The Whiteness of Wokeness
Most people advocating for radical social change on behalf of people of color are not themselves people of color. How do you explain that? Wilfred Reilly, professor of political science at Kentucky State University, has some answers.
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How do you explain this?
Most people agitating for radical social change on behalf of people of color are not themselves people of color.
They are overwhelmingly woke, white leftists.
They use the genuine plight of poor minorities as a wedge, a lever by which to change the basic character of American society—a change that most people of color do not want.
Both anecdotal evidence and hard data bear this out.
A good example is the woke left’s obsession with politically correct speech. Ostensibly, this is all in the service of protecting the tender feelings of long-suffering minorities.
However, according to the best publicly available data, most minority groups dislike PC culture more than whites do.
Eighty-eight percent of Native Americans, 87 percent of Hispanics, 82 percent of Asian Americans, and 75 percent of blacks (vs. 79 percent of whites) call political correctness “a problem.”
According to multiple studies, only young, white, college-educated liberal and leftist women strongly support speech restrictions.
A Pew poll about the use of the term “Latinx,”—an attempt to remove gender from “Latino” and “Latina,”—makes this point. Only a quarter of all Hispanics and 38 percent of Hispanic college graduates have even heard of the term. What’s more, only 3 percent ever opt to use it. Many find it ridiculous.
If anything, the pattern here is one of white leftists telling Hispanics to speak in a more woke fashion—and Hispanics refusing to comply.
This turns out to be the rule, not the exception.
Defunding the police, a left-wing cause célèbre for much of 2020 and 2021, is another case in point.
A study conducted by Gallup found that 81 percent of black Americans want the police presence in their neighborhoods “to either remain the same or increase.” Only 19 percent of blacks favored any decrease whatsoever in police presence.
Little wonder.
As empirically-minded scholars have long pointed out, anti-police and “soft on crime” policies tend to dramatically increase crime rates in urban minority neighborhoods. In 2021, 12 major cities broke previous homicide records. Meanwhile, the number of arrests nationwide plummeted 24% in 2020, to the lowest in 25 years, according to FBI data.
Then there’s education policy. On charter schools, labeled racist by many liberals and leftists, data show another significant split: Blacks and Hispanics, especially parents, favoring school choice; white liberals and leftists opposing it.
According to recent data from Democrats for Education Reform, 58 percent of black Democrats and 52 percent of Hispanic Democrats have a positive opinion of charter schools. In contrast, just 26 percent of white Democrats favor charters.
Economist Thomas Sowell has observed that in the major American charter networks, among those classrooms in which students of color make up 90 percent or more, kids perform almost exactly on par with the majority-white student population of the nation’s public schools. Some do far better.
In a misguided effort to increase diversity, white leftists have lobbied to lower educational standards for blacks and Hispanics. Yet, evidence suggests that maintaining traditional standards is a much more effective approach.
The average combined SAT score for the sizable and mostly black senior class at the Success Academy charter-school system in 2019 was 1268; 10 percent of the class scored higher than 1400.
Like most charters today, Success Academy is a “pure lottery” school that does not get to pick and choose students. Given that fact and the school’s results—we’re talking about New York City—it is no surprise that minority parents, unlike white Democrats, strongly support charter schools.
The simple truth is that black and Hispanic citizens do not show much enthusiasm for cancel culture, for pulling good (and mostly minority) cops out of their neighborhoods, or for depriving their kids of a sound education in service to woke white notions of equity.
For the complete script, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/the-whiteness-of-wokeness

5:12 – Barring California, it doesn't work. Trump will win in a landslide in the 2024 election.
To suggest that white liberals are the primary group, as opposed to jews and blacks in combination, is an incomplete view
Go Woke Go Broke!
Wrong. The Black-Nationalist disney show "Proud Family" is an example.
"Whiteness" is an antiwhite theory similar to "Critical Race Theory".
Lol is this dude an AI?
The cheesiest lie I’ve heard is that “the Confederacy was Democrats.”
That was 160 years ago! If the GOP is going to dish out cheap propaganda, they shouldn’t be so transparent about it—try harder to hide it away.
Okay, so most people of color don't support defunding the police.
What percentage of whites in this country support defunding the police?
I don't know the statistics myself and I am ready to discover anything, but it seems rather suspicious that those statistics are not shown here.
"Whiteness" is a superstition/conspiracy theory invented by antiwhites in academia that erroneously claims Westmen are afflicted with a "psychosis" that caused us to "socially construct" race, genetics, and science itself for the sole purpose of victimizing nonwhites. When you use their terminology, you legitimize their ideology. All in all, crap video.
This is not the definition of woke. The liberal and the conservative have colonized it
Jen Psaki left the chat room 😂.
I never understood the purpose of needing a gender-neutral word. For Latino and Latina. Because there is already a gender-neutral word. Because you have Latino for male and gender-neutral is Latin.😊
I'd like to believe you but I would also like to see these studies you refer to.
Joe Biden has been very successful in fooling the black community
Even A famous anarcho-individualist philosopher by the nickname Max Stirner once wrote: “People have yet to fight for many types of liberty that we will not even miss”
Political correctness and wokeness are the rallying cry of a MINORITY of all races of voters.
White woke leftism today is outright paternalism. The equity mindset, changing of definitions, and constant “advocacy” for an unattainable utopia creates more division in the short term and breeds a new generation of weak, spoiled men and women in the long term. In a nutshell, it’s detrimental at best.
So it begs the question, why are most African Americans such cowards? Why do they enslave themselves and allow woke, white activists to humiliate them and keep them in poverty? You vote in private. There's no penalty for your vote. So why don't they vote red? To me, that screams ignorance and cowardice. The left is nothing but racist garbage, yet blacks remain their pawns. Republicans ended slavery. Democrats wanted slavery to last forever. Joe Biden is a two-faced devil, like all woke politicians. Blacks are either authentically stupid, or they would just rather stay enslaved and humiliated in order to collect welfare and unmerited benefits. That's pathetic.
