessed for our support of Israel in this current war against Hamas? Do you think God would send a major earthquake to Destroy Hamas and Gaza for their recent attack on Israel?
How do you go to the subscriber only section? I have subscribed but when the clip finishes what next? Thanks
Thank you for explaining it biblically
Pre trib is not biblical
It’s not a treaty, it’s a trade agreement.
The problem is that the Arabs don't believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; therefore they don't acknowledge the title deed being given to Israel.
why are you all so obsessed with end times? You want it to happen?
Jews are still waiting for their lord ? Why are the Jews so hated in history by the ottermen empire. The Germans. Now the Islamic world of whom they are surrounded by.
The best information and Biblical teaching. Thankyou Dr Hitchcock for your video. Praying for Israel.
Thank you Pastor Mark!!
I stand with Israel 🇮🇱
Your special only if your a subscriber. Bullcrap
Good explanation
Watching from South Africa❤
obadiah 1:19Those from the Negev will possess the mountains of Esau;
those from the foothills will possess the land of the Philistines.
End of times hopefully for Iran, the local $hit stirrer of the Middle East….
But didn’t Israel take Gaza illegally in 1967, so they’re not that innocent in all this, then they made a political deal with the palestinians in the 90’s i think, otherwise the usa should be owned and run by the Indians, and Australia by the indigenous etc, etc, etc
I've known these things for over 40 years, Mark, but thank you for the reminders. Yhis is all so true.
Saudi Arabia decided not to sign a deal with Israel, rather, they are making it with Iran. This was reported a couple of days ago. Perhaps after you made this video.
ABC of the war. Easy to understand. God bless you
That was a very interesting and informative video! Thank you so much for explaining how this all came to be. I pray for Israel every day and also for all the military from Israel and other countries. Israel is the apple of God's eye, and He will be the One to discipline them for their unbelief in His Son as being our Savior. Meanwhile, I can just envision the sky full of angels, keeping watch.
this war is a war no one understands anymore, and no one ever will. its been lost to time and death… peace to all. not just select few
Amen!! Great teaching man of God🙏🏾✝️
You are right and spot on pastor Mark, only Jesus will solve the Jewish – Palestinian problem facing the world today . You are very right …….thank you . The world does not see this…
the peace treaty is only a couple months away. probably gonna be signed at the COP28 meeting in Abu Dhabi Nov 30th thru Dec 12th, lotta spit gonna hit the fan in the meantime
What's happening in Gaza it's not a war, it's genocide! srael doesn't attack an army, they attacking an unarmed
civilians, women, children, old people. Blow up homes with their residents inside the homes, they don't care if the homes have children, women, even people with special needs. those civilians need to be treated as humans, and that's their lowest right in this world.
1 am wondering how the world still sees the terrible actions from the terrorist Israel as oppressed?!!
Children, women, pets, they killing every
The Israeli occupation uses internationally banned white phosphorus against the Palestinians, in the Karama area located in northern Gaza, and you still stand by them, let them through some of it on you and let them take your land, what you gonna do, ha!
Victory is coming soon
It really has nothing to do with the land of Israel, but everything to do with aniahlating the Jews. This is a spiritual ongoing war, satan wants to wipe all Jews off the earth, he thinks if he can do this, he makes God a liar. Of course this won't/ can't happen, the True God of heaven will not allow it, but stupid satan still tries. And will till Jesus throws him in the lake of fire, destroying him forever. So Israel will always face trouble and hard times, but they will never be completely wiped out.
Israel forever, Jerusalem is God's Holy city, and will be the place Jesus will rule and reign from for 1000 yrs after the 7 yr tribulation. This is why we as Christians are called for the peace of Jerusalem.
Then a new Jerusalem will come down for eternity…HALLAUAIGH.
🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🙏 ✝️.
Yes, Israel has the deed to the land. But if u don't respect the Bible/Tora, conflict will be the norm. The antichrist will seemingly solve the problem. But only the risen all powerful yashua will solve the conflict. King Jesus Christ wins in the end!
Trying to understand the rapture? Paul spells it out for us.
2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
…by our gathering together unto Him….
2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
…day of Christ…
2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
…that day (when we are gathered to Jesus/day of Christ)… will not arrive until the apostasy happens and the man of sin be revealed. He even warns you not to let any man deceive you in these matters.
While right now is a concern, the real scare could happen with regards to the Red Heifers that Israel received and the building of the Third Temple drawing near. This is definitely the work of the devil and he is doing everything to delay the fulfilment of prophecies.
Thank you
Can Palestine and Israel team up and oust Hamas?
Wanted to share with you that “ hamas” is mentioned in the Bible 4 times. The Hebrew word for violence is hamas ( h2554 Hebrew concordance)and found in 4 verses: gen 6:21, psalms 7:16, Ezekiel 7:11 and Habakkuk 1:3. Depending on your translation it’s the word violence that is translated into our word hamas that we are speaking of today! God knows the end and who the players are and if ya want to know the end… God declares the end from the beginning ( Isaiah 46:10) !!!and normal is not returning only Jesus Christ, Yeshua!!!
Love one another as my father loves you. Something Christians just can’t seem to do.
Who is the Antichrist?
The word God has given you does not have a price.
Good video .. shared on X
God bless you 🙏
This is excellent
Thank God for your teachings & guidance thru the end times now. You are a gift.
The Jews are of the House of Judah. They are not the same people as the House of Israel (the lost tribes). Two Houses, two separate kingdoms and two separate fates. Do not confuse the two peoples.
I love Israel and pray for them. Our Heavenly Father chose them for his own. The Land is theirs
Great background and history lesson!
Has to be a peace deal first , seven years of tribulations than the final battle.
3:20 "They're God's chosen people. They're God's chosen vessel, and instrument, to represent His will to the nations."
Interesting phrasing. I think worshipping Jews as a tribe of small prophets is likely to fall into the category of anti-Christian, since the foundation of Judaism was done by those who both knew and rejected Christ at the time of his arrival. Their religion is defined by rejecting Jesus, so how can they be God's chosen representatives?
I suspect a more favorable action would be to help shepard them back towards Christianity, and into good graces of God.