The Suicide of Europe | 5 Minute Video
Europe is committing suicide. How did this happen? In this video, Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe, explains the two major causes of Europe’s impending downfall.
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The civilization born of Judeo-Christian values, ancient Greek philosophy and the discoveries of the Enlightenment is staring at the abyss, brought there by its own hand. To put it starkly: Europe is committing suicide.
How did this happen?
It’s a complicated story, but there are two major causes.
The first is the mass movement of peoples into Europe. This has been going on steadily since the end of World War II but sped up massively in the migration crisis of 2015, when more than a million migrants poured into Europe from the Middle East, North Africa and East Asia.
The second, and equally significant, is that Europe lost faith in itself—its beliefs, its traditions and even its very legitimacy.
Let’s take a closer look at both causes.
For decades, Europe encouraged people—mostly from the Middle East and North Africa—to come as temporary workers. Nobody expected them to stay. Yet they did. And nobody asked them to leave, even those who came illegally. As one British immigration minister put it in 1999, “Removal takes too long, and it’s emotional.”
And, of course, why would they leave? The economic opportunities were far greater in Europe than from where they came. And if the work dried up, there were generous welfare benefits to be had.
For a time, immigrants were allowed—even encouraged, thanks to the European commitment to “multiculturalism”—to pursue whatever culture they wanted. But that didn’t work out well. The leaders of Britain, France and Germany admitted as much in 2011, when David Cameron, Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel dramatically announced that multiculturalism had failed.
So, the immigrants were then asked to assimilate and embrace Western values. If that happened, European governments reasoned, all the financial costs, even the occasional acts of terrorism, could be overlooked.
But it never happened. And immigration just increased.
During 2015, Germany and Sweden added 2% to their populations in a single year. By 2017, the most popular boys name in United Kingdom was Muhammad.
So, why did European leaders decide Europe could take in anyone in the world, whether fleeing war or simply seeking a better life, no matter how different—or even opposed—their values were to European values?
The one-word answer to this question is guilt. Aren’t these refugees, the thinking goes, fleeing the consequences of European imperialism? Didn’t we mercilessly exploit these unfortunate people in their home countries? Aren’t we the cause of their misery?
Accepting them into Europe is meant to be a wiping-away of this guilt. This is especially true of Germany. In allowing one and a half million people into her country in 2015, Angela Merkel was, in effect, proclaiming to the world that Germany, the great aggressor of the twentieth century, the architect of the Holocaust, would be the humanitarian superpower of the twenty-first. A noble sentiment, perhaps, but who pays the price? The ordinary citizens of Europe, who have seen crime and terrorism increase exponentially. Their fears and frustrations have been largely ignored—or worse.
For the complete script, visit http://www.prageru.com/videos/suicide-europe

Люди в вас спрятались или доктора духи с иголками , или воры духи, или убийцы духи , и они манипулируют вами, всеми кто хочет покончить жизнь самоубийством, враги хотят чтобы вы покончили жизнь самоубийством, потому что в Америке если они вас заставят покончить жизнь самоубийством они вас загонят вас в ад, после ваших смертей воры, и доктора, и людаеды, и насильники, хирурги , радиация они все духовные убийцы наемные, их всех нанимают в Америке тайно , чтобы никто не знал , тогда все враги получат миллионы долларов, за ваши смерти, люди самоубийцы вам решать стоит ли вам умирать из за наёмных убийц духвных, которые вас сели, или пососали, или изнасиловали, или просочили духи смерти, и ада, или сами доктора просочились, и пытают духовно на физическом уровне, и мучают вас , и приговаривают в вашу память покончить жизнь самоубийсвом, не делайте этого, лучше ВСЕ, ВСЕ, ВСЕ не зависимо от Царства , кайтесь все Царства, кайтесь перед ИИСУСОМ ХРИСТОМ он был распят за все грехи ваши, ИИСУС ХРИСТОС ОЧЕНЬ ДОБРЫЙ ЛЮБИТ ВСЕХ И ВСЕХ ПРОЩАЕТ ГРЕХИ , и просите все прощение у ОТЦА НЕБЕСНОГО РОДНОГО , И У СВЯТОГО ДУХА ОНИ ОЧЕНЬ ВСЕХ СИЛЬНО И НЕЖНО ЛЮБЯТ , И ПРОСИТЕ У ТВОРЦА ВСЕ УМА, МУДРОСТИ, И СВЯТОГО ДУХА. БОГ ВАС ВСЕХ СИЛЬНО И НЕЖНО ЛЮБИТ. СВЯТОЙ ДУХ ВСЕХ ВАС СИЛЬНО , И НЕЖНО ЛЮБИТ. ИИСУС ВСЕХ ВАС СИЛЬНО И НЕЖНО ЛЮБИТ. БОГ ВАС ВСЕХ ЖДЕТ , КАК БЛУДНОГО СЫНА В СВОИ ОБЬЯТИЯ. И молитесь все ОСТАНОВИТЬ все войны, ОСТАНОВИТЬ все самоубийства, ОСТАНОВИТЬ все пытки, и ОСТАНОВИТЬ все смерти , и ОСТАНОВИТЬ всех врагов планы НАВСЕГДА И ВО ВСЕХ СТРАНАХ. Этивойны все искусственно делают враги . Господи спаси всех. Аминь.
