The Release and Defeat of Satan — Voddie Baucham
After the believers are raised to reign with Christ during the millennium, Satan must be released for a little while. We might expect an epic battle between good and evil, but as Pastor Voddie points out, there is no need for a battle; it has already been won.
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Revelation 20:7-10:
7 And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. 9 And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them, 10 and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Voddie Baucham Sermon
Listen to the entire Genesis series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN8eJgbJS60&list=PLjSIFDZIs-qcc1aD7Xv89FyWTX-kAvyK3
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You are confusing me.
1st issue
You cannot call the war in 19 the same war against Satan in 20 the same thing. Chapter 19 is a war against the beast and the false prophet who are thrown alive into the lake of fire. Chapter 20 is a war against Satan directly. Chapter 20 gives past tense statements.about thr beast and false prophet. Satan gets casted into the lake of fire where the beast and false prophet HAD BEEN.
Two separate occasions.
2nd issue. Voddie (whom i love fiercely as a brother in Christ) says while satan is bound he can still do things within limits. That is not what Revelation says. It says Satan was bound and thrown into the bottomless pit and SEALED! He cannot influence the inhabitants of the earth if he is sealed up in the bottomless pit/abyss. Satan is not omnipresent. It isnt a prison cell where he can write his letters to his followers from. Satan is out of the picture while sealed up.
Issue 3 the temple at the end of Ezekiel which hasnt been made yet
Dont call that the new Jerusalem because its obviously not. Its a millennium temple set up by Christ.
Isaiah 65 says we're going back to long life spans and people who are "accursed" will still die and babys will still be born.
Zephaniah says in the day of the Lord He will search Jerusalem with lamps
His kingdom becomes of this earth and His followers are now able to fight back. Against who? Zephaniah says against thoses who say the Lord will do no good nor will He do evil. Complacent people.
My point the Millennium reign must be an actual physical reign before the total end.
(This is not an argument for dispensationalism)
Just for the millennium reign
Be faithful brothers be a faithful servant and stand watch for the Master's return. As He told us to.
This man lies so well.
My question then becomes if people are not being born or antthing of the sort the verse about if people die before 1000 becomes pretty confusing and the child playing next to the snakes and such if theres no children being born where did kids come from asking beacsue im generally confused so many differing views makes it confusing how can everyone not agree
Dr. Voddie Baucham is blessed with such wisdom and explains the book of Revelation better than any modern preacher alive today. Praise be to God and Lord Jesus Christ for those who teach the truth as it is written.
This sounds an awful lot like full preterism. Vodie seems to be ignoring the clear allusions to the harlot being unfaithful Israel and Jesus coming in judgment upon them in AD70.
The beast and the false prophet are literal. Read Daniel now that it’s unsealed. You’ll see things you couldn’t Pryor to.
I thought tribulation is what the world does to us Christians and wrath is what God will do to the world. We are to have and go through tribulation and THE tribulation, but the bible says we are not appointed to wrath – "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him."
To be honest, I am not so sure I agree, but I also believe that for those who trust the Lord, we all will understand what we need to when we need to.
My only concern with just blanketing it as apocalyptic is that we have no way of knowing the author's (God's) intent. It's not like there was a human author to ask questions to. The human put what he saw into writing. Whether the visions were literal or not is known by God.
Amen! Lord Jesus Christ help us to understand!
God bless
Slow down your Galore ads.🤔
I love to hear the true word of God and you’re one of the best we love you brother.
Thank you so much Dr. Baucham for the true word of God, God's people have to be ready at all time.The Time is at Hand
Amen and amen and amen. Thank you GfBC and Dr Voddie, may the LORD bless and increase your ministry in the name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and Saviour the HEAD OF THE CHURCH, amen🙏
love how I landed on this during this specific time with the war in the middle east and every christian youtube going "it's Gog and Magog"
I had seen this sermon before but always chose to skip it…. not today
The Trial and Defeat of Donald Trump — Voddie Baucham
I'm going to make a tripp to watch you preach soon or at least I would really enjoy doing that
Voddie, I heard you on Glen Beck today. Do you believe Mormons like Beck are Christians? And if not, why didn't you correct Beck when he uses the term 'we' to describe himself as though he is a Christian.
I love you Voddie however in these cases where you seem to see everything is in the spiritual relam. I have to disagree with you that's like saying Isaiah 53 was just symbolism when actually we all know those exact things occurred. The battle of Armageddon and the Battle of Gog and Magog a real battles nowhere in there does it say that basically it's a symbolic just a spiritual battle. As far as the mark of the beast will be a rea mark as no one can buy or sell if they refuse it. will be something that people have the right to take or not just as in most Islamic Nations they give you the chance to either accept Allah or have your head cut off it would be the exact same thing. It's not symbolic it's factual and that's why it indicates in Revelation that during in the Great Tribulation more people come to the Lord than any other time.
I'm sorry I'm so retarded
Wokism. Wow!
it says Satan is bound but what about all the othe demons?
There is one problem I am stuck on: if the Millenium is right now (the Church age), that would necessitate that all this happening (beast, false prophet, etc.) happens during the Millenium–so how can the devil said to be bound when the Beast is deceiving the nations? If so, we must conclude that the Beast is yet future to come–but in earlier episodes he just said that the Beast (and the harlot) is timeless (and really, I think, the allusion to Rome is so strong such that any reader in the Apostle's day would've concluded the Beast is already here and persecuting the saints at that very moment). So I am leaning towards Post-mil rather than A-mil at the moment…
John 12;31. God's people.
For ye all are HIS CHURCH not made from Men's hands but of God of life for the living. Even made the creation itself for thee all and yet to come. Let not thy spirit, Hearts, and Minds be troubled! Remember is required for HIS church to rest. Yes, resting while moving forward. But beloved separation from conversations with God of life is gnashing of teeth! How and why? Pop look around even alive yet gnashing of teeth. Without rest. Not knowing the conversations given unto them. Can bring Rest nor without rest gnashing of teeth separation! Heirs will say HOW'S THY CONVERSATIONS GIVEN unto thee? With God of life, to thyself, and unto one another! Thy conversations given beloved. Yes given…to talk to WHOM 1ST? For such HERE YE ALL ARE IN FRONT! Need not to amazed! But the I AM resting within thee all. To remind ye already written within thee all. HIS OWN AND HIS OWN KNOWS HIM. GAVE HIS LIFE AND ALREADY PUT ALL UNDERFOOT! How else HIS LITTLE "i"? Form from THE AM hand not from men. Can't separate my Child the little "i" sitting…for many have made God of life for the living unapproachable upon all dry grounds nor the world. Pop my AM a Friend kind of love. A FRIEND! Remember laughter of my Heirs innocents little ones is SOOTHING to hear and food unto God of life and unto Me the SON OF MAN. This Song nor melodies will never trade. What is a HOUSE? For the Footstool is 1 HOUSE! Now How's my Heirs innocents little ones? Nor who among all leaders ruling the Owner Footstool? 1 OWNER. The Comforter will say, the little child "i: sitting with the AM. 1. Who love with patience, mercy, and grace! Judgment and Justice is HIS THRONE. Yes, HEIRS and ANGELS knows WHO? GAVE FORGIVENESS! But unto all knows yet set UNDERFOOT HIS ATTRIBUTES? STUDENTS, HOSTS, AND OUR BEAUTIFUL WILL SAY, RATHER NOT TO STIR HIM UP! Salvation comes with a Redeemer. From here will be no other!
🙌🏾This man never fails, We thank God for you.
Thank you Heavenly Father for this man. We humbly ask that you protect him and his family so that he may continue to do your works amen.