The Relevance Of Discussing About Race | Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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"These may be individual choices rather than a conspiracy, but individual choices growing out of a common vision of the world can produce results all too similar to what is produced by centralized censorship or propaganda."
Summing up our current era in one sentence.
There is the human species. Race is a politically correct way of saying sub-species and racism is the dominance struggle between each. Appearently there are enough genetic differences, it is amazing that cross breeding occurs. There exists dominance struggles between each human subspecies, based on other factors. It's not complicated…
Edit. People often refer to how children can intermingle without issue. However, this changes when puberty happens. Looking at societies with a mix of peoples. Those of the same gather together and within each group, those of (for example) of like mind gather together…
Welp, time to justify why I’m solo dolo now thanks to continuous name calling and other forms of verbal abuse😎
Now we have intellectuals demonizing white men for simply being white they should have guilt for being themselves! When is it right to judge one on one’s possible ancestors past aggressions? Slavery was part of the time n nobody was above it , it was in every corner of the world for centuries n was only recently that it was deemed truly evil to bind n hold someone against their will! We as the people need to see each other as we are n come together n work together to bring about real change that needs to be in our society. When we come together it scares those in power!
Another superb and succinct video. Marine Sowell says what needs to be said in under ten minutes when many others cannot say as much in an hour. Well done PhD Sowell!
Assimilation Vs Dis assimilation
The Polymath is no longer an intellectual base
It’s all words and thoughts
Castes systems can they be removed
A Social Construct
Ideology is the Issue
Accept you are a mammal
A Story Authorized by others
By the way, I'm an artist and my eyes are perfectly adapted to see colors. Therefore, I can confidently state that the so-called "White" people are mostly pink, the "Blacks" are mostly various shades of brown, and the so-called "Yellows" are the whole palette from light cream to yellow-green.
And all sorts of shades of skin colors of interracial children are not given to calculations and definitions.
What is race. Is it a biological difference between people of different races or an aesthetic one? No. The difference between races is purely political.
African elephant and Indian elephant, both elephants. But they either do not produce viable offspring or their hybrids are sterile. The same thing happens with hybrids of horses and donkeys, lions and tigers, chickens and ducks.
But we all see millions of children of cross-relationships of various human races. Mom is white and dad is black. Dad is Japanese, mom is a blond beast. Dad is white, mom is jet black Nigerian super model. And all of them, if desired, can have normal children, who can continue to have their own viable offspring.
From this we can conclude that the current races of people are just a climate adaptation complex in which a certain race lives for many thousands of years.
Race only matters if you make it matter.
US politicians are either pushing the narrative verbally or non verbally. Non verbal politicians are the RINOs we would like to think back US citizens
Race does matter, though. It's why is heavily it's connected to genetics.
I didn't dislike Obama because of his color. I hated what he was doing in regard to policy. I also was embarrassed he went on a global apology tour, weakening the standing of the United States.
I was appaled that his wife race baited during speeches.
They had an opportunity to show how much we've overcome racial issues but instead, they decided to do the opposite.
We are all individuals. Racism is irrational.
There is only 1 race, the human race. How can you be divided into separate races inside a singular race?
Different traits do not define a race, all dogs are dogs, all horses are horses.
This is what I think about when I see interracial relationships between White men and Asian women. The babies usually come out looking more Asian. And I’m not white OR Asian, but it’s always disappointing to see those beautiful European features essentially erased. Our differences DO matter. That is diversity.
In the Western World especially in the US it's the Black and the Brown as well as the SJW turds in the media and in Universities are the ones who keeps bringing up the racial issue by lying that it still exists like it did in 1950.
Most intellectuals are committed to causes that further their agendas than a search for the truth wherever that leads.
There are no "races" of mankind. There are breeds however. Just like canines.
Here's my two cents (which may not even be worth that). First, no matter what differences the races may have, I think no honest person smarter than a brick can deny that variation within each race overwhelmingly dominates variation between races, except for differences which are almost entirely skin-deep. This makes discrimination against a race rather stupid. Second, and if you thought I was being obvious with the first point this one will floor you, we do have to deal with people being this stupid. About two percent of Americans think the earth is flat. It makes sense to me to look at different statistical outcomes as a reason to look for discrimination, but it's irrational to consider it proof of discrimination.
It is amazing how these days, people who demonstrably by word, deed and character are not racist and judge others by their word, deed and character instead of race, and thereby honouring and respecting the sentiments of the most honourable Reverent Martin Luther King Jr, who dreamed of a world of equals where we all are and see each other as human, are these days called racist while those who claim to be fighting racism are pathologically obsessed with race.
Race is a complexities of reason and DNA and misunderstanding or So important that people get mad about race when the statistics of a race shows the disparities.🤔☘️
Fun fact there's only one race homo sapien
Can you 'discuss about' something? I think the title of this video should read either "The Relevance of Discussion About Race" or "The Relevance of Discussing Race".
Excellent presentation ! Thank you !!
Thomas Sowell, thank you for your work. You should hold a more prominent place in society, it would be well deserved in my opinion.
Mr Sowell sounds more and more like a prophet crying in the wilderness in this time of American darkness
At takes seriously legit science and scientists to separate what is genuinely biological race from what we speak about it colloquially and it's even harder to discern what the experimental data really means in society; I'd say that "race vs IQ" it's a ticket for a holly war.
You maintain the right for ethnic, racial, gender & political consideration for individual rights across or across the general political divides. This is a rabbit hole that can be generally avoided when is offered by the mainstream media along with the intelligentsia & in higher educational facilities to deal with life's issues. This doesn't solve the issue's it only delays them. Issues have to be dealt with head on. if you don't deal with them, you'll have to deal with them later & that might be to late to solve your issue. It's not difficult just learn to reason through issues. THINK FOR YOUR SELF.
"There is no subject more in need of rational discourse than is the subject of rayce." – Thomas Sowell
Remember this when RINO Central aka Fox News tell you that "rayce doesn't matter, it's just skin color."