The Ten Commandments: What You Should Know | 5 Minute Video
Still the Best Moral Code
Humanity has everything it needs to create a good world. We’ve had it for 3,000 years. It’s the Ten Commandments; ten basic, yet profound instructions for how to lead a moral life. If everyone followed the Ten Commandments, we would not need armies or police; marriages and families would be stronger; truth would be a paramount value. Dennis Prager explains how the Ten Commandments led to the creation of Western Civilization and why they remain relevant to your life today. This video course introduces a ten-part series.
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No document in world history so changed the world for the better as did the Ten Commandments. Western civilization — the civilization that developed universal human rights, created women’s equality, ended slavery, created parliamentary democracy among other unique achievements — would not have developed without them. As you will see when each of the Ten Commandments is explained, these commandments are as relevant today as when they were given over 3,000 years ago. In fact, they’re` so relevant that the Ten Commandments are all that is necessary to make a good world, a world free of tyranny and cruelty.
Imagine for a moment a world in which there was no murder or theft. In such a world, there would no need for armies, or police, or weapons. Men and women and children could walk anywhere, at any time of day or night, without any fear of being killed or robbed. Imagine further a world in which no one coveted what belonged to their neighbor; a world in which children honored their mother and father and the family unit thrived; a world in which people obeyed the injunction not to lie. The recipe for a good world is all there — in these ten sublime commandments.
But there is a catch. The Ten Commandments are predicated on the belief that they were given by an Authority higher than any man, any king, or any government. That’s why the sentence preceding the Ten Commandments asserts the following: “God spoke all these words.”
You see, if the Ten Commandments, as great as they are, were given by any human authority, then any person could say: “Who is this man Moses, who is this king or queen; who is this government to tell me how I should behave? Okay, so why is God indispensable to the Ten Commandments? Because, to put it as directly as possible, if it isn’t God who declares murder wrong, murder isn’t wrong. Yes, this strikes many people today as incomprehensible, even absurd. Many of you are thinking, “Is this guy saying you can’t be a good person if you don’t believe in God?”
Let me respond as clearly as possible: I am not saying that. Of course there are good people who don’t believe in God, just as there are bad people who do. And many of you are also thinking, “I believe murder is wrong. I don’t need God to tell me.” Now that response is only half true. I have no doubt that if you’re an atheist and you say you believe murder is wrong, you believe murder is wrong. But, forgive me, you do need God to tell you. We all need God to tell us. You see, even if you figured out murder is wrong on your own, without God and the Ten Commandments, how do you know it’s wrong? Not believe it’s wrong, I mean know it’s wrong? The fact is that you can’t. Because without God, right and wrong are just personal beliefs. Personal opinions. I think shoplifting is okay, you don’t. Unless there is a God, all morality is just opinion and belief. And virtually every atheist philosopher has acknowledged this.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/ten-commandments-what-you-should-know

Obey the ten commandments and GOD 🙏🙏🙏🙏 will BLESS YOU ❤❤❤❤❤ please obey ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😮
It’s like this guy is the terminator except from coming from the future. He is coming from the dark ages to end humanity.
It’s only relevant to people who subscribe to religious dogma. and the fact that y’all need to have things like don’t steal or kill be written down is embarrassing. It should just be common sense. Let’s face it Prager is Just a moron who doesn’t know anything about the world.
alright I came up with my own version of the Ten Commandments and I dare anyone to show how these are somehow inferior to the Biblical lists yes plural there are three in the Bible:
1. do unto others as you would want them to do unto you
2. dont rape anyone
3. dont murder innocent people
4. dont enslave people
5. dont go along with things just because theyre popular
6. dont torture people
7. treat animals fairly
8. dont abuse anybody
9. dont discriminate against people because of race, gender, etc.
