The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans | 5 Minute Video
What are the five biggest problems facing black Americans? Where do things like racism and police brutality rank? What about the absence of black fathers? Taleeb Starkes, author of Amazon #1 bestseller “Black Lies Matter,” lists the five. They may surprise you.
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What are the five biggest issues facing blacks in America? Here’s my list.
Problem #5. The Victim Mentality
Nothing holds someone back more than seeing himself as a victim. Why? Because a victim is not responsible for his situation. Everything is someone else’s fault. And the victim sees little chance of improving his life. How can he get ahead if someone is holding him back? All this makes the victim unhappy, frustrated and angry.
This is how too many blacks see themselves – as victims. So much so that their victim status becomes their primary identity and their ruling ideology. I call it victimology. Unfortunately, many black churches preach this “victimology,” many black parents pass it on to their children, inner-city schools teach it to their students and the black media reinforce it. Meanwhile, the NAACP and other black grievance groups fundraise on it.
Problem #4. Lack of Diversity
Blacks repeatedly demand an “honest dialogue or debate about race.” But how can there ever be an honest dialogue about race between blacks and whites when there is virtually no honest dialogue between blacks and blacks? It’s hypocritical. And if a black doesn’t think, “whites are ultimately responsible for black people’s problems,” they’re labeled a “sell-out,” ”Uncle Tom,” or “race-traitor.”
As long as this type of groupthink exists, race-reverends of the Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson type will continue to be celebrated while independent black thinkers such as Professors Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams will be shunned.
The honest race dialogue and debate — that first has to happen — is not between blacks and whites but between blacks and blacks. We demand diversity from others, but need to practice it ourselves where it really matters — in thought, opinion, and even political affiliation.
Problem #3. Urban Terrorism
As just about everyone knows, but too few talk about publicly, in majority black cities, violent black on black crime is rampant. A Department of Justice study from 1980-2008 revealed that blacks accounted for almost half of the nation’s homicide victims (47.4%) and more than half of the offenders (52.4%) all while only being 13% of America’s population.
The Tuskegee Institute conducted a study of all known lynchings of blacks that occurred between 1882-1968. During this 86-year span, which is essentially the post-Civil War era up to the Civil Rights era, 3,446 Blacks where reportedly lynched. Presently, black-on-black murder eclipses the number of blacks lynched over the course of 80 years roughly every six months.
Unbelievably, the culpability for this disproportionate amount of mayhem actually lies with a menacing 2-3% minority within the black populace. I call them urban terrorists. And since they’re literally spawned from problem #2, the black community protects them.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/top-5-issues-facing-black-americans

Diversity: agreeing with 2-5, immediately stopping video after #1 is mentioned
Guess black Americans should listen to fine black MAGA folks like Mark Robinson.
After all, Donald Trump proclaimed him, "Martin Luther King times TWO".
It's both funny and sad that PragerU enlists black commentators to present their most anti-black messages. Larry Elder, Carol Swain, Candace Owens and now this guy. The pattern is clear and obvious. It fools nobody (except right-wing extremists )
I challenge this commentator to HONESTLY answer this question… When did racial injustice and unfairness become irrelevant? When did it cease to be a n issue worth addressing? What year? What decade?
This video is bull 100% first every know PU is just that sinks. You want to see black people raise just get out of there way and watch them raise.
Not all single mom's are black
There's a lot of hispanic women that have a lot of kids from every Tom , dick and harry . But it's the welfare's fault . Because the more kids a woman has the less help she should get . And for the illegals from across the border . We the taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for that neither .
As Blk man, i see it like This, Ignore Temptation set by the Nation
It's hard to tell a group of people not to be victims when they have been being victims for hundreds of years
Imagine being born autistic in the hood bruh you cooked💀
mostly black americans are attitude than 😂 caucasian
With the black community mostly on welfare, looting, robbing, dealing drugs, the pig music, and gang warfare, it needs to understand that even Martin Luther King Jr. was opposed to their slide into the abyss.
John 11:49-52 King James Version "And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. And this spake he not of himself: ; but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; and not for that nation only, but also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad." The people thought he said Jesus should die so the Romans wouldn't come and destroy them, but Caiaphas was speaking by the Spirit of God prophesying about Christ's redemptive sacrifice.
The Black community holds up Martin Luther King Jr. as a great man and former leader of black America. He is quoted most as saying "That a man will be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." He was also speaking by the Holy Spirit because the message was not just that others need to stop judging by the color of skin, but also that the black community must project a positive character by correct behavior in order to earn the respect of others. This is the great fail of the black community in America where the present 'black culture' is destroying, or has destroyed, the perception of others that blacks are equal contributors to the American society. The black community in America needs to re-read MLKs speech and see it is also a call to repentance for them as well.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how they never fail to teach us how to identify logical fallacies
I’m black and I am so glad that I didn’t adopt that victim mentality and I’m glad that I did research and looked at statistics but white people/ police are the not the problem but we ourselves are!
Black thugs zip it ip up get a job or join the military a good job and stop robbing.
How DARE you compare black-on-black crime to lynching, disgusting
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Superb, I congratulate Mr. Thaleb for his courage in speak the truth.
This man is barely literate. Might as well have just painted a marionette black. This man's 8th grade reading level is a clear indicator that he's an actual victim of racial inequities in education.
As a black American he's exactly correct.
There is no place to save the video.
Sir, you are a liar! How much did the white supremacists pay you to repeat these lies? You will be judged! 🤔🦾🤮💩😤
Are Nazi Holocaust survivors practicing victimology? Asking for a friend. 🦾🤔🤮💩😤