The Truth About Canadian Healthcare
Why can’t America’s health care system be more like Canada’s? French-Canadian entrepreneur Alain Lambert has first-hand experience with both Canada’s and America’s health care systems, and he provides some cautionary tales.
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Why can’t America’s healthcare system be more like Canada’s?
Here’s what many people who ask that question think they learn about Canadian-style health care:
1. Everyone gets covered.
2. It’s free.
3. It’s great.
Number one is true. Everyone is covered.
Canadians pay for their insurance through their taxes. And, as you may expect, the tax rates in Canada are really high.
And number three is … well, let’s simply state it’s questionable. Let’s learn how questionable. But before we do, let me tell you a bit about me.
I’m so French Canadian, my name– Alan– is spelled A-L-A-I-N. I have actually experienced both Canadian health care and American health care. Here are some of my experiences with the Canadian system, the one so many Americans strive to.
Experience # 1:
In September 2000, my partner was 7 months pregnant with our youngest daughter. One day, my partner began having extreme lower back pain. She believed kidney stones– she had them in the past. She was really pregnant, so we needed to inspect it out. Kidney stones are bad, however something failing with the pregnancy would be a lot worse.
We went to the emergency room of our local healthcare facility in Montreal. This was Thursday. She was admitted to the health center and given morphine for her discomfort. She could not get an ultrasound the next day due to the fact that the maker for this procedure was completely reserved.
She didn’t get the ultrasound throughout the weekend, either, because ultrasound operators do not work on weekends. Lastly, on Monday afternoon, she got the test– after I begged her doctor to do something so we might discover if certainly my better half had a kidney stone or something had gone wrong with the pregnancy. Thank God, it was the former and not the latter.
In the United States, a pregnant female doesn’t wait a day to get an ultrasound if the child’s health remains in question. And ultrasound specialists are offered on the weekend.
Experience # 2:
Like all individuals with non-life-threatening conditions in Canada, he was placed on a waiting list. The discomfort got so bad, after a couple of months he went to see the specialist and pleaded for an operation. Instead, he went to Florida and paid $20,000 out of his own pocket to have the surgery right away.
In the United States, if you’re in dreadful pain, you can get a back surgery within days.
Experience # 3.
Since I have a household history of colon cancer, I was advised to get a colonoscopy every year. I went to see my specialist in May to set up my next treatment. She informed me that the doctor could carry out the treatment in November.
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She could not get an ultrasound the next day since the device for this treatment was fully scheduled.
She didn’t get the ultrasound during the weekend, either, because ultrasound operators do not work on weekends. On Monday afternoon, she got the test– after I pled her doctor to do something so we could discover out if indeed my spouse had a kidney stone or something had actually gone incorrect with the pregnancy. The discomfort got so bad, after a few months he went to see the professional and pleaded for an operation. Considering that I have a household history of colon cancer, I was encouraged to get a colonoscopy every year.