10. reject any belief system that requires to abandon any of these commands
notice how this list doesnt contain 4 commands purely to gratify a deity's ego, also like can you really say the Biblical God hasnt violated like most of my 10 commands listed here if not all of them
The bible supports slavery, genocides, and mistreating women.
Your religion didn’t abolish those things, it wore them like a ghoulish badge of honor.
The 10 commandments are based upon the code of Hammurabi
The 10 commandments are false
STILL. So many don't know the entire 12 tribes HEARD GOD DECLARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Moses, who wasn't a Jew, documented it. He DIDN'T GET THEM FROM GOD IN PRIVATE, like the other 613, thus, not the law of Moses, mosaic law, or through Moses, thus Mt. 4:4.
Don't do to others what you don't want done to you is always a safe bet.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…
No Dennis, your Bible verses had nothing to do with the Constitution of the United States. STFU Dennis. Stop trying to shove your religion where it does not belong.
Here are the actual 10 commandments after Mozes broke the first:
15 Don't make treaties with the people there, or you will soon find yourselves worshiping their gods and taking part in their sacrificial meals. 16 Your men will even marry their women and be influenced to worship their gods.
17 Don't make metal images of gods.
18 Don't fail to observe the Festival of Thin Bread in the month of Abib.[c] Obey me and eat bread without yeast for seven days during Abib, because that is the month you left Egypt.
19 The first-born males of your families and of your flocks and herds belong to me.
20 You can save the life of a first-born donkey[d] by sacrificing a lamb; if you don't, you must break the donkey's neck. You must save every first-born son.
Bring an offering every time you come to worship.
21 Work for six days and rest on the seventh day, even during the seasons for plowing and harvesting. 22 Celebrate the Harvest Festival[e] each spring when you start harvesting your wheat, and celebrate the Festival of Shelters[f] each autumn when you pick your fruit.
23 Your men must come to worship me three times a year, because I am the Lord God of Israel. 24 As you advance, I will force the nations out of your land and enlarge your borders. Then no one will try to take your property when you come to worship me these three times each year.
25 When you sacrifice an animal on the altar, don't offer bread made with yeast. And don't save any part of the Passover meal for the next day.
26 I am the Lord your God, and you must bring the first part of your harvest to the place of worship.
Don't boil a young goat in its mother's milk.
Here are the actual 10 commandments after Mozes broke the first:
15 Don't make treaties with the people there, or you will soon find yourselves worshiping their gods and taking part in their sacrificial meals. 16 Your men will even marry their women and be influenced to worship their gods.
17 Don't make metal images of gods.
18 Don't fail to observe the Festival of Thin Bread in the month of Abib.[c] Obey me and eat bread without yeast for seven days during Abib, because that is the month you left Egypt.
19 The first-born males of your families and of your flocks and herds belong to me.
20 You can save the life of a first-born donkey[d] by sacrificing a lamb; if you don't, you must break the donkey's neck. You must save every first-born son.
Bring an offering every time you come to worship.
21 Work for six days and rest on the seventh day, even during the seasons for plowing and harvesting. 22 Celebrate the Harvest Festival[e] each spring when you start harvesting your wheat, and celebrate the Festival of Shelters[f] each autumn when you pick your fruit.
23 Your men must come to worship me three times a year, because I am the Lord God of Israel. 24 As you advance, I will force the nations out of your land and enlarge your borders. Then no one will try to take your property when you come to worship me these three times each year.
25 When you sacrifice an animal on the altar, don't offer bread made with yeast. And don't save any part of the Passover meal for the next day.
26 I am the Lord your God, and you must bring the first part of your harvest to the place of worship.
Don't boil a young goat in its mother's milk.
Incredible this video is not removed yet! I would think it was a complete embarrassment for PragerU!
Stealing, lying and murdering can be morally the right thing to do. My uncle Pieter Hartog stole and lied in the resistance group of Corrie ten Boom in Haarlem the Netherlands. They ‘stole’ hundreds of Jewish babies from hospitals and nurseries to save them from the holocaust.
