The Sexualization of Our Children
We are under attack from the Left’s education agenda promoting information about sex, abortion, and politicized ideas about sexual orientation and gender identity. Our young children are being inundated with these heavy topics at their schools, in media, and throughout pop culture. It only seems to be getting worse. How do we push back? How do we turn the tide on an agenda that has the potential to damage the development of our kids? This week, we talk about making a promise to protect America’s children, and ensure they are no longer used as political pawns to advance a sexual agenda.
Show Notes:
Make the Promise to America’s Children:
Virtual Event: The Promise to America’s Children:
Book: Irreversible Damage – The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters:
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Its mow 2023 and kids are being indocrinated to accept Trans zs normal.1 in 15 children now identify ss Trans! This is EVIL.
While you are highlighting a real issue, I don't think it is helpful to label this as "sexualizing" children. That term implies there is a desire to make children the objects of sexual pleasure for adults. While there certainly are sickos out there, this isn't the hidden agenda of the left. I know conservatives think this is "obviously" the case – I think that thought is primarily built upon fear generated from talking heads who specialize in promoting fear for ratings – kind of like the title of this YouTube video.
children that identify as trans are NOT forced to transition, in fact it takes years of therapy, meetings, and discussions before Medical or hormonal intervention is even an option. Your child questioning their gender can be scary, but its nothing to be ashamed of. You are not a bad parent for having a gender questioning or trans child.
There is no transgender ideology! Parents just need to tell their children about the issue and it does NOT involve anything about sex. (Misleading video!!!)
Pride events globally..
This isn't a left-right issue. If we're going to point fingers, it's all Republican representatives that have groomed under-age girls
The Transgender Agenda goes back to the Persian Empire…perhaps even further back. From Herodotus Histories…
Hearing this on his way, Cyrus said to Crœsus as follows: "Crœsus, what end shall I find of these things which are coming to pass? The Lydians will not cease as it seems, from giving trouble to me and from having it themselves. I doubt me if it were not best to sell them all as slaves; for as it is, I see that I have done in like manner as if one should slay the father and then spare his sons: just so I took prisoner and am carrying away thee, who wert much more than the father of the Lydians, while to the Lydians themselves I delivered up their city; and can I feel surprise after this that they have revolted from me?" Thus he said what was in his mind, but Crœsus answered him as follows, fearing lest he should destroy Sardis: "O king, that which thou hast said is not without reason; but do not thou altogether give vent to thy wrath, nor destroy an ancient city which is guiltless both of the former things and also of those which have come to pass now: for as to the former things it was I who did them and I bear the consequences heaped upon my head; and as for what is now being done, since the wrongdoer is Pactyas to whom thou didst entrust the charge of Sardis, let him pay the penalty. But the Lydians I pray thee pardon, and lay upon them commands as follows, in order that they may not revolt nor be a cause of danger to thee:–send to them and forbid them to possess weapons of war, but bid them on the other hand put on tunics under their outer garments and be shod with buskins, and proclaim to them that they train their sons to play the lyre and the harp and to be retail-dealers; and soon thou shalt see, O king, that they have become women instead of men, so that there will be no fear that they will revolt from thee."
They need to understand that this is cultural marxism at its finest. They want to oversexualize our children so they demoralize their character and are easier to turn into little revolutionaries. Wake up America the enemy is in our gates. These people are sick and twisted individuals it's good individuals and this is going on in most of our public education.
This is 100% INSANITY! Why are we even having this conversation?
Where are the PARENTS??? who's job it is to PROTECT their children from this madness!
This isn’t insane. It’s Spirit saying our soul has no gender. Our gender has no importance on our worth or identity but the world tries to put roles on genders. This has to stop. Labels like religion kills.
Also if this is the direction we’re going how about we just clear the WHOLE path and when I go anywhere I can claim to be a woman one day and a male the next no hormones no surgeries.. because it’s based on HOW I FEEL and it’s a micro aggression to tell me how I feel so I can apply for minority benefits and claim I’m a single mother and tax payers will have to support a fully heterosexual male adult because I claim to FEEL like a woman on whatever days it fits my narrative best. Or I’ll have my son be fully male and give him “hormones” to be even bigger faster and stronger and STILL claim that he feels like a girl so he can win scholarships and championships in female sports while completely dominating women.