Right on Professor!!
And the sad thing is, Republicans don't do much to dispel the notion that they're bigots because they write off voters of color and don't make and effort to campaign for their support (choosing instead to use those resources to win support from people they think are more likely to vote for them). As a Republican myself, this is one of many complaints I have against my own party. We don't have to win voters of color right away, but we need to start making inroads and chipping away at the Democrats' majorities. And the kinds of issues that this video talks about are one way to do it.
Awesome presentation!!!
I agree. White woke people use racism to their advantage by putting themselves on a pedestal and put fellow white people down to gain attention, wealth, power and elections
🎉 can we get this out in a broader spectrum please….
Latino would be the gender neutral way to say it when referring to a group. Woke people are stupid.
The Woke need to go back to sleep. You don't just suddenly gain IQ points just because you believe you have. Just like you can't magically change your sex because you "feel" a little weird in your own body.
The term Latinx is the most racist idea I've ever heard out of the white liberal demonrats. White liberals fail to to see that attempting to change the very language of another culture is cultural appropriation. What is not cultural appropriation is a high school girl wearing a cheongsam to her prom or a white person wearing a kimono at a Japanese cultural fair. Those things are called sharing cultures. Its what make the U.S. the great melting pot. .
Interesting video. I as a Black Australian man of East African Somali descent love the Black American community. I myself have no enslaved and segregated ancestors because they were East African Somali people who were never captured or kidnapped or sold into slavery because they came from a strong empire. I am the proud son of two East African Somali immigrant parents both my father and my mother plus my paternal uncle which they all successfully immigrated to Australia in the mid 1990s escaping the Somali Civil War which devastated the country. My family and I still live there today. I love Australia because it is so peaceful and relaxing here plus I enjoy my life here in this incredible country. If I was a descendant of an amazingly tough enslaved and segregated ancestors who went through so much suffering I would always honour them plus remember them. I would never disgrace or forget what they had to experience the painful torment of racism. My heart goes out to all the oppressed Black people in the past that had go through the African Tribal Warfare, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Chattel Slavery, the Colonial Wars, the Domestic Slave Trade, the American Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan Racial Terror Lynchings, the Race Riots, Convict Leasing, Jim Crow Segregation, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, Redlinings, the Inner City Gang Violence, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, the Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System, and Private Prison Abuse. In the United States of America today there is still Inner City Gang Violence, Police Brutality, Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System, and Private Prison Abuse so depressing. America needs a huge criminal justice reform, economic reform, gun control reform, immigration reform, police reform, political reform, and prison reform. I send my love plus support all the way from Lakemba, New South Wales, Australia. To all my fellow human brothers and sisters around the world, always remember be genuine & take care of one another.
Not to mention that the term Brown People is wrong to refer to Latins, since most Latins are of white race, but their ethnicity is Hispanic. Hispanic is not a race, but a ethnicity.
Young, college educated liberal white women are the problem in America. Change my mind.
I’m certain that anyone over 50 knows who is pushing the agenda, and why. It’s literally an open secret that people who have seen enough of life can pinpoint.
You’ll find that a lot of jewish people actually hold these position in power not white people
"White Liberals to the rescue.
What would we do without you.
You make our Black dreams come true.
White liberals to the rescue!"
This song needs more love!
Why won't Dennis Prager debate Sam Seder??
Why are the young, liberal, educated white women so involved in wokeness? Very good question. Do they really have this much guilt and if so why? Where does this drive, or over-drive, come from? A strong sense of motherhood or are they so easily absorbed by emotion?
Wow I cant believe im saying this but I agree with PragerU on this one, but its important to remember that the 'woke left' is actually quite a small (but loud) part of the left, and does not account for all people with a leftist veiw.
Malcolm X warned about the white liberal pretending to be the friend of black Americans.
What is the definition of "White"?
Dude's just talking into a camera on a free platform. You don't "need donations", you want paid to talk. Work a farm.
Thank you, Professor Reilly.
This video is a massive over-simplification to assume that no far-leftist progressive people of color are pushing hyper political correctness. That simply is not true. For example queer gender theory hispanic from gender studies and art departments have been the one's to coin and push the term Latinx. However white liberals are their biggest mindless enablers. But yes, over 95% of American latinos do not use that petty term, and the people of Latin America aware of this find it absolutely moronic (I live in Latin America). Also the woke manipulative term BIPOC was not created by white liberals nor is necessarily pushed by white liberals. It was created as a means to segregate from white liberals, among other reasons.
Ultimately this video is just as enabling as white liberals, because it points all contempt/blame towards one group, while completely letting black and latino liberals off the hook. As if they don't have agency or any responsibility for the nonsense. For example, while BLM may be primarily funded on white guilt money, the leaders are Black.
Yes 👍 ask us… immigrants, brown, black, receivers of food stamps, WIC, Medicaid, living under the poverty line, living in undesirable neighborhoods, having to send our children to rotten schools, “minority”, victims of the system, illegal, etc., etc.
Ask US! These “woke” people do NOT represent us!
Stop saying white Democrats and just say white people as you are misrepresenting the data.
I heard one young Hispanic woman say that she told someone that she has always been hired for every job she has applied for and that person told her it was because she was Hispanic. She said that now she's unsure about whether she was the best qualified or she was just filling a quota. I get that there must surely be employers who skirt the EEO laws, because of prejudice or sexism, but I don't know if quotas are the best way to deal with that, even people who work with Hispanic or some other minorities may think that they are unqualified for their job.