They stole money and food stamps to aid the Jews and others in hiding. Corrie ten Boom and her family had built a secret hideout in their home above the watch shop in Haarlem. And continually lied to save hundreds of people from the Nazis.
So they broke most of the commandments even though they were 100 percent Christians. Corrie ten Boom being famous for that in the USA.
The 10 commandments are nonsensical in every way possible. Not one commandment makes any sense. Plus the first set was destroyed by Mozes, and the second set completely differs from the first! So why even bother with these ones?
What a stupid video, made by someone with an extremely feeble mind.
Western Civilization have/ has/had and STILL IS, continuously breaking every Commandments!!! So the hell with your/this video
Interesting point of view. So, how comes that you are not permitted to kill, but church is constantly blesses soldiers and weapons, especially those going to the war? Are those people this soldiers will kill, rob and rape are less human, then we are? This is just one question out of hundreds I can easily ask right out of my head about religion and 10 commandments. But, the most important question is: what about the free will human are supposed to have? Eh?
我放了一個有繁中字幕的版本在 https://youtu.be/ZNDhfS4A-Ws
I posted a version with traditional Chinese subtitles at https://youtu.be/ZNDhfS4A-Ws
Thank you PragerU for this video.
4th Commandment Starts with “Remember” 🤔👍 !!!!!
You don't need religion to do morally good you could raise someone completely isolated and they would still know its bad to hurts others even animals know that. It has Evolutionary benefits to not kill your own race. I hope one day you realize that religion is a tool to control people by scaring them
The Ten Commandments: What You Should Know
There is a total of 613 commandments in the Bible. There is a list of 10 that the bible calls "the ten commandments".
It is NOT the 10 you see on the various plaques and monuments. 7 of those commandments are wrong. Those are from Exodus 20 but the phrase "the ten commandments" does not appear in the Bible until Exodus 34.
Here are the Bible's ten commandments ( Exodus 34:14-28):
1) Thou shalt worship no other god.
2) Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. ( graven images)
3) The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep.
4) Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day rest.
5) Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks.
6) Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the Lord God.
7) Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven.
8) Neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left until the morning.
9) The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God.
10) Thou shalt not seeth a kid in his mother's milk.
Exodus 34:28 And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
No. Not indoctrination at all.
My Dream to live in world, continent, state, town & community as described. 10🙏commandments🌎🍀🤞😎
The 10 commandments aren’t in favour of women’s equality, the ending of slavery or a free society, I know you’re a capitalist so you are pretty much breaking the law on coveting in fact capitalism would not exist if no one started coveting things. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd don’t support freedom of religion, the 10 commandments don’t even mention slavery but god supports it, he told Joshua to take sex slaves and yo may say well slavery back then isn’t the same, if I get a job I don’t expect to get beaten by my boss, god is fine with you beating your slaves as long as they get up in a few days.
Your are absolutely correct in stating the Ten Commandments are as relevant today as ever; however, you violated #9 when you bore false witness upfront regarding Western Civilization and the abolition of slavery. Truth is Western Civilization perpetuated slavery which was abolished as a convenience rather than a act of strict adherence to the Commandments which invariably stand on their own as the Most High's infallible and non-negotiable directives. The Commandments are life sustaining and are righteously interwoven. If anyone violates a single Comnandment then he or she violates all!!!
Nothing was explained in this video. Ten Commandments are worthless
The ordering of the commandments is wrong. Please see the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (CCC 2052-2195 and CCC 2196-2557)
Promoting the religious code of a Bronze Age tribal cult from the Middle East.
Ten commands? hahaha
It is shocking that such a brazen endorsement of barbarism could have remained on display for so long. Almost its every tenet was directly antithetical to Human values.
I. No other gods before me? America enshrines religious freedom as the supreme law of the land.
II. No graven images? The First Amendment protects freedom of expression.
III. No taking the Lord's name in vain? This is purely a religious proscription, with no secular basis.
Again, the First Amendment protects freedom of expression, including blasphemy.
