The Resurrection of Jesus Answers 3 Huge Questions
If Jesus has risen from the dead, I explain that we have answers to 3 of the biggest questions of life: (1) Does God exist? (2) Which Religion Is True?, and (3) Is There Life After Death? Quite literally, the resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in history!
READ: “The Resurrection Answers 3 Big Questions” https://bit.ly/2wti5AM
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Science & Technology

What really happened between the evening Jesus of Nazareth was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and, just a few days later, is said to have risen from the dead?
In just a few weeks, Christians all over the world will be celebrating a holy week, marking the suffering and death of Jesus, and then celebrating his triumphant resurrection.
For most Christians, though the exact theology about his death/resurrection is somewhat murky, the idea that Jesus conquered death is a sign they, too, will one day live again after they die, either by surviving as a conscious soul that goes to a pleasant spirit realm called Heaven, or that they, themselves, will also one day physically rise from the dead just as Jesus did…or for a significant number of those Christians often called Evangelicals, who say it will be both, beginning with a Rapture!
How, though, can we be sure, as so many Christians seem to be, that Jesus really did come back from the dead? There are, after all, more than a few historical researchers who doubt he even existed!
There have been numerous attempts to make the case for Jesus' resurrection purely from the narratives found in the Canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. One that had been very popular among Neo Evangelicals just a few decades ago, argued Jesus had to have risen again, because it could not have been his disciples who moved away the stone from his tomb for, if they had, and they subsequently secreted away his dead body, there is no way they would have gone on to spread the news of his resurrection, at great personal risk, knowing all the while it was all a big lie!
On the other hand, might there be some other explanation why his disciples, in just a matter of days after his public execution, became completely convinced he was alive again…and not only that, but it had been God's plan all along?
After decades of intensive research, pouring over the biblical narratives and using the very best methods of textual and contextual scholarly criticism, I believe we can know, with as much certainty as is historically possible, what really happened to Jesus and his followers that fateful, final week of Jesus' life, and what really happened in the following days, weeks, years, decades and centuries ever since, leading to well over a 2 billion people in the world today professing faith in him and his message…even though, many of them may have it completely wrong!
Rick Lannoye, author of The Real-Life Jesus, What Jesus of Nazareth Was Really Like and What He Really Stood For
What are public, testable miracles? Could you explain please?
you are so underrated
I thought the big questions were "Why is there something instead of nothing? And how did life originate? What is the purpose?"
Your new questions are easy for atheists to answer. No, god doesn't exist. None of the religions are true. And no, there isn't life after death.
However, I don't think the resurrection of Jesus answers your own questions either.
Is a god the only way for a person to appear after appearing to die? (That is, the aliens in stargate are actually gods?)
Claiming resurrection of an incarnate god is the only miracle that can prove a religion is circular reasoning. Many religions claim miracles why would your miracle be any better? Mohamed resurrected the moon that's far more impressive.
Jesus never described what happened after his death so it doesn't actually say anything about the truth of life after death.
Sean, what do you think about presupposional apologists saying, " it's unbiblical to offer evidence to unbelievers". ??? Like say… Idk sye ten
Quite literally, the resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in history!
Are you sure?
That is a supposed event, not a literal one!
Supposed events don't answer questions, they only bring on new ones.
Horus is another one resurrected through reanimation! What's the difference between reamination nd resurrection? Zombie 🧟?
I realize I'm entering the lion's den here, but I have listened to this video and I have some comments and some questions.
—"The resurrection of Jesus answers three of the biggest questions about life."
Right off the bat, I disagree with your first sentence. I'll get to the details as I go along, I just want to state at this point that the very core claim of this video is false. Moving on.
—"If Jesus has risen from the grave, we have a positive answer to the question about the existence of God."
No, we don't. If we knew for a fact that Jesus rose from the dead, then that's exactly what we know. No less, but also, NO MORE. If we knew for a fact that Jesus rose from the dead, that tells us nothing about the reason WHY it happened. Could've been a god, but it also could've been sufficiently advanced aliens, for example. They swooped down, used their awesome technology to revive him and to clear all traces of their presence, then went away. Point is, it's possible to imagine a scenario in which the resurrection happened without any God, which means your implication doesn't work. What you're doing in the video is subtly weaving in the assumption that if the resurrection is true, then it somehow validates other things in the Bible. That's not how things work. The New York City exists, does that mean Spider-Man is real, too? Of course not.
Next, you present your feather analogy, but that falls flat in the same way — sufficiently advanced aliens are also (by definition, in fact) a sufficient explanation for the resurrection, so you can't claim it would be evidence for God, since there's another option. You say:
—"…this points to a powerful explanation — a supernatural explanation…"
Until you show that advanced technology couldn't have done it, you don't get to jump to the supernatural. This is a leap of logic you haven't justified.
Next, you list four arguments that "also help", that are "also good". None of those is a good argument. They all have major flaws that render them meaningless.
Good Job Sean!
Thanks Sean, I felt like each of the answered questions grew stronger as you progressed! I love how you connected the final question to the fact that there is life after death, and that we live in that kind of a world! The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ has changed everything, including how we live presently in this world. Keep up your awesome ministry, we all appreciate you so much!
Do you support an old or young earth creation?
Great information Sean Thanks !