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@NatashaCrainAuthor, author of “Faithfully Different,” explains why secular culture appeals to us and compares “authority of self” to a biblical view of God’s authority.
Watch the full podcast episode: https://youtu.be/Q-l4XgV1Y0w
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What about the dogma of scripture that will not allow men to be instructed by women in authority? This is a big issue for right-wing Evangelical men in leadership today! For some of them, the articulate, young woman (Natasha) speaking in this segment would not be "biblical," according to both the Pauline and Pastoral Epistles of the New Testament. Historically, whole denominations have split over letting women teach or preach.
This reminds me of a quote from a movie. It goes, "Nobody can tell you where your place is. Where is my place? Where is anybody's place? I'll tell you where it is. Wherever you're happy. That's your place. And happiness is a matter of purely personal adjustment to your environment. In Hyde Park, for instance, some people like to feed nuts to the squirrels. But if it makes you happy to feed squirrels to the nuts, who am I to say, 'nuts to the squirrels'?"
Thirty to 40 years of seeker-friendly evangelism that relativies the gospel to the you-do-you-feelings of self-justifying sinners have been a major contributor to the mess we're in. Now that the trajectory is imposible to ignore, we see that the church has been following every narcissistic trend the culture has produced — not holding it back from the abyss but finding ways to embrace and validate it.
The salt has lost its savor …
I once asked a youth group what the most popular religion was today…I got a few guesses, but had to explain, the most popular religion is 'the religion of me'. The religion where one imagines oneself as the definer of what is basically true. Its a deluded religion because it fails to deal with what is truly and independently real; it fails to understand and deal with evil. It fails to bring you into fellowship with the creator and align your life with his.
I've learned in my 57 years on this earth that the one thing that most strengthens my walk with the Lord is going through trials and tribulations. The less power I feel like I have over my situation, the easier it is for me to put my faith in God. And the more I'm forced to put my faith in God, the deeper my relationship with Him becomes.
"Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:10
This is why the Amish are unplugged. They are also much better at taking care of each as a community. Mostly I think because they are less distracted by all this garbage 🗑 We are all just as capable but out in the world and plugged into the internet is so much more spiritual and psychological warfare on a daily basis.
Yet this worldview was ignored in 2020-21. "You do you", was not allowed because people were muzzled and/or injected in order to be allowed in businesses and even to keep their jobs. Nobody cared whether we wanted that or not. Even churches banned their own people from entry. No one is talking about that.
~ "Do as tho wilt" #AleisterCrowley 😈👍🏻🇨🇦