IV. No work on the Sabbath? Ever been to the mall on a Sunday? This commandment also endorses slavery, which is no longer, one hopes, an American value.
V. Honor your father and mother? Outraging one's elders has been a time-honored American tradition for generations.
More broadly, this commandment demands blind obedience to authority — but this country was born in rebellion.
VI. No killing? A nice idea, but one honored more in the breach than the observance. America glorifies killing and always has, as long as the victims are people of the wrong sort. Even Moses, when he came down from the mountain, immediately ordered the Israelites to start killing each other over the Golden Calf, for violating a commandment they hadn't been told about yet. Later, according to the story, the tribe indulged in an orgy of genocidal slaughter in order to take over other people's real estate.
VII. No adultery? It's not obvious in translation, but this commandment applied mostly to women. In Jewish law adultery, by definition, involved sex between a married woman and someone not her husband. A man could have sex with someone not his wife without committing adultery, unless of course the partner was someone else's wife. In that case he was committing a property crime against her owner (Hebrew used the same word for "husband" and "owner"). One would hope that American values would include equality between the sexes, though they certainly didn't originally.
VIII. No stealing? Okay, that one can stay. Unless of course you steal enough to join the country club and bankroll Republican candidates.
IX. No lying? That one can stay too. Unless you're President.
X. No coveting? Get serious. Coveting is the basis of our entire economic system.
is 'subjective'!
All cultures, including ideologies and religions, have their own standards of morality;
because we are Humans.
Morality has been passed on through the course of evolution because it helps us to live in large social groups by enhancing our ability to get along and interact with others. “
Building blocks” of morality, such as sensing fairness, experiencing empathy, and judging others’ harmful and helpful actions,
can be observed in infancy, before a child’s social environment would be able to have a strong influence. Specific parts of the human brain are involved in moral reasoning
– both the kind that happens very quickly and the kind that is thought out. Damage to certain parts of the brain can dramatically alter moral judgment and behavior.
Although human morality has been passed down through evolution, it is also dependent on the culture in which we grow up.
What humans consider to be moral behavior varies from culture to culture and also varies across time.
Atheists do indeed have morals.
Atheists recognize inherent evolved human morals as well as the complex moral systems that change and adapt within human societies.
Since atheists do not have a system of divine absolution, atheists emphasize personal responsibility
and rely on logical, reasoned morality.
Because no man has what it takes to write something better than the Ten Commandments.
The ten commandments supposedly are more than 2500 years old. Slavery was abolished in America a little over a hundred years ago. So why would we assume the ten commandments had anything to do with it? You swing Nazi stuff by as if they didn't believe God to be on their side….
Immoral behavior is wrong, because it hurts us or other people and is against someone's right, not because "God" amongst thousands of tales said so .Without self control and moral integrity, no religion doesn't work and with them, no religion doesn't help more. So your imaginary authority and its surveillance doesn't work, but individuals' attitude do.
Just flipped off god, feeling good
How good are the goodest of us? See James 2:10…
0:48 – yeah I can imagine (as can many others) a World without military, police, government, where we could all be free. It is called anarchy. The final state of developed communism. There are no governments, no private property, no need to "steal" from anyone or "kill" anyone. Basically, it is Star Trek society (and I am referring to TNG, not this new shit). Hundreds of millions of people are imagining that World right now, and we want to live in that World, but religious right does not allow us to live in that happy World. Muslim fundamentals do not allow us to live in that free and happy World. Dalai Lama does not allow us to live in that free and happy World.
We don't need some "god" to tell us what is good for us. We know it. And you rich guy know it too. But you wouldn't be rich if you did not force us to kill each other, would you?
"Fear is the mother of all gods." – Lucretius
Why are hungarian and english ten commandments are different?