European Christians will have to form their own communities to survive. Maintain faith and guard against crime and immorality. The Church has struggled last century due to sins of the pedophiles who infiltrated the churches and schools. Take back the church and provide a safe place to worship and connect with God. 🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿✝️
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" Abraham Lincoln. The same can be said of Europe
Buddy, Turkey is European. I understand that you may not like a relative, but it doesn't change the fact that the relative is a relative, just because you don't like them. Even hate them. I don't like some of my uncles too.
PS – Greek from Turkey living in Canada, obviously defending European values all the way
Only certified or allowed immigrantes who want to legally work should be permitted in Europe.
Only those who respect our culture, values and principles should be allowed.
The Muslims are playing the long game. They are having more children where most Europeans are not. Demographics is destiny…
The overarching architects of the immigrants was the UN started in 2000.
Migrants are told to come to Germany because of the generous welfare system. Here in the Czech republic, they don't want to stay even we are of the most secure countries in the world.
Douglas is probably right, but the video would have been more convincing if a few facts and figures had been added. "Crime increased exponentially…" may be true, but how about a graph or two to prove it. And do the cultures clash because one is superior to the other, or just because they differ?
Europe is a whole continent made of 50 countries, with different immigration policies. I am French, live in Germany, and Germany makes it harder than France. If a immigrant or child of immigrant commits a crime (even with German nationality), they will be sent back, or have to choose between more prison or get sent back (for example, my husband knew a German with Turkish origins, he got involved in a fight and accidentally killed the person, got condemned for manslaughter, had the choice between 5 years of prison then get sent back to Turkey, or 15 years of prison, he chose to go to Turkey). My husband, although being in Germany since he was 13 (to escape the Iran/Iraq war), had to go 1 year back to Iran and then struggled for year to get his residence permit for small delict he commited as a teen. Stealing a public garden plant, getting caught in the bus with no tickets. Nothing big. Vs in France, many people who are by law required to leave the territory are still living there and commiting crime. Criminals (regardless of their origin) in France are not being punished. Not until they commited many crimes. An example, a man (immigrant) was caught by a dad in his daughter´s room (a little girl), trying to rape her. He got arrested, well guess what, 3 days later, he came back and was caught again short before raping the girl. Another woman who had the obligation to leave territory but wasn´t deported, killed a little girl. And only after finding her guilty, was she sent back to her country. Many crimes in France, by multi recidivists who had the obligation to leave the country, commited more crimes because they weren´t deported. My mother is still in France and although she lives in a small village, is starting to get afraid because of the rising of violence and crime. She told me that there are places where the drugs dealers took over, go as far as put advertsising posters in buildings for their drugs, have armed sentinels controlling people, and no one does anything. Ghetto people throwing bricks at cops, burning cars, and no one does anything. The only people Macron is OK with killing are old women opening their window to take a look at the demonstrations. That´s France´s "justice" and immigration politic. In Germany, those guys would be in the plane to wherever they are from.
Another issue why many European take foreigners is that the people of those countries make less and less children, risking to make it become an "old country" with more elders than young people.
Also, I checked for most popular names and on ons.gov.uk , Mohammed was ranked 10, not 1. Still high ranked but please use correct data.
Islam is the end of Europe unfortunately. Deport them all, up until its not too late. Lock up also the compromised leaders.
in Spain we have one of the worst politicians in that regard. They're all globalist scum
If Mr. Murray is available, perhaps PragerU could make a follow-up video with his current thoughts on this situation. The US is in similar dire straits.
Islamic immigration is deadly
Once a culture believes that Christianity is not true and all cultures and values are equal (multiculturalism), it is a sure ride to decline and death.
Weapons Of Mass Migration
Bros espousing the white genocide theory because a bunch of brown people came into Europe
German here, we are doing pretty great, thanks!
The eletes who espouse these leftest policies are almost all wealthy overly educated ivory tower types who are wealthy enough to never suffer from the blow back from the idiotic policies they force on the rest of us. When are we going to stop voting in these self serving idiots who speak sweetly and govern putridly. They aren't the 2nd coming in acting edicts from on high, even if they, and their deluded followers, think they are.
Dear Europe and West,
If you really don't want muti_culturism, if you're anti-Muslim and don't want people from Africa and Middle East, then do this:
STOP invading Afghanistan and Iraq, do not initiate absolute chaos in Syria and Lebanon, and don't colonize Algeria, Congo, Ghana, and Nigeria. Just a remembrance: every action has a reaction. It is called karma.
Five years later and we still have a daily stunami of illegal single males being welcomed with open arms ( and wallets )
We were in a deep hole & now we've swapped our shovel for a JCB !!
We truly are in deep 💩 !!
"Regret does more harm than good." – Mom
Stop calling them migrants and start calling them what they really are: invaders. The last time that happen, whole Europe started the crusades against muslims.
The same thing is happening here in New Zealand. Kiwis are leaving in droves for Australia because our inept woke Labour govt has made life very hard here. Meanwhile immigrants from the third world are pouring in.
Prager U is jewish propaganda
Judeo christian isnt a thing. Its a scam. Its an oxymoron. Jews and christians do not share values. We don’t share the same god. Christians worshil Jesus Christ the lord and savior. Jews worship moloch and seek to destroy and enslave all humanity. Done with this trash channel.
CEO is a jew
What makes amerika great is lonlinies
Isn't this dude gay?