My children’s mother and I are teaching our kids that the people with this ideologies are mentally challenged and have psychosis. They will not be allowed to choose what gender they are. God has already done that for them. If they turn out to be homosexual, fine that’s okay with me. These things do happen and are real. But I’m not letting my son wear a dress at 4 or 5 and think it’s okay to put on make up because he wants to be like his sisters. And I’m not going to make my daughters work outside and learn how to build and repair things. Thank God they are already showing signs of traditional male/female roles.. the people who go along with this and say it’s okay and I mean anyone who thinks a man should compete in women’s sports or that their daughter should undergo surgery and drug therapy to date and marry another woman, is ALSO psychotic and must have been lobotomized. What kind of asshole does this to their children?
"For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear." 2 Timothy 4:3
This is child abuse in it’s worst form by our Government!!!!
This demonic ideology must be met with spiritual and verbal defiance in opposition to those who are demonically possessed and have been placed in schools to take away our children's innocence and transform them into what God has declared to be abominations.
Progressively, youth have evolved from being slightly weird to full blown victims of insanity.
Children who are devalued in the womb are the poster childs for every type of mental and physical abuse the ungodly can recklessly imagine.
Its the parents job to push back. It is their fault to. they support this. If they did not the schools wouldn't be able to teach it.
The sleeping citizenry will never rise.
The criminal elite are banking on this.
Get involved locally. Organize, mobilize, and inform others.
There are 2 sexual species period. That is called Scientific Biology. Children should be taught accordingly to Be the Gender they were born as and respect the Other Gender as They were born. That will lead them to then be able to respect who they are and eventually mature into sexual compatible adults. Individualism really in My opinion begins at Birth, Sexualism should not ever be taught until a child is mature enough to understand fully the consequences of the action.
Some say this is child abuse yes it is but look who's pushing the agenda the people that killed children in the womb absolutely insane
Not only is this country pitting people against each other but now they're trying to pit people against themselves wondering if they should be male or female this is absolutely insane insane insane
Children need to be told that they are made perfectly.!!!! Perfect in God's eyes are all.!!
And are you folks really adding VP Pence who has many connections with those that are acting on these evil agendas?
I'm glad to see Ibram Kendi saw fit to protect the way God created his daughter. Let's pray that extends to ALL children, the way GOD created them too: red, yellow, black, & white.
Go to school board meetings and drown the porn Libtards off the board.
This is child abuse plain and simple especially for kids that are encouraged to take drugs and have gender reconstructive surgery. It's bad for the child and society as a whole.
All this evil went fast forward with Obama. Parents need to stand up and say no to this evil. Get involved at local community- school boards. We must protect our children.
Secondly, if parents are able to, choose to Homeschool, or send to Charter or private school. See A.C.E School of Tomorrow- curriculum to teach at home. Highly recommend.
Parents Read “Abduction” by Dr Carol Swain.
Reach out to the Senators of your State and let them know how you feel about the Equality Bill. There are things in the Bill I can agree with, but majority of it……no. The bill needs to be revised from the bill the House of Representatives passed. Totally revised.
Unfortunately this is a path we have been going down for many decades now and once government has put their filthy hands via legislation on this subject, we are now stuck with this nonsense. If you have children in public school take them out go private or home school. This nonsense has managed to find it’s way into many rural public school systems, so running to a rural area is not a solution. The bigger issue that no one seems to address is the institutions of higher learning where this indoctrination is rampant. Again, privet conservative university’s or better yet a trade school, where they will actually learn something of value.
I pray for the children of the world to be protected from evil.🙏🏽💗
The Lunatic Left want Marxism and to destroy the nuclear family.
The whole world is laughing at us. The left is such a bunch of fools. Well China is making their men more masculine, the left is turning our men into pussies
C-SPAN Washington Journal swamp media democrat-controlled democrat-run.
This evil agenda being played out against our children must be stopped.
This is absolutely disgusting. These people will have their time with God. We must protect the children. We must protect our future.