“The System Is Broken” | Chad Wolf Blasts the Biden Border Crisis
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Newsmax TV, Friday, August 13, to talk about the Biden border crisis, the record-breaking number of apprehensions by CBP at the border in July, and why the Biden administration has broken the system.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiYNPfKhu5A
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The only thing anyone can say now about the " The System is Broken " is NO SHIT SHERLOCK '
What could people do as a backlash what could possibly happen coz noone wants them in their towns in the USA. They do not want them and they don't want them with covid they dont want them either way probably. But the covid is really has to be a deal breaker there you dont want this surely noone wants this. Government likes it and all. Wonder what can happen coz everyone hates it so much. They say they behave as nothing is happening n' ignore the illegals –or what do they do? People with money can leave USA coz countries let rich immigrate there but not the poor in those other countries.
Purposeful or incompetent. Has to be one of the two. In either case, they threaten our national security.
The Name Mr. Wolf use to scare Cities (many discussions in Close session meeting of City Councils) these Cities are now involved with County Supervisors (administrators) to operate migrant caravans at taxpayer's expense
Guess we will have to pack our shotguns & go down & help our Texas brothers. biden will destroy us if we don't get him gone. He's wrecked President Trump's gains in 8 short months. What the hell is wrong with us?
Send them all to Washington DC.
He does make some good points!
Chad Wolf is fake. He resigned after Jan 6th and turned his back on Trump.
Yes don’t see why those displaced illegals can’t just protest against the cartels if they kill your friends sneak up behind them and kill them. I would
States will have to pay for care of these immigrants. If they have no connection to the state, put them on a plane or bus to Washington DC. When politicians are overwhelmed in Their city, they will do something.
Another Rhino stabbing Trump hater