Hungarian ten commandments: Uradat, Istenedet imád és csak neki szolgáj.(Worship your lord, your god and just him serv)
Isten nevét hiába ne vedd.(Do not take God´s name in vain)
Az úr napját szenteld meg.(Sanctify the day of the lord)
Atyádat és Anyádat tisztelt(honor your father and mother)
Ne ölj( do not kill(not murder)
Ne paráználkodj(no english variant this word but the sexual irresponsibility and sexual sins used this word)
Ne lopj( do not steal)
Ne hazudj és mások becsületébe kárt ne tédj( do not lie and do not harm others honor)
Felebarátod házastársát ne kívánd( don´t want your human companation´s spousend)
Mások tulajdonát ne kívánd( don´t want others propety).
If you're taking the existence of God that gave us the Bible as a matter of faith anyway, how is your conception of right/wrong also not just a matter of belief?
I think morality is objective but you cannot base it on faith.
This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen
Isn't it weird how little the ten commandments actually have to do with our law? First commandment: directly opposed to the first amendment. Second: not only not against the law but I'm constantly getting ads for religious paraphernalia plastered with the Jesus. Third commandment: nobody follows this, and it is again directly opposed to the first amendment. Fourth commandment: not against the law and the Sabbath for the Jews was Saturday and for the Christians, it's Sunday so… Fifth commandment: not against the law and also, parents and adults should act in ways that are respectable, if they don't, then they don't deserve respect. Sixth: on man, we have a match!! That's the first. Of course, societies that allowed murder probably didn't particularly prosper… Seventh: largely considered immoral, not against the law, so maybe that's a match? Eighth: okay, another match!! Two for eight so far! Ninth: perjury is against the law, unless you're a republican. But just lying… how about telling people that mythology is history every Sunday, does that count? Lastly, the big ten: thought crime. Yay!! Let's live in a society where people can be persecuted for their thoughts! And, by the way, you can't get any more anti-capitalist then outlying coveting, that's kind of the basis for our economy. So, finally tally is… 2.5 out of ten. Yay Yahweh, you win again!
You sure about that? Because a lot of your party (that is against universal rights, equality, slavery, and democracy) seems to really, really love executing people, which seems pretty contrary to the one about not killing people.
Isn't it funny how you clowns not only pretend to be responsible for all good morality in the world, while morality predates your book by millennia and still even YOUR cult can follow your own commands, but your book actually makes no mention of half the teachings you ascribe to it and in many cases directly contradicts them? Remember how slavery was condoned and performed for most of those ~3000 years including by christians citing their bible for justification, and a small-moustached man cited your god and his laws as moral foundation for a little ethnic cleansing he did? I guess not, facts seem to be the first thing chucked out of the window right after knowing murder is wrong without explicitly told so by a literally-magical authority when reality clashes with your confirmation bias and it hurts your precious feelings…
This very big, elderly looking child is so precious and innocent. We must protect them from the outside world. They must never know about the atrocities not covered by the bible. We must also keep him from reading further into the bible; where it contradicts those commandments, and condones those and other atrocities.
Which ten commandments? There are several.
Religion is FAITH based, dictionary definition meaning: belief in religious dogma without evidence!!
There’s zero evidence of ANY god !!
There zero evidence of any mythical Bible fairytale stories!! Bible is 90% disproven by science & logic, historically inaccurate, exaggerated or just false
There’s no eyewitness or archaeological evidence of Jesus, as a historical and magical figure!! Nobody knows exactly when he was born or when he died, the earliest non secular being Tacitus or Josephus….which are highly debatable, many of Christians go to apologetics arguments never mention name Jesus or are just Christian forgeries
It’s sad that these dumb foolish people are easily ignorant to facts and easily manipulated & indoctrinated to believe in such utter nonsense
What part of your 10 commandments could stop me from dragging you out of your house and burning it down. In such a perfect world I could do this